北日本病害虫研究会 --- The Society of Plant Protection of North Japan

北日本病害虫研究会報 目次
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan: Contents

Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan
No.20 (1969) - No.64 (2013)

No.20 (1969)

MISAWA, T. & SATO, T. On the Susceptibility of Cucumber Varieties for Cucumber Mosaic Virus 122

TOGASHI, J. & SAKAMOTO, M. On the Temperature Condition Suitable for the Detection Erwinia aroideae from Soils by the Carrot Slice Method 138

FUJITA, K. & TOKI, A. Seasonal Prevalence and Economic Importance of Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis WALKER, in Aomori Prefecture 148

OYA, T. Seasonal prevalence of Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis WALKER, in Iwate Prefecture 157

ITO, H., IGARASHI, R., FUNABASAMA, K., SAI, T., & AZUMI, K. Outbreak of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens STAL, in Miyagi Prefecture I. Distribution of Outbreak, Analysis of Damage and Countermeasures 166

CHIBA, B., HINO, G., & MIYAMOTO, K. Outbreak of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens STAL, in Miyagi Prefecture II. Agro-meteorological Analysis on the Outbreak of the Insect 174

KOSHIHARA, T., & KAWABE, S. Relation of Temperature to the Development of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cinctieps UHLER, in the Tohoku District 181

FUSE, H. The Tobacco Cutworm, Prodenia litura(FABRICIUS), in the Shonai District 1. Note on the Occurrence 189

No.21 (1970)

Tanaka, S. & Shiota, H. Transmission of Potato Leaf Roll Virus by Different Strains and Form of Green Peach Aphid (Myzus pericae SULZER) 1

Hukusima, S. & Miyafuji, M. Life Histories and Habits of Misumenops tricuspidatus FABRICIUS(Araneae : Thomisidae) 5

Kobayashi, T. & Oku, T. An Outbreak of the Spotted Spittlebug on the Orchardgrass and Its Insecticidal Control. 13

Ujiye. & Wakou, M. Residual Toxicity of Several Pesticides Against the Adult of Holcothorax testaceipes RATZEBURG (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae) 17

Yanagita, K & Yaegashi, H. Effects of Primary Infection on the Resistance of Rice Plant to Blast Disease 21

Mogi, S & Yanagita, K. Reactions of the Zenith type Varieties of Rice to Races of Pyricularia oryzae in Japan 24

Takakura, S. & Yamamoto, T. Studies on the Nematode Genus Hirschmanniella I. The seasonal Fluctuation of the population Dencity of Hirschmanniella oryzae and H, immamuri in Hokkaido 27

Katube, T. & Koshimizu, Y. Node Blast due to Lodging of Rice Plant 32

No.22 (1971)

Oku, T., Kobayashi, T. & Maeta, Y. Fluctuation in the Population Density of the False Melon Beetle, Atrachya menetriesi Falldermann, in the Grassland I 11

Oku, T., Maeta, Y. & Kobayashi, T. Fluctuation in the Population Density of the False Melon Beetle, Atrachya menetriesi Falldermann, in the Grassland II 18

Kobayashi, T. & Oku, T. An Outbreak of the Spotted Spittle Bug on the Orchardgrass and its Insecticidal Control II 24

Sakamoto, Y. Notes on Japanese Species of the Genus Hypera Injurious to Leguminous Pastures 27

Imabayashi, S. The Brown Wheat Mite, Peterobia latenes(MULLER), in Hokkaido 35

Sasaki, T. & Kato, H. Climatic Factors and Synoptic Weather Charts Concerning the Initial Stage of Ocurrence of Leaf Blast on Rice Plants in the Paddy Fields 38

Tanaka, S. & Shiota, H. Transmission of Potato Leaf Roll Virus by Artificial Feeding of Aphids 44

Takakuwa, M., T. Tamada, M. Makiguchi & Kimura, H. The Damage Caused by the Infection of Water Melon with CGMMV-W at Several Stage of Plant Growth 47

Suzuki K. and Kumagai T. A Sin Ipe Method for Forecasting the Beginning of Leaf Blast Epidemic 52

No.23 (1972)

Oku, T., Kobayashi, T., & Maeta, Y. Fluctuation in the Population Density of the Flase Melon Beetle, Atrachya menetriesi FALDERMANN, in the Grassland V 6

Kobayashi, T., & Saito, O. Studies on the Control of the Oriental Corn Borer, Ostrinia furnacaris (GUENEE) I 11

Terui, M., Harada, Y., & Hirai, M. A List of Plant Parasitic Fungi Collected in the Northern Districts of Shimokita-Peninsula, Aomori Prefecture 15

Narita, T. Brown Leaf Spot of Red Clover and Ladino Clover, Caused by Stagonospora recedens (MASSAL) JONES & WEIMER 19

Narita, T. Studies on Crown Rust of Oat and Grasses in Hokkaido and Aecia on Rhamnus japonica MAX. 25

Yaegashi, H., & Yanagita, K. Factors Affecting the Racial Distrbution of Rice Blast Fungus, Pyricularia oryziae CAV. I 39

Ujiye, T. On the Larva of Olavipalpula aurariae OBERTHUR (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae) Infesting Apple Trees 45

Syoji, T. Effects of Temperatures on the Oviposition and the Development of the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (KUWAYAMA) 48

Tokairin, O. Incidence of Main Paddy Pests in Toda District, Miyagi Prefecture, During 1970 53

Katsube, T. Changes of Growth and Contents of Chlorophyll, Sugars and Nitrogen in Rice Plant Affected by the Downy Mildew 59

Chiba, T., & Hasegawa T. Cold Hardiness of Agrotis ipsilon HUFNAGEL and Agrotis fucosa BUTLER 66

Koshihara, T. Characteristics in Occurrences of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps UHLER, in the Tohoku District 71

Saito, O. The Influence of Moisture on the Embryonic Development of the False Melon Beetle, Atrachya menetriesi FALDERMANN (Coleoptera, Chrysomeridae) 78

No.24 (1973)

GOTO, M. : Ecological Studies on the Rice-Root Nematode, Hirschmaniella imamri SHER, with special Reference to its Relationship of Interaction between Arrangement of the Roots at the Node in Rice Plant and Host-parasite System in Nematode. 1

NARITA, T., and ITO, H. : The Fungi identified to Ascochyta phaseolorum SACC. in HOKKAIDO. I. 6

KOBAYASHI, T., OKU, T., KUMAGAI, S., ITO, H., and HUNABASAMA, K. : Simultaneous Control of the Soybean Seed Pests with Bycid Dust in an Area where occur some Southern Pests together with the Soybean Pod Borer. 14

SAKAMOTO, Y., OHASHI, Y., and TSUTSUMI, M. : Control of the Wireworms by several Insecticides. 18

SEKITA, N. and YAMADA, M. : Studies on Forecasting the Hatching Time of Archips fuscocupreanus WALSINGHAM(Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) 23

FUSE, H. : An Observation on the Mass Flight of the Black Cutworm Moth, Agrotis ipsilon HUFNAGEL 28

KATSUBE, T. : Influence of Incidence of Downey Mildew on Yield of Paddy Rice 32

OKAZAKI, K. : Parasitic Wasps of Rice Leaf Miner, Agromyza oryzae MUNAKATA. No.1. A Report of the Studies on the Primary Parasitic Chalcid Flies (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae and Entedontidae) bred from the Larvae of Rice Leaf Miner (Diptera : Agromyzidae) 36

ITO, T., SUGAHARA, N., TOYAMA, K., OUCHI, S., ITO, H., FUNABASAMA, K., and HINO, G. : Application of Micro-granule Insecticides for the Control of Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae KUWAYAMA, by use Boom Type Power Duster (Pipe Duster) 43

No.25 (1974)

Sato, R. and Araki, T. : On the Tomato Root-rot Disease Occured under Vinyl-house Conditions in Southern Hokkaido. 5

Oya, T. : Toxic production by Apple Leaf Spot Fungus, Alternaria mali ROBERTS : Improved Culture Media for Production of Powerful Toxic Metabolites. 14

Kazino,Y. : Studies on the Ecology of Foxglove Aphid, Acrythosiphon solani (KALTENBACH). 18

No.26 (1975)

Narita, T. and Itagaki, H. : The Fungi Identified to Ascochyta phaseolorum Sacc. in Hokkaido. II . 3

Terui, M., Harada, Y., Hirai, M. and Kudo, T. : A List of Plant Parasitic Fungi Collected in Aomori Prefecture (5)An Additional List of Fungi Collected in the Northern Districts of Shimokita-peninsula. 12

Kobayashi, J. : Rice Seed Treatments for Bakanae Disease Control by Soaking Pre-germinated Seed in Tkiram-Benomyl Mixture 14

Hasegawa, T., Hayakawa, H., Matsumura, T., Yasuda, K. and Orita, N. : Horn Fly Control with a New Insecticide Barizon by Self Treatment Dust Bags. 20

Chiba, T. and Shinohe S. : Observations on the Development of Egg, Larval and Pupal Stages of Asparagus Beetle, Crioceris puatuordecimpunctata Scopoli (Coleoptera, Chrysomllidae) 25

No.27 (1976)

NARITA, T. : Ovularia pusilla(UNG.) SACC. et D. SACC. on Grasses in Hokkaido. 4

NARITA, T. : The Fungi Identified to Ascochyta phaseolorum SACC. in Hokkaido. III . 12

HAYAKAWA, H. : TAKAHASHI, H., KIKUCHI, T. and SHISHIDO, H. : Tabanid Fly Occurrences and Spraying Effects of a Repellent-insecticide on Grazing Beef Cattle in Nabeyashiki Pasture at Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station. 21

SHINDO, K. : Yearly Fluctuation in Occurrence of The Races of Rice Blast Fungus. 27 KATO, S., AMEMIYA, Y. and MISAWA, T. : the Biological Quantitative Assay of Cucumber Mosaic Virus with Cowpea. 31

KATSUBE, T. and CHELVATHRAI, M. : Potato Tuber Rot Caused by Late Blight in Sri Lanka. 36

KOBAYASHI, T., OKU, T. and CHIBA, T. : Local Variation and Prediction of Insect Injuries to Soybean Seeds in Iwate Prefecture. 41

No.28 (1977)

OKAZAKI, K. : Parasitic Wasps of Rice Leaf Miner, Agromyza oryzae MUNAKATA. 3. Population Dynamics and Parasitic Rstes of the Chalcid Flies, (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) bred from the Lavae of Rice Leaf Miner, (Diptera : Agromyzidae) 10

FUNABASAMA, K., ITO, H., KOBAYASHI, T. and OKU, T. : Local Variation and Prediction of Insect Injuries to Soybean Seeds in Miyagi Prefecture 17

SASAKI, T. : Infection of fusarium moniliforme to Rice Spikelets Damaged by Sparrows 22

MIYAJIMA, K., AKITA, T., CHIBA, S., CHIBA, J. and TANAKA, T. : Bacterial Sheath Brown Rot of Rice Plant in Aomori and Yamagata Prefecture 26

KOBAYASHI, J. and KOYAMA, J. : Studies on the Sampling Method for the Survey of Rice Pests 30

CHIBA, S., CHIBA, J., SHIMADA., K., OTA, K. and KUWATA, H. : The Outbreak of Bacterial Sheath Brown Rot of Rice Plant in Aomori Prefecture and its Effects on Yield and Quality of Rice 38

KATSUBE, T. : Relationship between the Nursery Type and the Incidence of Downy Mildew in Paddy Rice 44

SASAKI, H., KAMEGAMORI, W., FUJII, I. and SAKAMOTO, Y. : Notes on the Muscids Associated with Cattle (Ecological studies of flies. 1) 49

No.29 (1978)

KIDOKORO, T. : Rearing by Dry Seed and Development of Riptortus clavatus THUNBERG, (Heteroptera : Coreidae) 5

No.30 (1979)

Michiyo GOTO and Toru YAMADA : Ecological Studies on Emmalocera sp. Parasitic to Echinochloa. Daily Behavioral Rhythms in Adult Stage and Experimental Studies of the Timing Mechanism of Oviposition 6

Takeshi UJIYE : A simple Method for Testing the Residual Effect of Insecticides on the Apple Leaf Miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella MATSUMURA 12

