北日本病害虫研究会 --- The Society of Plant Protection of North Japan

北日本病害虫研究会報 目次
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan: Contents


Oku, T., Kobayashi, T., & Maeta, Y. Fluctuation in the Population Density of the Flase Melon Beetle, Atrachya menetriesi FALDERMANN, in the Grassland V 6

Kobayashi, T., & Saito, O. Studies on the Control of the Oriental Corn Borer, Ostrinia furnacaris (GUENEE) I 11

Terui, M., Harada, Y., & Hirai, M. A List of Plant Parasitic Fungi Collected in the Northern Districts of Shimokita-Peninsula, Aomori Prefecture 15

Narita, T. Brown Leaf Spot of Red Clover and Ladino Clover, Caused by Stagonospora recedens (MASSAL) JONES & WEIMER 19

Narita, T. Studies on Crown Rust of Oat and Grasses in Hokkaido and Aecia on Rhamnus japonica MAX. 25

Yaegashi, H., & Yanagita, K. Factors Affecting the Racial Distrbution of Rice Blast Fungus, Pyricularia oryziae CAV. I 39

Ujiye, T. On the Larva of Olavipalpula aurariae OBERTHUR (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) Infesting Apple Trees 45

Syoji, T. Effects of Temperatures on the Oviposition and the Development of the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (KUWAYAMA) 48

Tokairin, O. Incidence of Main Paddy Pests in Toda District, Miyagi Prefecture, During 1970 53

Katsube, T. Changes of Growth and Contents of Chlorophyll, Sugars and Nitrogen in Rice Plant Affected by the Downy Mildew 59

Chiba, T., & Hasegawa T. Cold Hardiness of Agrotis ipsilon HUFNAGEL and Agrotis fucosa BUTLER 66

Koshihara, T. Characteristics in Occurrences of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps UHLER, in the Tohoku District 71

Saito, O. The Influence of Moisture on the Embryonic Development of the False Melon Beetle, Atrachya menetriesi FALDERMANN (Coleoptera, Chrysomeridae) 78