Kazufumi NISHI : Some Observations on the Fall Webworm Larvae Considered as the Third Generation at Fukushima in 1978 17

Akiyasu ITOMI : The Relation between the Incidence of White-Backed Planthopper, Sogata furcifera HORVATH, and Topography of Area Surrounding Paddy Field 21

Takashi KOBAYASHI, Toshio OKU, Akio TOKI, Takekatsu CHIBA, Kin-etsu WATANABE, Jiro KOBAYASHI, Katsuo FUNABASAMA, Norio EGUCHI and Mitsuru SAITO : Some Important Aspects of she Soybean Injury by Insect Pests in Upland Fields Converted from Paddy Fields in Tohoku District, 1978 26

Norio SEKITA and Masateru YAMADA : Influences of Hibernating Habitats on the Mating of Lyonetia Prunifoliella HUBNER subsp. malinela (MATSUMURA) 31

Katsutaro OKAZAKI : Parasitic Wasps of Rice Leaf Miner, Agromyza oryzae MUNAKATA. No.4. Autoecological Studies on the Chalcid Flies (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) bred from the Larvae of Rice Leaf Miner (Diptera : Agromyzidae) 35

Yasuhisa FUJITA, Yukio ONUMA, Teruo SANADA, Manabu UMEKAWA, and Yasumasa WATANABE : Augular Leaf Spot of Muskmelon. I . Occurrence of the Desease and Infectivity of Isolated Bacteria 43

Manabu UMEKAWA, Yasumasa WATANABE and Yasuhisa FUJITA : Angular Leaf Spot of Muskmelon. II . Identification of Causal Bacterium 48

Yoshikatsu FUJITA and Hozumi SUZUKI : Suppresion of Blast Disease Occurrence by Double Inoculation between Rice Blast Fungus and Some Fungi on the Rice Plant 53

Kouhei KOMIYA : Fungicidal Effects of Metham-Sodium (Sodium N-Methyldithiocarbamate) in Soil. (1) Fungicidal Activity of Air Passed through Soil Treated with Metham-Sodium 56

No.31 (1980)

Minoru ICHINOHE : Studies on the Root-Knot Nematode of Black-Pepper Plantation in Amazon 1

Jiro KOBAYASHI : Efficacy of Phthalide on Panicle Blast of Rice 9

Yoshikatsu FUJITA and Hozumi SUZUKI : Change of Field Resistant Resction of Rice to Some Isolates of Blast Fungus 16

Shigeru OSADA and Takashi INOUYE : Studies on the Fungicide Strains of Pyricularia oryzae CAVARA 1. Occurrence of Resistant Strains of Pyricularia oryzae to IBP in Miyagi Prefecture and Methods of Determining Their Strains 18

Tadae ADACHI, Kazuo MATSUMOTO, and Akira HASHIMOTO : Influence of Wind on Occurrence of Rice Leaf Blast (Preliminary report) 20

Kazuo MATSUMOTO, Akira HASHIMOTO and Tadae ADACHI : Optimum Spray Timing for Rice Panicle Blast Observed from Dosage-Effect Relationship (Preliminary Repprt) 23

Keiji OHTA, Jun-itsu CHIBA, and Suesaku CHIBA : Effects of Fungicidal Applications on the Varietal Differences of Lesion Development in Rice Blast 26

Koichi ASAGA : Pathogenicity of Conidiospore of Blast Fungus Stained with Fluorescent Dye 30

Toshiya SATO and Masanobu WATANABE : The Epidemic Outbreak of Blast (Pyricularia oryzae) in Rice Variety, Yamatenishiki, in Mogami District, Yamagata Prefecture 32

Yoshikatsu FUJITA and Hozumi SUZUKI : Rice Distribution of Rice Blast Fungus in 1975-1979 34

Hozumi SUZUKI and Yoshikatsu FUZITA : Influence of Temperature on the Outbreak of Rice Blast Disease 36

Keisuke SHINDO and Koichi ASAGA : Panicle Blast Resistance of Rice Varieties Evaluated by Natural Infection in Fields and Artificial Inoculation in Greenhouse 38

Seiichi HIRAYAMA, Hisao TOHKAIRIN, Takashi TANAKA and Kazuo KIMURA : On the Outbreak Feature of Brown Sclerotium Disease and Bordered Sheath Spot of Rice Plant 40

Seiichi HIRAYAMA, Takashi TANAKA, Hisao TOHKAIRIN and Kazuo KIMURA : On the Overwintering by Sclerotium of Brown Sclerotium Disease Fungus (Sclerotium oryzaesativa SAWADA) of Rice Plant 42

Tomiichi TAKEDA and Hiroshi FUSE : The Yearly Range on the Development of the Sheath Blight of Rice Plant Caused by Rhizoctonia solani KUHN 44

Kiyohide ISHIGURO, Masataro SATO, Toshiichi SAITO and Tomiichi TAKEDA : Chemical Hnyury of MAF on Rice Plant Occurred in Shonai District in 1979 and Its Effect on Yield and Quality of Rice 46

Katsumi OGAWA : Occurrence of Seedling Blight caused by Rhizopus sp. during Raising of Young Seedling of 3.5 Leaf Ages 49

Masayoshi SUWA, Katsumi OGAWA and Shigeru WATANABE : Studies on Bacterial Grain Rot of Rice Plant. 3. Secondary Infection of Grain Rot Bacterium during the Seed Soaking and the Raising of Rice Seedling 52

Takao GOTO : The Growth of Seedlings Infected with Bacterial Seedling Rot (Pseudomonas glumae) and the Occurrence of Diseases and Insects on Those Seedlings after Transplanting in the Field 54

Yoritsugu ENDO : Relation of Raising Conditions of Seedling Flat and Development of Rice Seedling Rot Caused by Pseudomonas glumae 56

Takao GOTO : Ecology and Control of Bacterial Grain Rot Rice 58

Hozumi SUZUKI and Yoshikatsu FUJITA : Timely Application of Chemicals Thought from Infection Time for Control of Soybean Purple Speck 60

Tatsuo OZAWA, Katsumi OGAWA and Shigeru WATANABE : Effect of Seed Disinfection and Foliar Application for Control Soybean Purple Speck 62

Toshihiro KATSUBE : The Effect of Soybean Purple Blotch on Growth Yield and Some Chemical Components of Seeds (Preliminary Report) 64

Satoru SUGIYAMA, Chimao FUKUSHIMA and Sadao WASHIO : The Reaction of Soybean Varieties to Downy Mildew (Peronospora manshurica) 67

Manabu UMEKAWA and Yasumasa WATANABE : Control of Angular Leaf Spot of Cucumber by Suppressing the Relative Humidity in the Plastic House 69

Hirotaka KUWATA, Jun-itsu CHIBA, Keise SHIMADA and Suesaku CHIBA : Transmission by Seed Bulbs and the Site of Infection of White Rot of Garlic Caused by Sclerotium cepivorum 71

Jun-itsu CHIBA, Hirotaka KUWATA, Keise SHIMADA, and Suesaku CHIBA : Fungicidal Control of White Rot of Garlic Through the Treatment of Seed Bulbs 73

Kuniyuki MIYAJIMA : Occurrence of Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. hordei (Hagborg)Dye) of Orchardgrass in Hokkaido Prefecture 74

Koji FUJITA, Yahei TANAKA and Sukemoto KUDO : Conidial Dispersal in Valsa ceratosperma (TODE et FRIES) MAIRE, the Causal Fungus of Japanese Apple Canker 78

Yukio HARADA, MItsuhiko YAMAUCHI and Kenzo SAWAMURA : Experimental Control of Japanese Apple Canker (Valsa ceratosperma) by Spraying Homai in Early Spring 81

Tsutomu SAKUMA : A Consideration of the Simple Screening Method to Determine the Efficiency of Fungicides on Apple Valsa Canker 82

Yukio HARADA and Kenzo SAWAMURA : Basitac (Mepronil), a Promising Agent for Preventing Basidiospore Production by Galls of Japanese Apple Rust (Gymnosporangium yamadae) on Junipers 84

Shin-ichi TAKEDA, Takeshi HIRARAGI and Hiroshi SEKIGAWA : Effect of the Rain on Occurrence of Apple Rust 85

Syunsaku TAKAHASHI and Jin TANBA : Occurrence of Grape Cristulariella Leaf Spot (Cristulariella pyramidalis WATERMAN and MARSHALL) in Akita Prefecture 87

Kyozi FUKUSHI, Takashi SUGIKI and Chimao FUKUSHIMA : Tolerance of Grape Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea PERSOON) to Thiophanate-methyl 89

Takeshi HIRARAGI, Fusaharu NAKATANI and Hiroshi SEKIZAWA : Studies on the Canker of Pear. I. Occurrence of the Disease and Symptoms 91

Fusaharu NAKATANI, TAkeshi HIRARAGI and Hiroshi SEKIGAWA : Studies on the Canker of Pear. II . Isolation and Identification of Pathogens 93

Tsugio SHOJI and Kunihiro SATO : Control of Witches' Broom on Cherry Trees caused by Taphrina wiesneri by Prunning of the Diseased Twigs and Fungicidal Application 95

Mamoru INOMATA : A Model of Suction Type Automatic Slide Spore Trap Operated at any Presetting Time 98

Takashi KIDOKORO : Ovipositing Habit of the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae KUWAYAMA I. Oviposition Rhythm and Interval in the Field 101

Takashi KIDOKORO : Ovipositing Habit of the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae KUWAYAMA II . The Influence of Rice Quality on the Oviposition Ability and the Survial Rate of Adult 103

Takashi KIDOKORO : Ovipositing Habit of the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae KUWAYAMA III . Variation in the Egg Mass Size 105

Yoshio MIYAHARA : The Mating Rate of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis GUENEE Collected on the East China Sea 107

Yuichiro FUJISAKI, Masamichi ISHIGAKI and Keishiro FUSHIMI : Studies on the Forecasting Method of the Occurrence in the Smaller Rice Leaf Miner, Hydrellia griseola FALLEN(1) Survey Method 110

Toshiaki TAKANO : On the Injury of Rice Plant by the Tettigoniids in the Northern Part of Miyagi Prefecture 112

Nobuo KAWABE, Masamitsu KATO, Naoki SEITA, Masao ASHITATE and Takashi KOJIMA : Some Observation on the Appearance of Neolethaeus dallasi SCOTT in Paddy Field 114

Takashi SAITO and Norio EGUCHI : Effect of Soybean Injury by Defoliators in Upland Field Converted from Paddy Field 116

Tadao SUZUKI and Tei SATO : Black Spots on Soybean Grain Damaged by Some Insect 118

Takekatsu CHIBA and Toshio SUZUKI : Effects of Temperature on the Egg, Larval and Pupal Development of the Seed-corn Maggot, Hylemya platura MEIGEN 119

Hidenori TORIKURA : On the Stalk-Borers of Young Corn in Northern Hokkaido I . Species and Character of Injury 122

Hitoshi TSUTSUI, Kenpei HONMA and Yoshio HIRAI : Distribution of Wilting Plants by Injury of False Sweet Flag Cutworm, Helotropha leucostigma laevis BUTLER, in a Maize Field 124

Hisashi INOUYE, Makoto SHIBA, Yoshio NAGANO and Akihiro IINUMA : Control of the Turnip Maggot by Application of Some Insecticides in Soil 126

Hisashi INOUYE, Makoto SHIBA, Yoshio NAGANO, Akihiro IINUMA, Wakaichi SHIBASAKA and Kooki UMINO : Control of the Striped Flea Beetle by Application of some Insecticides in Soil 128

Yasuyoshi AKIYAMA : Studies on the Flea Beetles of Sugar Beet III . Feeding plants of the Adult Flea Beetle, Chaetocnema discreta BALY 130

Hisashi INOUYE, Kenpei HONMA and Tsuneo ARAI : On the Wire Worm, Migiwa quadrillum (CANDEZE), a New Pest of Sugar Beet Seedling 132

Haruo HORIGUCHI and Toshinobu MURAI : Deposition of Spray on Beet and Potato Leaves in the Ground Low Volume Application of Pesticides 133

Toshio OKU : Seasonal Cycle of Mamestra illoba BUTLER in Morioka 135

Hirofumi HAYAKAWA and Tsutomu HASEGAWA ; Tabanids Collected at Shimokita Peninsula 138

Hirofumi HAYAKAWA and Shozo WATANABE : Tabanids Collected at Ohda-city, Shimane Prefecture 140

Hirofumi HAYAKAWA, Hiromitsu MORIYAMA and Tomiko HAYAKAWA : Tabanids Collected in Fukushima Prefecture (Survey in 1979) 141

Hisashi INOUYE : Ecological Studies on Carabidae, as Natural Enemies of Insect Pests XIV. The Ground Beetles, Harpalini on Cultivated Field 142

Hisashi INOUYE : Ecological Studies on Carabidae, as Natural Enemies of Insect Pests VX. The Ground Beetles, Pterostichiui on Cultivated Field 143

Nobuyuki OYAMA and Masateru YAMADA : Soil Surface Fauna in Apple Orchard II . Carabid Beetles Collected by Pitfall Traps 144

Akira KAMIYAMA, Yuji HANADA and Takeshi AKAHIRA : Survival in Winter and Activity after Hibernation of the Summer Fruit Moth Larva 147

Takeshi UJIYE and Yuji TAKAHASHI : Parasites of the Apple Leaf Miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella (MATSUMURA), Collected from Several Orchards of the Southern Part of Akita Prefecture 149

Masayoshi WAKOU : On the Body Size of the European Red Mite, Panonychus ulmi (KOCH) and Two Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae KOCH 152

Masaru OSAKABE : Influence of the Experimental Materials on the Survey Results of Adult Emergence of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina niponensis WALSINGHAM, in the Net House 155

Masaru OSAKABE : Biological Notes on the Oviposition of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina niponensis WALSINGHAM, in the Apple Orchard 158

Masaru OSAKABE : On the Larval Growth of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina niponensis WALSINGHAM, under the Abnormal High-Temperature Condition in the Apple Orchard 160

Hiroshi FUSE and Tomiichi TAKEDA : Diseases and Insect Pests on Soybean in the Fields Converted from Paddy Fields 162

No.32 (1981)

FUJISAKI Yuichiro : Studies on the Forecasting Method of the Occurrence in the Smaller Rice Leaf Miner, Hydrellia griseola Fallen (1) Survey Method 1

FUJISAKI Yuichiro and Masamichi ISHIGAKI : Studies on the Forecasting Method of the Occurrence in the Smaller Rice Leaf Miner, Hydrellia griseola Fallen (2) Life Table 3

TSURUTA Ryosuke and Jiro KOBAYASHI : Relations between the Density of Dead Hearts by 1st Generation and Density of Oviposited Hills, Injured Stems by 2nd Generation of Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker 5

OHSAWA Shuichi, Yoshihiro TOYAMA, Mitsuru SAITO : Effects of Insecticidal Application on Rice Bugs and Control of Pecky Rice 10

HACHIYA Kazuhiko, Yozo HASHIMOTO, Yoichi KAZINO and Tamotsu HARUKI : Bionomics of the Rice Plant Weevil, Echinocnemus squameus Billberg in Autumn and Winter 12

KAZINO Yoichi : Seasonal Prevalence and Control of the Rice Aphids 14

FUSE Hirosi, Sinsuke SAITO, Kiyohide ISIGURO and Tosiiti SAITO : On the Diseases and Insect Pests of Soybean in the Upland Field Converted from Paddy Field in Shonai-district I . On the Black Cut Worm, as a Pest of Early Growing Stage 16

SHIBUYA Shunichi : Development of the Soybean Pod Gall Midge, Aspondylia sp., in Lespedeza thunbergii Nakaii 19 SHIBUYA Shunichi : Distribution of Crop Injury by the Soybean Pod Gall Midge, Aspondylia sp., in Miyagi Prefecture 21

TORIKURA Hidenori : On the Stalk-Borers of Young Corn in Northern Hokkaido II . Seasonal History of Amphipoea fucosa Freyer 23

TORIKURA Hidenori : On the Stalk-Borers of Young Corn in Northern Hokkaido III . The Distribution of Amphipoea spp. 26

AKIYAMA Yasuyoshi : Studies on Flea Beetles of Sugar Beet IV . Feeding Plants of the Larva of the Beet Flea Beetle 28

HANADA Tsutomu : Attack to Potato Plant by the Larva of Solanum Flea Beetle, Psylliodes angusticolis Baly 30

INOUYE Hisashi and Shizuo IWAKURA : Control of the Solanum Flea Beetle by Application of Insecticides in Soil 32

INOUYE Hisashi and Shigeo SATOH : Control of the Solanum Flea Beetle by Application of Some Insecticides 33

INOUYE Hisashi, Akira NAKANO and Munekichi YAMASHITA : Control of the Beet Flea Beetle by Application of Some Insecticides 34

INOUYE Hisashi : Ecological Studies on Carabidae as Natural Enemies of Insect Pests X VI . The Ground Beetles, Bemdidiini on Cultivated Field 35

INOUYE Hisashi : Ecological Studies Carabidae as Natural Enemies of Insect Pests X VII . The Ground Beetles, Platynini on Cultivated Field 36

INOUYE Hisashi and Masao ITOH : The Outbreak of Vegetable Grasshopper, Eirenephilus longipennis Shiraki in Tokachi District of Hokkaido in 1980 37

OKU Toshio : Preliminary Notes on the Seasonal Life Cycle of Autographa mandarina Freyer 39

OKU Toshio : Notes on Apamea sordens basistrigata Staudinger in Tohoku District 41

OKU Toshio : Notes on Some Grass-Feeding Noctuids of the Genus Mythimna in Tohoku District 42

ABE Kanji, Yuichiro FUJISAKI, Haruo HOJO and Ryozai SUZUKI : Researches on the Greenhouse Whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporarium Westwood (Hemiptera : Aleyrodoidae) : Its Overwintering in the Field 44

SHOJI Takashi and Wataru UENO : Ecological Studies on the Peach Leaf Miner, Lyonetia clerkella Linne V . Life Tables in the Insecticide-unsprayed Orchard 46

MAEDA Masataka : Attacking Periods by Stink Bugs on Peach Fruits 52

TAKAKURA Shigeyoshi and Eiiti YAMADA : Studies on the Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis(Woll.)Mulvey & Stone, Fluctuation of Nematode Population by the Depth of Soil 54

YAMADA Eiiti and Shigeyoshi TAKAKURA : Studies on the Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis. Reduction in the Nematode Population by Nematode Trapping Plants and their Utilization 57

SIMIZU Kei, Hisashi INOUE, Kiyoshi SUNADA, Kenpei HONMA and Yasushi MITSUI : Reces of the Soybean Cyst Nematode in Tokachi District, Hokkaido 67

HAYAKAWA Hirofumi : Tabanids Collected at Yuhfutsu Plain, Hokkaido 69

HAYAKAWA Hirofumi and Tsutomu HASEGAWA : Dung Beetles Collected from Cattle Feces at Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido 70

HAYAKAWA Hirofumi : Tabanid Flies and Biting Muscid Flies Infesting Cattle at Nakayama Pasture, Tottori National Livestock Breeding Station 71

HAYAKAWA Hirofumi : Tabanids Infesting Cattle at Yamaguchi Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station 72

HAYAKAWA Hirofumi : Tabanid Flies and Biting Muscid Flies Infesting Cattle at Aso Branch, Kumamoto National Livestock Breeding Station 73

HAYAKAWA Hirofumi : Tabanids Infesting Cattle at Beef Cattle Branch, Miyazaki Agricultural Experiment Station 74

YAEGASHI Hiroshi and Koichi ASAGA : Pathogenic Race and Mating Type of Blast Fungus Obtained from Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia in 1978 75

YAEGASHI Hiroshi and Koichi ASAGA : Possibility of Overwintering of Crabgrass Blast Fungus, Pyricularia grisea (Cooke)Saccardo, by Infected Seeds 77

CHIBA Suesaku, Junitsu CHIBA and Keiji OHTA : Factors Affecting the Lesion Number and the Infection Rate of Leaf Blast of Rice Plant, and Their Multiple Regression Analysis 78

TAKEDA Tomiichi, Seiichi HIRAYAMA, Hisao TOHKAIRIN and Kazuo KIMURA : Effect of Blast Occurrence on Yield and Quality of Rice 84

MATSUMOTO Kazuo, Akira HASHIMOTO and Tadae ADACHI : Optimum Spray Timing for Rice Panicle Blast Observed from Dosage-Effect Relationship and the Effect of 1980 Cold Summer on its Efficiency and Spray Timing 88

TOHKAIRIN Hisao, Seiichi HIRAYAMA, Ryuichi ISAWA, Yoshikatsu FUJITA and Hozumi SUZUKI : Breakdown of Highly Resistant Varieties in the Severe Outbreak Districts of Blast Diseases and Its Control 94

SUZUKI Hozumi and Yoshikatsu FUJITA : Effect of Disinfection of Rice Seed on Rice Blast Disease 98

KUMAGAI Seiji, Hiroshi SASAKI, Toshiro SUGIHARA, Hirohiko MITUZUKA and Osamu KATO : Effect of Fungicide “Orizemate” Granule Application Simultaneously throughout the District on Leaf Blast of Rice 100

OSADA Shigeru and Takashi INOUYE : Studies on the Drug-resistant Strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara. II . Control Effect of Some Fungicides on Rice in Relation to Prevalence of Kasugamycin -and IBP-Resistant Rice Blast Fungus Strains 102

HIRAYAMA Seiichi, Hisao TOHKAIRIN, Tomiichi TAKEDA and Kazuo KIMURA : Chemical Control for Bordered Sheath Spot of Rice Plant 105

KODAMA Fujio and Sadao TSUCHIYA : Brown Blotche on Glume of Rice Plant Caused by Epicoccum purpurascens Ehrenberg ex Schlechtendahl 107

SUWA Masayoshi, Katsumi OGAWA, Yasumori AKASAKA and Shigeru WATANABE : Discoloration of Rice Grains Occurred at Iwate Prefecture in Cool Summer, 1980 110

KAKUMA Fumio and Mitsuru SAITO : High Operative Control of Soybean Insects and Deseases, with Newly Developed Backwards Dusting Type Nozzles 113

SATO Toshiya, Norihiko KOBAYASHI and Hajimu KOMADA : Comparison of Resistance of Some Soybean Cultivars to Several Isolates of Stem Rot Phytophthora 115

FUJITA Yoshikatsu and Hozumi SUZUKI : Effect of Temperature on a Infection of Cercospora kikuchii 117

FUJITA Yoshikatsu and Hozumi SUZUKI : Scanning Electron Microscopic Study on Infection Process of Cercospora kikuchii on Leaf and Pod Surface of Soybean 120

SUZUKI Hozumi and Yoshikatsu FUJITA : On the Over-Wintering and First Outbreak of Purple Speck Fungus of Soybean 122

OZAWA Tatsuo, Kuniaki TSUKIJI and Shigeru WATANABE : Timing, Frequency, and Technique of Application of Chemicals for Control of Soybean Purple Speck 125

FUSE Hiroshi, Hozumi SUZUKI, Kiyohide ISHIGURO, SAITO Shinsuke and Toshiichi SAITO : On the Diseases and Insect Pests of Soybean in the Upland Field Converted from Paddy Field in Shonai-district. II . Stem Rot Occurred in the Early Growing Stage of Soybean in 1980, Especially Anthracnose and Its Control 127

CHIBA Jun-itsu and Hirotaka KUWATA : On Occurrence of Coix Smut in Aomori Prefecture 130

SHIMANUKI Tadayuki, Rinzo SATO, Naoyuki MATSUMOTO and Toru SATO : Chemical Control of Bentgrass Snow Blights Caused by Typhula spp. 132

ISHIZAKA Nobuyuki and Kisaku YANAGITA : Effect of Foliar Application of Thiophanate-methyl on Control of Neck Rot in Onions during the Storage Period 134

TAKAKUWA Makoto, Fujio KODAMA, Izumi SAITO and Hisashi INOUE : A Survey on Onion Basal Rot in Hokkaido 136

NAKATANI Fusaharu, Takeshi HIRARAGI and Hiroshi SEKIZAWA : Studies on the Canker of Pear. III . The Small Black Spots on the Twig 141

AIZU Hirosaku and Norio NAKAZAWA : Evaluation Concerning Lesion Density of Alternaria Leaf Spot on Apple 144

NAKAZAWA Norio, Chimao FUKUSHIMA, Yoshiaki OSANAI and Kazue SEGAWA : Studies on Crown Rot of Apple Dwarf Rootstock. I . Occurrence of the Disease and Its Causal Fungus 146

FUJITA Koji and Kazue SEGAWA : Studies on Apple Silver Leaf Caused by Stereum purpureum Persoon. IV . Symptoms and Effects on the Diseased Apple Tree 148

Characteristics of Diseases and Insect Pests on the Crops Caused by Cool Summer in 1980

Foreword 165 Summary of Panel Discussion 166

SUZUKI Hozumi : Special Features in North Japan Compared with the Other Parts of Japan 173

TAKAKUWA Makoto : Diseases and Insect Pests on Rice and Upland Crops in Hokkaido 178

CHIBA Jun-itsu, Suesaku CHIBA and Sadao WASHIO : Diseases on Rice and Upland Crops in Aomori Prefecture 181

WATANABE Shigeru : Diseases on Rice in Iwate Prefecture 186

INOUE Takashi, Toshio OIKAWA and Ryozo HONKURA : Diseases and Insect Pests on Rice and Upland Crops in Miyagi Prefecture 190

KOBAYASHI Jiro : Rice Blast in Akita Prefecture 194

TOHKAIRIN Hisao and Takashi SAITO : Diseases and Insect Pests on Rice and Upland Crops in Yamagata Prefecture 198

MATSUMOTO Kazuo and Tadao IBARAKI : Rice Blast and Other Rice Diseases in Fukushima Prefecture 202

SAKAKI Tsugio : Diseases on Vegetable Crops in North Japan 208

SAKUMA Tsutomu : Diseases on Trees in North Japan 212

SUZUKI Tadao : Insect Pests on Rice and Vegetable Crops in North Japan 214

MIYAHARA Yoshio : Insect Pests on Upland Crops in North Japan 217

OSAKABE Masaru : Insect Pests on Fruit Trees in North Japan 218

KOSHIMIZU Yukio : Concluding Remarks 220

No.33 (1982)

AKAI, J. : The soil-borne diseases and its control of Laguminous crops in upland field converted from paddy field in Hokkaido 1

HIGASHI, T. and SAITO, S. : Mutual relations among levels of field resistance of rice cultivars to rice blast, disease severity and yield losses 7

OHTA, K., CHIBA, S. and SHIMADA, K. : Simulation of rice leaf blast using BLASTCAST, a plant disease simulator 9

HASHIMOTO, A., MATSUMOTO, K. and ADACHI, T. : Some trials for forcasting rice leaf blast epidemics by application of the computer simulation 12

SHINDO, K., YAEGASHI, H. and ASAGA, K. : Races of blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae Cav., isolated in Tohoku district in 1980 15

SHINDO, K. YAEGASHI, H., IWANO, M. and ASAGA, K. : Blast fungus virulent to Pi-b isolated in Tohoku district in 1980 and 1981 18

IWANO, M. and ASAGA, K. : Estimation of racial composition and its proportion of rice blast fungus (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) in the paddy field by seeding trap method 21

FUKAYA, T. and KOBAYASHI, J. : Occurrence of resistant strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara against Kasugamycin in Akita prefecture and declining of the strains after breakig of chemical application 25

IITOMI, A., FUKAYA, T. and DOBASHI, S. : Occurrence of torelant stains of rice blast fungus for chemicals in Yuri district of Akita prefecture and evaluation of effects of chemicals application in the district with seeding trap 29

ASAGA, K., SHINDO, K. and IWANO, M. : Effect of field resistance and chemical (granule) application on the panicle blast 33

YAMAYA, S. and KOBAYASHI, J. : Relations between effect of Fthalide on rice panicle blast and the chemicals residues in panicle 36

OGAWA, K. and SUWA, M. : Relationship between symptoms and of the age rice seeding inoculated by Pythium sp. 39

TAIRA, T. : The outbreak of the false smut, in Hamadori district, Fukushima prefecture in 1980 41

OIKAWA, T., HONKURA, R. and INOUE, T. : Discoloration of nufulled rice occurred by typhoon at Miyagi prefecture in 1981 43

TANAKA, F. and TSUCHIYA, S. : Causal fungi of brown blotche on glume of rice plant and enviromental factors affecting for the occurrence of the disease in Hokkaido 46

GOTO, T. : Occurrence of rice bacterial grain rot by inoculation of Pseudomonas glumae to seeding of rice plant 49

SUZUKI, H. and FUJITA, Y. : General aspects of snow mold of wheat and rye in the upland field converted from paddy field in the Yokote basin 51

HONKURA, R., OIKAWA, T. and INOUE, T. : Studies on diseases of Job’s tears I .Influence of cultivation method on occurrence of Job’s tears leaf blight 53

INOUE, T., OIKAWA, T.and HONKURA, R, : Studies on diseases of Job’s tears II .Infection source of leaf blight 55

OIKAWA, T., HONKURA, R. and INOUE, T. : Studies on diseases of Job’s tears III .Effect of disinfection of Job’s tears seed on Job’s tears leaf blight and head smut 58

KUWATA, H. SHIMADA, K., SATOH, N. and OHSAKA, N. : Spore germination of smut fungus of Job’s tears, Ustilago coicis Bref., with special refference to its thermal death points 60

KUWATA, H., SHIMADA, K. and SATOH, N. : Control of smut disease of Job’s tears by seed treatment with several fungicides and the effects of the fungicides to the spore germination 63

TAKAHATA, Y., KODAMA, F. and AKAI, J. : Seed rots and damping-off of corn and its control by seed protectant fungicides 65

TSUKIJI, K., OZAWA, T. and OKAJIMA, M. : Technique of application of chemicals and deposition for control of soybean purple speck 67

TSUCHIYA, S., TANAKA, F. and KODAMA, F. : Resistance of some soybean cultivars to Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae Hildebrand and pathogenic race of isolates 69

TANAKA, T. : Difference of resistance of soybean varieties to several isolates of stem rot phytophthora and pathogenic race of isolates 72

HORIGUCHI, H. : Control of the soybean dwarf disease by the soil application of insecticides 75

HYAKUMACHI, M. and UI, T : Relationship between incidence of sugarbeet root rot in monoculture and climatic factors 77

OZAWA, T., SASAKI, K., ENDO, M. and ONO, T. : A suppresive phenomenon of chinese cabbage clubroot in the field 79

FUKUSHIMA, C., OSANAI, Y., NAKAZAWA, N. and SEGAWA, K. : Effect of calcium on violet root rot of apple tree 81

TSURUTA, R. and KOBAYASHI, J. : Distribution pattern and survey method of population density of ovipositional hills by 2nd generetion of rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker, in paddy fields 83

HASHIMOTO, Y. and HARUKI, T. : Analysis of damage by rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae Kuwayama, of rice plant in Hokkaido 85

OHSAWA, S. and SAITO, M. : Estimation of number of annual generations of Togohemipterus Scott by inspection of ovarial development 87

OKUYAMA, S. : Role of day-length in the oviposition of dormant eggs by the leaf bug, Trigonotylus colestialium Kirkaldy, and condition for release from the dormancy 89

IIMURA, S. : Seasonal prevalence of soybean pod borer, Leguminivora glycinivorella (Lepidoptera : Eucosmidae) in southern Iwate prefecture 93

OKU, T. and MIYAHARA, Y. : An aphid infesting soybean root, Smynthurodes betae Westwood 96

FUSE, H., SUZUKI, H., ISHIGURO, K., SAITO, S. and KANEKO, K. : On the diseases and insect pests of soybean in the upland field converted from paddy field in Shonai-district III .Diseases and insect pasts occurred in paddy field planted soybean in a group in 1981 97

FUSE, H., ISHIGURO, K., SAITO, S. and KANEKO, K. : On the diseases and insect pests of soybean in the upland field converted from paddy field in Shonai-district IV .Relation between crop injury by the black cutworm and weed flora 103

MAEDA, M. and KIDOKORO, T. : Analysis of damage on soybean defoliated by herbivorous insects I .Effect of defoliated time and degree on the yield 106

KIDOKORO, T. and MAEDA, M. : Analysis of damage on soybean defoliated by herbivorous insects II .Leaf consumption by larvae of bean tussock moth 108

MIYAHARA, Y. : Virgin female traps for capturing males of Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee 110

AKIYAMA, Y. : Studies on flea beetles of suger beet V .Influences of temperature and duration of sunshine on egg production 113

AKIYAMA, Y. : Studies on flea beetles of sugar beet VI .Influence of food plant of adult on egg production 116

AKIYAMA, Y. : Studies on flea beetles of sugar beet VII .Hatching of egg in relation to temperature and humidity 118

TSUTSUMI, M. and MITSUI, Y. : The seasonal prevalence of three species of Diptera on onion in Sapporo district 119

SHOJI, T. and SAITO, T. : Some insect pests of safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L, in Yamagata prefecture 122

CHIEDA, T. : Ecological notes on oriental carpenter moth, Cossus japonica Gaede, in apple orchards 124

YAGINUMA, K., SATO, R, KANNO, K. and KUMAKURA, M. : Combined application of carbaryl and organophosphorus insecticides for the control of organophoshorus insecticide-resistant green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) 126

YOSHII, T. and SUZUKI, E. : On the nematodes found in mulberry trunks and yellow-spotted longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 129

YOSHII, T. and SUZUKI, E. : Inoculation experiments of the mulberry trees infected with nematodes obtained from mulberry trunks and yellow-spotted longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 131

AMANO, K., HASEGAWA, T. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Comparison of the susceptibilities of the adults of Musca hervei with those of M. domestica to several insecticides by settling mist method 133

INAOKA, T., HAYAKAWA, H. and YONEYAMA, Y. : Faunal makeup and seasonal distribution of hematophagous tabanid flies at pastures in Wassamu, Hokkaido 139

HAYAKAWA, H. : Dung beetles collected from horse and cattle feces at Eburi district, Hokkaido 142

HAYAKAWA, H., YONEYAMA, Y. and INAOKA, T. : Tabanid flies collected at the marshes of Niseko, Kushiro, Sarobetsu and Ukishima in Hokkaido 143

HAYAKAWA, H. and KITAOKA, S. : Culicoides collected by light-trappings at a cattle barn at Shimokuriyagawa, Morioka-shi 144

No.34 (1983)

TSUZUKI, H. : Ecology of the rice water weevil and its chemical control 1

IITOMI, A., DOBASHI, S. and SATOH, Y. : Tolerable density level of white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath, for rice plant in Akita prefecture 6

SATOH, Y., DODBSHI, S., and IITOMI, A. : Catch of smaller rice leaf miner, Hydrellia griseola Fallen, by tow net trap and light trap 9

TOMIOKA, T., OKUYAMA, S. and HACHIYA, K. : Two species of Hydrellia infesting rice leaf in Hokkaido 11

TOMIOKA, T. : Ecological note on two species of Hydrellia 13

SAITO, M., OHSAWA, S., HIKICHI, N., INOMATA, M., SUZUKI, K. and TAIRA, T. : Occurrence of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus kuschel (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), in Fukushima prefecture 17

KOBAYASHI, M. and SUZUKI, T. : Seasonal prevalence of rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel) in Iwate prefecture in 1982 and its possible course of invasion 20

SAITO, T., EGUCHI, N. and SHOJI, T. : Invasion of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in Yamagata prefecture 23

OKUYAMA, S., HARUKI, T. and HACHIYA, K. : On the injury of wheat grains by the rice leaf bug, Trigonotylus colestialium Kirkaldy, in Hokkaido 26

MIYAHARA, Y. : Rearing of the oriental corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee, on artificial diet 2. Fertility of female moths 30

FUSE, H. and SATO, M. : Recent increase of soybean seed damages by defoliators and their control in Shonai plain 33

SATO, M. and FUSE, H. : Damege of soybean by the two-striped leaf beetle, Medythia nigrobilineata Motschulsky, and its control by insecticides 37

HIRAI, K. and MIYAHARA, Y. : A note on Diadegma sp. (Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidae), a parasite of the soybean pod borer, collected from the northern part of Japan 40

AKIYAMA, Y. : Studies on flea beetles of sugar beet [. On the character of severely injured regions and the overwintering circumstances of the adult 42

AKIYAMA, Y. : Studies on flea beetles of sugar beet \. Seasonal occurrence of the adult flea beetle on some cultivated and wild plants 45

TORIKURA, H. : Notes on the potato infesting aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, in Hokkaido 47

CHIBA, T. : Seasonal prevalence of the garden pea leafminer, Phytomyza horticola Goureau (Diptera : Agromyzidae), on spring field pea and the control by application of some insecticides 50

YAGINUMA, K. KANNO, K. and KUMAKURA, M. : Control of cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) by application of insecticides 53

YAMADA, M. and KAWASHIMA, K. : Selective effect of insecticides for the control apple golden leaf miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumura 55

TORIKURA, H. : Notes on the grass-cutting noctuid, Apamea lateritia Hufnagel 59

MATSUDA, K. and MATSUO, H. : Host plants of salicaceae-feeding leaf beetles 61

AMANO, K. : Studies on biology of the yellow dung fly, Scatophaga stercoraria L. (Diptera : Scatophagidae) I . Effects of temperature on the growth and development 64

AMANO, K, : Studies on biology of the yellow dung fly, Scatophaga stercoraria L. (Diptera : Scatophagidae) II . Seasonal prevalence and occurrence of overwintering generation in a pasture 66

INAOKA, T. and MATSUDA, T. : Species composition and daily fluctuation of blood-sucking activity of tabanid flies in Ebetsu, Hokkaido 69

HAYAKAWA, H. and HASEGAWA, T. : Dung beetles collected from cattle feces at Okinawa islands 71

HAYAKAWA, H. and INAOKA, T. : Tabanid flies collected in the northern part of Hokkaido 73

HAYAKAWA, H. : Catchabilities of tabanid species by a collapsible pyramid trap 75

SUZUKI, H., FUJITA, Y., OYAMA, N., SATO, T. and SUMIDA, H. : Susceptibility changes to panicle blast of rice plant affected with cool damage of sterile type or that of growth-delayed type 77

SUZUKI, H. and FUJITA, Y. : Influence of rain after inoculation on the lesion develoment of rice blast disease 79

FUJITA, Y. and SUZUKI, H. : Influence of temperature,, shading and artificial rain on sporulation of Pyricularia oryzae 81

ADACHI, T., MATSUMOTO, K. and HASHIMOTO, A. : Effect of low air temperature on the incidence of rice panicle blast 84

IWANO, M. and ASAGA, K. : Competitions among the isolates belonging to major and minor races of rice blast fungus distributed in a paddy field 86

SUZUKI, H. and FUJITA, Y. : Effect of fungicides to rice blast disease in paddy field irregated with cold water 88

FUKAYA, T. and KOBAYASHI, J. : Simple method for detecting resistant strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara to Kasugamycin 91

OSADA, S. : Studies on the drug-resistant strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara III . Effect of granular fungicides by submerged application on population change in resistant strains of rice blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae Cav., to Kasugamycin and IBP 95

OSADA, S. : Studies on the drug-resistant strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara IV . Effect of rice cultivars differing in field resistance to blast on population change in resistant strains of rice blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae Cav., to Kasugamycin and IBP 98

OSADA, S. : Studies on the drug-resistant strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara V . Effect of differing in lesion development to blast on population change in resistant strains of rice blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae Cav., to Kasugamycin and IBP 101

SUWA, M., WATANABE, S., SUGAKAWA, K. and OGAWA, K. : Behavior of pathogens during normal temperature storage of colored rice grains 104

GOTO, T. : Effect of thiram seed protectant on bacterial seedling rot of rice by Pseudomonas glumae 107

OGAWA, K. and OZAWA, T. : Process and effect of double seed-disinfection by thiram benomyl wp. and bath treatment against wheat and barley 109

NEMOTO, M. : Occurrence of leaf rust on maize plants Tohoku district 111

MIKOSHIBA, Y., NEMOTO, M. and GOMI, T. : Maize streaked dwarf disease occurred in the field of Tohoku national agricultural experiment station 113

IIZUKA, N. and YUNOKI, T. : Evaluation of resistant soybean varieties to soybean mosaic and stunt viruses by sap or graft inoculation 115

FUJITA, Y. and SUZUKI, H. : Synchronization of soybean maturity by picking off flowers and its application for selection of resistant varieties to purple seed stain 118

TSUCHIYA, S. and FURUYA, H. : Physiologic race of Phytophthora magasperma f. sp. glycinea from soybean root and stem rot of occurred in Hachirogata reclaimed land, Akita prefecture 121

YANAGITA, K. and ISHIZAKA, N. : Control of phytophthora stem rot of soybean by metalaxyl 124

SEKIZAWA, H. and NAKATANI, F. : The first occurrence of rust on garland chrysanthemum in Japan 126

OSANAI, Y., NAKAZAWA, N. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Effect of basamid on the violet and white root rot diseases of apple tree 128

CHU, E., NAKAZAWA, N. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Studies on the silver-leaf disease of apple tree(1). Observation of the inoculated apple trees with the mycelia of Stereum purpureum 130

No.35 (1984)

KOSHIMIZU, Y. : Reminiscences of 25 years of research work on rice blast 1

FUJITA, Y. and SUZUKI, H. : Seasonal occurrence of rice blast in the paddy field transplanted with diseased-seedlings 8

SUZUKI, H. and FUJITA, Y. : Changes in leaf susceptibility to blast disease of rice plants treated with low temperature at different ages of leaf 10

ADACHI, T., MATSUMOTO, K. and HASHIMOTO, A. : Effects of low temperature after inoculation at the first heading time on the incidence of rice panicle blast 13

OHTA, K., SHIMADA, K. SATO, N. and WASHIO, S. : Statistical analysis of climatic effects on the degree of fungus development of rice blast estimated by the leaf sheath inoculation technique 15

SUZUKI, H. and FUJITA, Y. : Time and number of application of granules or wettable powders for control of the rice blast disease occurred under cold water irrigation 18

SUZUKI, H. and FUJITA, Y. : Relationship between the occurrence of leaf and panicle blast disease in the paddy field irrigated with cold water 21

IWANO, M. and ASAGA, K. : A comparison of the aggressiveness among the isolates of rice blast fungus virulent to a rice variety Toride No.1(Pi-zt) 24

IWANO, M. and ASAGA, K. : Races of rice blast fungus isolated from a paddy field in southern district of Akita prefecture in 1983 27

IWANO, M., ASAGA, K., INOUE, T. and HONKURA, R. : Racial distribution of rice blast fungus in the regions in Miyagi prefecture where were mainly cultivated a cultivar with one true resistant gene(Pi-a)to blast 29

TSUKIJI, K. and OZAWA, T. : Drift of fungicides on aerial application for the control of rice blast 32

MASUMOTO, K., HASHIMOTO, A. and ADACHI, T. : On the resistant strains of Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) S.Ito to benomyl appeared in Fukushima Prefecture (preliminary note) 34

TANAKA, F. and TSUCHIYA, S. : Studies on pink coloring of rice grains I . Infection period of Epicoccum purpurascens to the glumes and effect of low temperature on its infection 37

HONKURA, R., INOUE, T. and OIKAWA, T. : False blast of rice leaf blade caused by Helmithosporium (Exserohilum) sp. 40

HARADA, Y. : Inoculation experiments with corn rust, Puccinia sorghi Schw., on its alternate hosts, Oxalis spp. 41

TAKAHASHI, T. : A method for evaluating the effectiveness of seed disinfectant against purple seed stain of soybean 43

TOHKAIRIN, H., TAKEDA, T., ARAGAKI, K. and MIURA, H. : Occurrence and some investigations of root necrosis by Calonectria crotalariae (Loos) Bell et Sobers, of soybean in Yamagata prefecture 46

OGAWA, K., SUZUKI, T. and TAKEDA, S. : Occurrance of soybean dwarf in Iwate prefecture, and its control effect 50

TAKEDA, T., ONIKI, M. and SUZUI, T. : Effect of fungicides for the hyphal growth of 3 Cylindrocladium species 53

SUGIYAMA, S., NORO, S. and MATSUNAKA, K. : Occurrence of zonate leaf spot in tomatoes in Aomori prefecture in 1983 56

FUJITA, K., MATSUNAKA, K. and SEGAWA, K. : Effect of fungicidal sprays during bloom on apple fruit set and occurrence of russet 59

NAKAZAWA, N., SAITO, A. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Control of apple scab (1) Some fungicides with curative effect on the disease 62

HAYASHI, S. and OCHIAI, M. : Studies on the ring rot of apples 2 . Spore dissemination of Botryosphaeria sp. from diseased twigs 65

CHU, E., NAKAZAWA, N. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Studies on the silver-leaf disease of apple trees(2) Further observation of the symptoms of apple trees inoculated with mycelia of Stereum purpureum 68

TSURUTA, R. : Insecticides available for control of 2nd generation of rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker, after prediction of rice yield loss due to the insect 70

TAKANO, T., FUJISAKI, Y., ABE, K. and SATHO, S. : Outbreak of the white-backed planthopper,Sogatella furcifera Horvath, and the paddy leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee, in Miyagi prefecture in 1983 72

IITOMI, A., DOBASHI, S. and SATHO, Y. : Seasonal prevalence of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Hovath, in Akita prefecture 75

MURAI, T., FUJITA, M., ABE, N., ARAYA, E., KIMURA, T. and FUJIMURA, T. : The life cycle of small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen, in Aomori prefecture 79

KONNO, T., TOHKAIRIN, H. and SAITO, T. : Behavior of dimethoate granules in rice plant, soil and irrigation water, and its effect on the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae Matsumura 82

ARAI, S., SATO, T., ABE, N., MURAI, T., FUJITA, K. and FUJIMURA, T. : Ecology and control of rice water weevil, Lissorphoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel I . Immigration and dispersal in Aomori prefecture 85

SATO, S., ABE, K., FUJISAKI, Y. and TAKANO, T. : Seasonal prevalence of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in Miyagi prefecture 89

SAITO, T., SHOJI, T. and ENDO, S. : Annual life cicle of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in Yamagata prefecture 91

KANEKO, K., ISHIGURO, K., TANIGUCHI, E., TOGASHI, Y. and FUSE, H. : Invasion of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in Shonai district in Yamagata prefecture 94

SHOJI, T., EGUCHI, H., SAITO, T. and ENDO, S. : Survival rate of overwitering adults of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in the long snow cover area 97

SUZUKI, T. and KOBAYASHI, M. : Ovipositing prevalence and seasonal prevalence of larva, pupa, in the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel 100

KOBAYASHI, M. and SUZUKI, T. : Effects of an insecticide on rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel) in rice seedling boxs and application time for the granular agent 103

SATO, M. and FUSE, H. : Damage of soybean by the two-striped leaf beetle, Medythia nigrobilimeata Motschulsky, and its control by insecticides (II ) 106

SATO, M. and TSURUTA, R. : The fauna of soybean pests in Akita prefecture 110

TORIKURA, H. : Invasion, distribution and displacement of Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach in sprouting potato field 115

AKIYAMA, Y. and TORIKURA, H. : Notes on the injury of upland crops by a broad-nosed weevil, Meotiorhynchus querendus Sharp 122

OKU, T. : Seasonal adult occurrence of the spotted cutworm and possibility of its settling in the lower subalpine zone 126

OHSAWA, S., TOYAMA, Y. and SAITO, M. : Insecticides susceptibility of the diamond-back moth in Fukushima prefecture 129

AMANO, K. : Host preference of the yellow striped flea beetle, Phyllotreta striolate Fab. (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae) 132

SAITO, O. : Life history of the onion stem borer, Hydraecia mongoliensis Urbahn in Hokkaido 136

KAWASHIMA, K. and YAMADA, M. : An ovicide screening method for the peach fruit moth (Carposina niponensis Walsingham) using eggs laid on praffin paper 138

AIZU, H., SEKITA, N. and YAMADA, M. : Notes on apple fruit damage caused by sucking of the large brown cicada, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata Motschulsky 140

HIRAI, K. : Number of moths caught in traps equipped with four fluorescent lamps, whith some characteristics of attracted moths 144

TORIKURA, H. : Biological notes on a crambine moth, Chrysoteuchia culmella Linnaeus injurious to grasses 147

OKU, T. and OHIRA, Y. : Aestivation site of Spaelotis valida Walker 152

HIRAI, K. : Notes on Apanteles kariyai Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the armyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker 154

KAWAHARA, A. and SAKAMOTO, Y. : Studies on the host preference of lesser clover-leaf weevil, Hypera nigrirostris (Preliminary report) 157

HAYAKAWA, H. : Variability of abdominal markings and autogeny in Chrysops vanderwulpi 160

HAYAKAWA, H., TAKAHASHI, H. and KIKUCHI, T. : Influence of the attack of tabanid flies on the daily behavior-pattern of grazing cattle 162

HAYAKAWA, H., INAOKA, T., YAMAGUCHI, K. and NAGASHIMA, G. : Tabanid flies collected in the southern part of the Oshima peninsula, Hokkaido 165

AMANO, K. : Researches of seasonal and diurnal prevalence of tabanid flies by means of CO2-lured net trap 168

AMANO, K. : Influence of some meteorological factors on seasonal and diurnal prevalence of adult black flies (Diptera : Simuliidae) 172

TAKAKURA, S. : Spread and increase in population of the plant parasitic nematodes in some field converted from paddy fields 176

TAKAKURA, S. : Difference of host reaction of some clover varieties to northern root-knot nematode 180

HORIGUCHI, H. and MURAI, T. : Droplet size distribution and spray drift potential in the ground low volume application of pesticides 182

No.36 (1985)

NARITA, H. : Present situation of mites control on the fruit trees in the countries of Central Europe 1

TSURUTA, R. : Control threshold for 2nd generation based on the dead heart injured by 1 st generation of rice stem borer 6

TAKEDA, M. and SUZUKI,. T. : Assessments of resistance of high-yielding rice varieties and their parental varieties, and laboratory technique for testing resistance in the green house to the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae MATSUMURA 10

TAKANO, T. and FUJISAKI, Y. : Emergence time of the smaller rice leaf miner adult, Hydrellia griseola FALLEN 14

KIDOKORO, T and MAEDA, M. : Effect of larval density on the leaf consumption and mortality of smaller rice leaf miner, Hydrellia griseola FALLEN 17

FUJISAKI, Y. and ABE, K. : Overwintering and hatching conditions of smaller rice leaf miner, Hydrellia griseola FALLEN, in Miyagi prefecture 19

SATO, T., ANDO, Y. and SUZUKI, T. : Control of the rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae KUWAYAMA, by the band application of fertilizer mixed cartap near the side of seedlings at rice-planting 22

YUUKI, S. : Notes on the host plant of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL 25

SUZUKI, T., KOBAYASHI, M. and KOBAYASHI, Y. : Invasion and oviposition period of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL, to the paddy fields 27

NAGANO, T., FUZISAKI, Y., SATO, S. and ABE, K. : Relation between seasonal prevalence and temperature of air, water and soil of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL, in Miyagi prefecture 30

ENDO, S., SAITO, T. and SHOJI, T. : Control of the rice water weevil by seedling box treatment and paddy water application of insecticides 32

KOBAYASHI, M. and SUZUKI, T. : Effects and phytotoxicity of the carbosulfan granule on rice seedling boxes for the control of rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL) 35

TAKAHASHI, F., NAGANO, T. and SATO, S. : Occurrence of spotted rice by sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus MATSUMURA, in the north of Miyagi prefecture 38

SAITO, T., SHOJI, T., ENDO, S. and EGUCHI, N. : Ecology and control of wheat and barley aphids 1. Occurrence and seasonal prevalence of wheat and barley aphids in Yamagata prefecture 41

SAITO, T., ENDO, S. and SHOJI, T.: Ecology and control of wheat and barley aphids 2. Analysis of injury to wheat caused by aphids 45

TSUTSUI, H. and HONMA, K. : Notes on natural enemies of noctuid pests of maize plants in early growing stage 48

TORIKURA, H. : Biological notes on the potato leaf miner, Pegomya dulcamarae WOOD 50

MIYAHARA, Y. : Confirmation of an abnormal sex ratio in Ostrinia furnacalis GUENEE collected in Motoyoshi, Miyagi prefecture 53

MIYAHARA, Y. : Rearing of the oriental corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis GUENEE, on an artificial diet 3. Comparison on two different rearing methods 56

TAKANO, T. : Prediction of major insect pests infecting soybean seeds by the multiple regression equation 58

SATO, M. : Effect of Fenvalerate・MEP on soybean pod borer, Legiminvora glycinivorella MATSUMURA 60

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Survey of Palomena angulosa (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) mass-infested on soybean plants in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido 63

SATO, M. : Survey on the seasonal prevalence of common cutworm, Spodoptera litura by pheromone trap in the Shonal plain, Yamagata prefecture 66

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Studies on the biology and control of the seed-corn maggot 1. Relation between the depth of fish meals buried and the attraction of the seed-corn maggot 69

TSUTSUMI, M., MITSUI, Y., URAGAMI, A. and YOSHIKAWA, H. : Differences in tolerance of onion varieties to feeding by the onion maggot, Hylemia antiqua MEIGEN 71

YAMADA, T. and MATHUDA, I. : Distribution of the turnip maggot, Delia floralis FALLEN, in Aomori prefecture 74

TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H., GOTO, C. and ATSUMI, T. : Survey of insect pests feeding on carrot-leaves in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido 77

TSUTSUI, H., GOTO, C. and HAYAKAWA, H. : The damage of carrots by the black cutworm in the Tokachi district of Hokkaido in 1984 79

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Survey of wireworms mass-infested on carrots in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido 81

TORIKURA, H. : Tubercular fruit of pumkin caused by feeding of the mirid bug, Lygus disponsi LINNAVUORI 83

SASAKI, T. and HONDA, Y. : Control of Crioceris quaturde cimpunctana on asparagus using ultraviolet absorbing vinyl film 87

WAKOU, M. and ODAGIRI, M. : Effect of some acaricides on the two spotted spider mite and on field population of predacious mite 90

NARITA, H. and OSUMI, S. : Residual effect of pyrethroid type insectcides on hatching larva of peach fruit moth(Carposina nipponensis WALSINGHAM) 94

ODAGIRI, M., CHIEDA, T. and TAKANO, T. : Seasonal prevalence of occurrence of oriental carpenter moth, Cossus japonica GAEDE 97

OKU, T. : Variation in forewing length of the spotted cutworm moth, Xestia c-nigrum LINNE, in Northern Japan 99

OKU, T. : Overwintering stage in the spotted cutworm, Xestia c-nigrum LINNE 103

TORIKURA, H. : Notes on the biology of the tortoricid moth, Eana argentana CLERCK occurred in grassland 106

HASEGAWA, T. and YAMASHITA, N. : Semifield experiments on the control of the dung breeding fly, Musca hervei (Diptere : Muscidae) by the activity of the native dung beetle, Onthophagus lenzii (Coleoptera : Scarabaidae) 110

AMANO, K., HASEGAWA, T. and TSUBAKI, Y. : Laboratory tests to determine susceptibility of adult horn fly to permethrin 114

OHTA, K., SHIMADA, K. and WASHIO, S. : Statistical analysis of climatic effects on the degree of fungus development of rice blast estimated by the leaf sheath inoculation technique (2) 116

SUZUKI, H., FUJITA, Y. and SONODA, R. : Interval for control of panicle blast of rice applied granule or powder to the leaf blast in paddy field irrigated with cold water 120

SUZUKI, H., TAKAHASHI, S., FUJITA, Y. and SONODA, R. : Effect of seed-disinfection by thiram benomyl on blast, brown spot and "bakanae" disease of rice 122

ABE, S., YUAN, Z, S,. and SASAKI, T.: Resistance for blast disease of rice varieties bred in the northeast district, China 125

SAKUMA, H., IWANO, M. and MIURA, H. : Racial distribution of rice blast fungus in the regions cultivated a few cultivars with one true resistance gene and cultivated many cultivars with various true resistance genes to blast in Yamagata prefecture 128

TSUBOKI, K. and YAEGASHI, H. : Host range and mating type of blast fungus from proso millet 132

SASAKI, T. and HONDA, Y. : Control of blast disease of mioga plant by the use of ultraviolet absorbing vinyl film 134

SUZUKI, H., SONODA, R. and FUJITA, Y. : Occurrence of blast disease, sheath blight and growth of rice plant in the paddy field infected with damping-off by Rhizopus chinensis or wilting by Pythium spp. at the seedling stage 137

HONKURA, R., INOUE, T., OIKAWA, T. and ABE. K. : Occurrence of snow rot of barley and wheat, caused by Typhula ishikariensis S. Imai, in the Sengai plan 141

YAMAGATA, K. : Effect of root inoculation on the incidence of phytophthora rot of soybean 144

OIKAWA, T., HONKURA, R., FUJISAKI, Y. and INOUE, T. : Some fungi causing degenerated kernel of soybean 146

OIKAWA, T. HONKURA, R. FUJISAKI, Y. and INOUE, T. : Occurrence and chemical control of degenerated kernel of soybean 149

INOUE, M., FURUYA, Y. and MATSUMOTO, T.: Serological relationships among the virus strains of tobamovirus group using passive hemagglutination and reverse passive hemagglutination 151

KUWATA, H., OGOSHI, A., SHIMADA, K. and WASHIO, S. : Brown root rot of carrot caused by Cylindrocarpon obtusisporum 155

HANEDA, H., MATSUZAKI, I. and MITSUEDA, T. :Effect of organic materials application to the soil on root-infecting fungi. 2. Difference of the duration of arresting effect on hyphal growth of Rosellinia necatrix, caused by the sorts of organic material 157

TSUKIZI, K. and OZAWA, T.: Air concentration and deposit by different applications of procymidone to fruit vegetables in vinyl house 160

SUZUKI, N., ARAI, S., OSANAI, Y. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Susceptibility of apple new varieties to Alternaria mari ROBERTS 163

YUKITA, K., CHU, E., NAKAZAWA, N. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Field observation of silver-leaf disease caused by Stereum purpureum PERS. ex FR on apple trees in Aomori prefecture 166

HAYASHI, S., OCHIAI, M. and TAKAMURA, N. : Studies on the ring rot of apples 3. Identification of isolated fungus from rotted fruit of apples 169

MIKOSHIBA, Y., NEMOTO, M. and GOMI, T. : Studies on cocksfoot mosaic disease Differences of infection with cocksfoot mottle virus between several cultivars of Dactylis glomerata 172

No.37 (1986)

SUGIURA, M. : Biotechnology in plant protection 1

IWANO, M. : Convenient inoculation method for formation of leaf blast lesion on rice plant in field 8

IWANO, M. : Changes of susceptible type lesion rate to total lesions formed by suspension of compatible blast fungus on rice cultivar, ishikarishiroke, in different conditions 10

IWANO, M. : Susceptibility to blast disease of leaf of different ages and positions on rice cultivars differing in field resistance 14

NAKAJIMA, T., TAKEDA, M., ANDO, Y., SUZUKI, T. and HORINO, O. : Blast resistance of the rice parental line, Ou-PL1resistant to green rice leafhopper 17

HORINO, O. and SHINDO, K. : Patho-histological observations of panicle blast of rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae 21

IN, M. and SUZUKI, H. : Susceptibility to panicle blast of rice varieties in paddy field irrigated with cold water 24

SUZUKI, H., FUJITA, Y. and SONODA, R. : Influence of artificial rainfall before inoculation on the lesion development of rice blast 27

TAKEDA, S. and OGAWA, K. : Effect of the rain on disease development of rice sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani KUHN 29

TAKEDA, T., TOKAIRIN, H., FUJITA, Y. and MIURA, H. : The development and chemical control of brown sclerotium disease of rice plants caused by Sclerotium oryzae-sativae SAWADA 32

FURUYA, H. : The relation between two pathogens of different diseases, Rhizoctonia pea stem rot occurring in Ouchi-machi, Akita, and brown sheath of rice 36

KUWATA, H., SHIMADA, K. and WASHIO, S. : Influence of air temperature and rainfall on disease development of bacterial halo blight of rice plants 38

KUWATA, H., SHIMADA, K. and WASHIO, S. : Fungicidal control of bacterial halo blight of rice plants 40

OGAWA, K. and TAKEDA, S. : Actual condition of seed disinfection in the occurred regions of benomyl resistant strains of bakanae disease fungus of rice, Gibberella fujikuroi 42

SATOH, Y. and DOBASHI, S. : Effects of seed disinfection with thiuram benomyl wettable power 20 and seed selection by salt solution on occurrence of brown spot of rice seedlings caused by Cochliobouls miyabeanus (S. Ito et Kuribayashi) Drechsler 46

SUZUKI, H., SONODA, R. and FUJITA, Y. : Relationship between the degree of development of brown spot caused by Cochliobolus miyabeanus (S. Ito et Kuribayashi) Drechsler on rice seedlings and the occurrence of blast disease, sheath blight, and growth of rice plants in the paddy field 48

FUJITA, Y. and SUZUKI, H. : Influence of temperature on resistance of soybean cultivars to purple stain 51

FUJITA, Y. and SUZUKI, H. : Decrease of soybean yield caused by purple stain 53

FUJITA, Y. and SUZUKI, H. : Resistance to soybean purple stain in wild soybean 56

SUGIYAMA, S., MATSUNAKA, K., FUJITA, K., NORO, S., TOYOKAWA, S. and YANAGIDA, M.: Occurrence of malformation with lesions on tubers of Chinese yam in Aomori prefecture 60

SASAKI, T. and UMEKAWA, M. : Ecological studies on bacterial canker of tomato 1. Relation between the population growth of pathogenic bacteria on the leaves and occurrence of bacterial canker of tomato 65

SASAKI, T., UMEKAWA, M. and HONDA, Y. : Ecological studies on bacterial canker of tomato 2. Development of bacterial canker of tomato under plastic roof and in open-field 68

YAMAZAKI, E., GOTO, T., SUDA, Y., MURASE, S. and IIZUKA, N. : Biological control of sweet pepper mosaic disease caused by pepper strain of tobacco mosaic virus, using application of an attenuated strain TMV-Pa18 71

NAKATANI, F. and HIRARAGI, T. : Disease progress and formation of small lesions of cucumber downey mildew caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis 75

FURUYA, H. : Causal fungus of stem rot of pea which occurs in Ouchi-machi, Akita 80

OIKAWA, K., KUWATA, H., SHIMADA, K. and WASHIO, S. : Preliminary experiment on choanephora rot of garden pea caused by Choanephora cucurbitarum and its chemical control 83

YUUKI, S., SHIOMI, T., SHIRAKAWA, T. and TAKEUCHI, S. : Black spot of root of Japanese radish caused by Xanthomonas campestris 87

AKASAKA, Y. : Effect and adaptation of the total prevention methed from clubroot on chinese cabbage, by the soil solarization using of polyethylene film covering 90

MATSUZAKI, I., HANEDA, H. and MITSUEDA, T. : Anatomical observations on the entrance of Helicobasidium mompa into the root of asparagus 93

NAKAZAWA, N., SAITO, A. YUKITA, K. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Control of apple scab with a curative fungicide 96

MACHIDA, I., SAITO, A., FUKUSHIMA, C. and TANAKA, Y. : Detection of apple stem grooving virus by enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) 99

YUKITA, K., NAKAZAWA, N. and FUKUSHIMA, C. : Studies on the silver-leaf disease of apple trees 1. Mycerial development of the pathogen and symptom on the apple trees inoculated with Stereum purpureum 103

HAYASHI, S., OGATA, T., TAKAMURA, N. and OCHIAI, M. : Studies on the ring rot of apples 4. Change of susceptibility of fruit in growing season 106

TANAKA, T., TOKAIRIN, H., TAKEDA, T. and ENDO, T. : Note on the powdery mildew of Carthamus tinctorius L. 108

MIKOSHIBA, Y., NEMOTO, M. and GOMI, T. : Studies on cocksfoot mosaic disease reductions of the harvests caused by cocksfoot mosaic disease 113

NEMOTO, M. and NAKAJIMA, T. : Occurrence of stem rust of orchardgrass in the suburbs of Morioka city 115

ARAYA, E., FUJIMURA, T. and KIMURA, T. : A method for predicting occurrence of the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae MATSUMURA 117

TAKEDA, M. and SUZUKI, T. : Effect of photoperiod on the development of 2nd-generation larvae of the rice stem maggot, Chlorops oryzae MATSUMURA, in 2-generation area 120

KOBAYASHI, M. : Occurrence of rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL) in Iwate prefecture 122

KOBAYASHI, M. : Correlation between adult density of rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL) and its damage on rice 125

FUJIMURA, T., KIMURA, T. and ARAYA, E. : Ecology and control of rice water weevil, Lissorphotrus oryzophilus KUSCHEL 128

MURAI, T., ABE, N., OYAMA, N. and SAKAIYA, K. : Notes on the outbreak of white-backed planthopper Sagatella furcifera HORVATH and small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus FALLEN in Aomori prefecture, 1985 131

HACHIYA, K. : Weevils collected in and around paddy fields 135

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Notes on Gortyna fortis BUTLER engraving maize plants 137

SAITO, T., FUSE, H. and SATO, M. : Control threshold of the two-striped leaf beetle, Medythia nigrobilineata MOTSCHULSKY 139

SASAKI, T. and KEGASAWA, K. : Control of Thrips tabaci LINDEMAN on pea using ultraviolet absorbing vinyl film 141

MIYAHARA, Y. : An observation on the immigration of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella LINNE, caused by typhoon 143

GOTO, C., HAYAKAWA, H. and TSUTSUI, H. : Notes on Spodoptera litura FABRICIUS captured by a pheromone trap in Hokkaido 147

TSUTSUI, H., HIRAI, Y. and GOTO, C. : Overwintering stage of the spotted cutworm in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido 148

TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H. and GOTO, C. : Control of spotted cutworm by poison bait 151

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Studies on the biology and control of the seed-corn maggot 2. The damage of Chinese yams by the seed-corn maggot 153

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Studies on the biology and control of the seed-corn maggot 3. Overwitering of the seed-corn maggot in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido 155

TSUTSUI, H. : Freezing tolerance of Naenia contaminata WALKER 158

SATO, R., ABE, N. and TAKAKURA, K. : Effect of cyhexation applied before the successive application of bordeaux mixture to spider mites on apple trees 160

KINODA, M., TAZAWA, T. and YAMADA, M. : Dispersal of spider mites in apple orchards (1) Survey on the seasonal trend of air drift mites by the sticky trap 162

OHIRA, Y. : Variation in the body size as represented by the forewing ares in the peach fruit moth adults, Carposina niponensis WALSINGHAM, issued from the overwintering cocoons and caught by the pheromone traps 165

YOSHII, T. and YOKOI, N. : A period of development of the mulberry small weevil, Baris deplanata ROELOFS and growth of the head capsule width of the larvae 170

AMANO, K. : Pupation site of Musca hervei VILLEREVE 173

TORIKURA, H. : Biological notes on the tachinid fly, Istochaeta rhombonicus (Borisova-Zinovjeva) , a parasite of the adult chafer of Mimela testaceipes MOTSCHULSKY 176

SASAKI, H., NISHIJIMA, Y. and ONO, H. : Notes on the black flies collected at the Tohbetsu municipal pasture in Hokkaido (Diptera : Simuliidae) 180

No.38 (1987)

MATSUMOTO, Y. : A way to discovery of a potent attractant from the host selection studies 1

IWANO, M. : Variation in virulence and aggressiveness of mutation isolates in rice blast fungus 5

IWANO, M. : Biological control of blast disease through resistance of rice plant induced by incompatible strain of blast fungus 10

LI. J. L., and FUJITA, Y. : Races of rice blast fungus isolated from Oomagari, Senboku area and Sannai-village of Akita prefecture in 1986 12

HORINO, O. and SHINDO, K. : Relationship between the occurrence of spikelet blast and the lapse of day after heading of some rice varieties with different resistance genes and different level of field resistance 14

HONKURA, R., INOUE, T. and OIKAWA, T. : Fungicide sensitivity of Pyricularia orizae Cavara to IBP, EDDP, and Isoprothiolane 19

HONKURA, R., TSUJI, H. and MIURA, Y. : Distribution of fungicide resistant strains of Pyricularia orizae Cavara in small area 23

SUZUKI, H., TAKAHASHI, S., FUJITA, Y. and SONODA, R. : Yield loss by transplantation of elongated rice seedling infected with bakanae disease fungus 26

OHTA, K., IMAI, T., OIKAWA, K., and SHIMADA, K. : Distribution of benomyl-resistant strains of Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) S. Ito in Aomori prefecture and effect of seed-treatment fungicides for control of benomyl-resistant strains 29

TAKADA, S. and OGAWA, K. : Influence of the wetting period of leaf sheath on the lesion development of the sheath blight of rice plant caused by Rhyzoctonia solani Kuhn 33

TAKEDA, T., TOHKAIRIN, H. and FUJITA, Y. : The development of sclerotium diseases of the rice plant in consolidated paddy field 36

NAGANO, T., HONKURA, R., FUJISAKI, Y. and SATO, S. : Control of rice stripe disease in Miyagi prefecture 38

SASAKI, T. : Studies on the ecology of bacterial canker of tomato 3. Dissemination of causal bacteria from contaminated seeds and seedlings in the nursery bed 40

SASAKI, T. : Studies on the ecology of bacterial canker of tomato 5. Relations between occurrence of symptoms and growth of pathogenic bacteria in solanaceous plants 43

MASUDA, T., HONKURA, R., MAEDA, M. and OTOMO, Y. : Studies on the ecology and control of leaf spot of strawberry I. Occurrence of leaf spot and temperature response of the pathogenic fungus, Mycospherella fragariae (Tul.) Lindau 45

ISAWA, K. and OYAMADA, M. : The first occurrence of downy mildew on salt-wort (Salsola komarovii Ilijin) in Japan 48

ISAWA, K., HIRAYAMA, S. and KIMURA, T. : The chemical control of downy mildew of salt-wort by Peronospora sp. 51

OIKAWA, K., KUWATA, H. and SHIMADA, K. : Mycocentrospora acerina (Hartig) Deighton, conidial state of the causal fungus of black root rot of carrot in Japan 54

TAKEUCHI, S. : Efficient identification of F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani using Daikon seedling 57

KIMURA, S. and KODAMA, K. : Population growth of uredium of Puccinia allii on welsh onion leaves in the paddy field 60

HAYASHI, S. and OCHIAI, M. : Studies on the ring rot of apples 5. Difference in susceptibility to the disease among apple varieties 63

SATO, S., NAKATANI, F. and HIRARAGI, T. : Effects and treatments of eradicant fungicides on trunk lesions formed by causal fungus of the ring rot of apples 65

NAKATANI, F. and HIRARAGI, T. : Occurrence of canker of dwarf apple trees caused by Phomopsis mali 68

OSANAI, M., SUZUKI, N., FUKUSHIMA, C. and TANAKA, Y. : Reduced sensitivity to captan of Alternaria mali Roberts 72

MITSUEDA, T., HANEDA, H. and MATSUZAKI, I. : Effect of organic materials application to the soil on root-infecting fungi 5. Antagonism against four soil-born pathogens of the microorganisms isolated from silkworm-faces and the soil applied silkworm-faces 75

MATSUZAKI, I., HANEDA, H., and MITSUEDA, T. : Effect of organic materials application to the soil on root-infecting fungi 6. Effect of antagonistic microorganisms application to the soil on occurrence of the soil-born diseases 77

WATANABE, K., SAITOH, T., ENDO, S. and SHOJI, T. : Analysis of yield loss caused by the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzoophilus Kuschel in Yamagata prefecture 80

FUJISAKI, Y., NAGANO, T., TAKANO, T., KIDOKORO, T, YASUI, T. and MIURA, M. : A yield decrease on rice by rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in Miyagi prefecture 83

TAKEDA, M. and NAGATA, T. : Flight muscle development and immigration of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptlus oryzophilus, in relation to day-degree accumulation 85

NAGANO, T., FUJISAKI, Y., HONKURA, R. and OIKAWA, T. : Rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, parasitized by green muscardine fungus, Metarhizium sp. 90

IITOMI, A. : Reproduction of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Hovath on the late-season culture of rice 92

ARAYA, E., FUJIMURA, T., KIMURA, T. and ICHITA, T. : Migration of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath, to Aomori prefecture in 1985 and 1986 96

SAITO, T. and FUSE, H. :Yield losses of rice caused by sucking on the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen 101

TAKEDA, M. and NAGATA, T. :Seasonal fluctuation of antibiosis to the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, in the resistant parent lines of rice 103

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Wireworms infested on maize plants at the Tokachi district in Hokkaido 107

SHIMIZU, K. and MITSUI, Y. : Varietal difference of azuki bean and kidney bean in susceptibility to the races of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, 1952 109

HAYAKAWA, H. TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Studies on the biology and control of the seed-corn maggot 4. Effect of application methods of insecticides on control of the seed-corn maggot in soybeans 111

ARAYA, E., ICHITA, T. and FUJIMURA, T. : Correlations between atomospheric temperatures in July to September and injury of cultivars, of the soy bean by the soy bean pod border, Leguminivora glycinivorella Matsumura 113

TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H., GOTO, C., HARA, Y., and YAMASHITA, Y. : Control of the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach, on potato plants by low volume application of insectsides 117

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : Scarabid beetles as soil insect pests captured by a light trap at the upland farming center of the Tokachi district in Hokkaido 121

KOHNO, K., HIRAI, K. and KEGASAWA, K. : Effects of light sources and setting positions on the number of phytophagous scarab-beetles attracted by light traps 125

TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H. and GOTO, C. : Relationship between the damage of sugar beet by the spotted cutworm and the vegetational environoment in and around fields 127

GOTO, C., TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H., HARA, Y, and YAMASHIMA, Y. : Control of cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae Linne, on sugar beet by low volume application of insecticides 129

HONDA, K. and MIYAHARA, Y. : Estimation of the hibernating areas of the diamond-back moth, Plutella xylostell Linne, in the Tohoku district 133

KIMURA, T., FUJIMURA, T. and ARAYA, E. : Overwintering of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Linne, in Aomori prefecture 1. Field reseach on survivors after winter 135

KIMURA, T., FUJIMURA, T. and ARAYA, E. : Overwintering of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Linne, in Aomori prefecture 2. Overwintering of adults, larvae and pupae released in a field or in a glass house before winter 138

KIMURA, T., FUJIMURA, T. and ARAYA, E. : Overwintering of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella Linne, in Aomori prefecture 3. Mortality of the second inster larvae under the snow 141

TSUTSUMI, M. and MITSUI, Y. : Seasonal prevalence of occurrence of onion and seed-corn flies, Hylemya antiqua and H. platura (Diptera : Anthomyiidae) using by the attractant mixture of 2-phenylethanol and n-valeric acid 143

TSUTSUMI, M. and MITSUI, Y. : Effects of baits on survival and development of ovary of onion fly (Hylemia antiqua) 146

KAZINO, Y. and HANADA, T. : Control of seed-corn maggot by mixing dichlofenthion with organic fertilizer 149

AKASAKA, Y., SUZUKI, T. and IIMURA, S. : Evasion response of over wintered adult of the larger potato lady beetle (Epilachna vigintioctomaculata) to the polyethylene film mulching 152

SAITO, T. and FUSE, H. : Comparison of the black cutworm moth catches between the synthetic sex pheromone and the black light trap in Shonai district 155

FUKUCHI, Y. : Notes on the swift moth, Endoclyta excrescens Butler, engraving radish plants 157

TSUTSUI, H., HONMA. K., GOTO, C. and HAYAKAWA, H. : The role of cocoons and cold hardiness in overwintering mature larvae of the crucifer caterpillar, Evergestis ficaicalis Linne 159

OHSAWA, S. and WATANABE, T. : Effects of insectisides on the cotton aphid, (Aphis gossypii), on cucumber in Fukushima prefecture 161

SAKAKI, J. : KOHYAMA, Y. and SASOH, Y. : Insecticidal activity of a chitin synthesis inhibitor teflubenzuron (Nomolt TM) 1. Insecticidal activity against different stages of the apple leaf miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella 164

KOHYAMA, Y., SAKAI, J. and SASOH, Y. : Insecticidal activity of a chitin synthesis inhibitor teflubenzuron (Nomolt TM) 2. Insecticidal property against the apple leaf miner (Phyllonorycter ringoniella) 168

KAWASHIMA, K. : Influence of chemical treatments upon two apple aphids, Ovatus malicolens (Hori) and Aphis gossypii Glover 171

AMANO, K. : Laboratory tests to determine susceptibility of Musca hervei Vill, adults to permethrin 175

YAMASHITA, N., HASEGAWA, T. and YASUDA, S. : Biological control of the dung breeding fly, Musca herbei, by the activity of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 177

No.39 (1988)

HARADA, Y. : Studies on the life cycle of rusts, with emphasis on heteroecism and specialization of parasitism 1

OKUYAMA, S., KAZINO, Y. and SATO, K. : Outbreak of the oriental armyworm in Hokkaido, 1987 1. Outbreak of the first generation and the causative factors 9

OKUYAMA, S., KAZINO, Y., SATO, K., AKIYAMA, Y. and HASHIMOTO. Y, : Outbreak of oriental armyworm in Hokkaido 1987 2. Occurrence of the second generation and the causative factors 13

KITAMURA, C. and SAITO, O. : Outbreak of the armyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker at Hokkaido in 1987 1. Meteorological analysis of the migration 18

SAITO, O. and KITAMURA, C. : Outbreaks of the armyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker at Hokkaido in 1987 2. Occurrence of the first generation and percentage of mating 20

FUJIMURA, T., ARAYA, E., ICHITA, T. and KIMURA, T. : Ecological aspects of the armyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker, immigrated into Aomori in 1987 1. Seasonal trap catches of adults, with reference to ovarian developement and proportion of mated females 23

KIMURA, T. and FUJIMURA, T. : Effect of dusts applying to rice, on larvae of the armyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker 29

NAKAMINAMI, H., CHIBA, T., ITO, M., FUJIOKA, S. and CHIBA, T. : Occurrence of the oriental armyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker, in Iwate prefecure, 1987 32

KIMURA, S. and KODAMA, K. : Sersonal abundance of the Pseudaletia separata Walker in northern district of Akita prefecture in 1987, and the damage in rice plant 35

SATO, Y. : a case of severe decrease in yield of rice injured by srmyworm, Pseudaletia separata Walker, in Akita prefecture 41

FUSE, H. and SAITO, T. : Outbreak of the oriental armyworm, Pseudaletia separate Walker, in the Shonai province, Yamagata prefecture, 1987 1. Factors causing the outbreak 44

SAITO, T. and FUSE, H. : Outbreak of the oriental armyworm, Pseudaletia separate Walker, in the Shonai province, Yamagata prefecture, 1987 2. Effect of injury on rice plants 49

HIRAI, K. : Possible source and route of migration of the armyworm, Pseudaletia separate Walker, invaded to Tohoku district in June of 1987 52

NAKAJIMA, T. and HORINO, O. : Blast isolates possessing virulence to indica cultivars of rice with unidentified resistance genes 59

ISHIGURO, K., YOSHITAKE, S., WATANABE, S., NEMOTO, F. and HASHIMOTO, A. : Temporal dynamics of fthalide on rice leaves in the field and its efficacy for preventing leaf blast 63

FUJITA, Y. and YAEGASHI, H. : Effects of low temperature and cold water on panicle blast of rice (Pyricularia oryzae) 66

HONKURA, R., OIKAWA, T. and INOUE, T. : Occurrence of blast disease of job's tears, Coixlachryma-jobi var. frumentacer Makino by Pyricularia oryzae Cavara 68

TAKEDA, S. and OGAWA, K. : Effect of development of rice sheath blight occurrence on the yield and quality of rice 71

OHTA, K., IMAI, T., SHIMADA, K. and CHIBA, J. : A computer simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 1. Synthesis of disease model 74

SUZUKI, H. : Effect of application time of fungicide on the seasonal occurrence of rice sheath blight 80

MIURA, M., HONKURA, R., MIURA, Y. and OSADA. Y. : Several sclerotial fungi isolated from sheath blight-like lesions and their distribution in Miyagi prefecture 84

HONKURA, R. and MIURA, Y. : Some notes on the spore disperse and the period of infection of rice false smut pathogenic fungus 88

SONODA, R., FUJITA, Y. and YAEGASHI, H. : Distribution of the false smut balls produced on rice panicle 92

MIURA, Y., TSUJI, H. and ISHIGAKI, M. : On the outbreak of the kernel smut (Tilletia horrida Takahashi) of rice plants in Miyagi prefecture 94

SONODA, R., FUJITA, Y., HONKURA, Y. and YAEGASHI, H. : Pathogenic fungi isolated from Eleocharis kuroguwai and Scirpus spp. 98

MATSUDA, I. and SUGIYAMA, S. : Occurrence of take-all of wheat in Aomori prefecture 100

SAWASAKI, A. and SATOH, H. : Occurrence and chemical control of eyespot of wheat in Hokkaido 102

SHINODA, N. : Timing and efficacy of application of benomyl for control of wheat eyespot 105

NAKAJIMA, T., GOMI, T. and NEMOTO, M. : Formation and isolation method of microsclerotia of Calonectria crotalariae by using cellophane layers 108

HONKURA, R., SHIRAKO, Y., TSUJI, H., MIURA, Y. and ISHIGAKI, M. : Prevalence of soybean dwarf disease in Miyagi prefecture 110

OZAKI, M., AKAI, J., ENDO, T. and TAKAKUWA, M. : Control of late blight and of tuber rot of potatoes, caused by Phytophthora infestans, by mancozed metalaxyl WP. 112

KIKUCHI, S., TANAKA, T. and SUZUKI, M. : An unusual occurrence of brown rot of watermelon, caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian 118

NAKATANI, F. and HIRARAGI, T. : Occurrence of letture diseases in the open field 121

ARAI, S., FUKUSHIMA, T. and TANAKA, Y. : On establishment of inoculation method of violet root rot pathogen, Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka, to apple trees 125

OGATA, T. and MITSUEDA, T. : Distribution of the white root rot pathogen, Rosellinia necatrix Berl., in apple orchard soils 128

MATSUZAKI, I., HANEDA, H. and MITSUEDA, T. : Temporal change of inoculum potential of white root rot pathogen, Rosellinia necatrix Berl., in soil 131

SATO, T. and SUZUKI, T. : Adult size variation in the rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae, emerged on various host plants 133

SATO, M., TOGASHI, H., TANIGUCHI, E. and ISHIGAKI, H. : Migration of long-range migratory insects to Shonai district 135

HACHIYA, K., KAZINO, Y. and AKIYAMA, Y. : Occurrence of dryinid-wasp (Hymenoptera) and its annual prevalence of parasitism rate to the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen(Homoptera:Delphacidae) 140

HACHIYA, K. : Occurrence of Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto (Strepsiptera:Elenchidae) and its parasitism rate to the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen (Homoptera : Delphacidae) 143

HACHIYA, K. : Physiological and ecological difference between drvinid-wasps Haplogonatopus atratus Esaki et Hashimoto collected in Hokkaido and Ibaragi prefecture 146

IITOMI, A., NAKAMURA, N. and MATUHASHI, M. : Comparison of beating methods in relation to sampling efficiency of sticky of sticky-boad method in population estimation of rice planthoppers 149

TAKANO, T. : Outbreaks and their locality of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler, in Miyagi prefecture 153

NAGATA, T. and TAKEDA, M. : A technique to measure feeding rates of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cinciceps Uhler, with small amount of samples 157

TANAKA, H., CHIBA, T., FUJIOKA, S., CHIBA, T., ITO, M. and NAKAMINAMI, H. : Occurrence of the rice bugs and spotted rice in Iwate prefecture 162

NAGANO, T., FUJISAKI, Y. and MIYATA, M. : Seasonal prevalence of the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura, in Miyagi prefecture 167

HASHIMOTO, Y. and HARUKI, T. : On the timing if control of the rice leaf bug, Trigonotylus colestialium Kirkaldy 170

ARAYA, E., OYAMA, N. and SUTO, K. : Notes on the outbreak of the rice leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis medenalis Guenee, in Aomori prefecture, 1987 1. Immigration of adults 173

ARAYA, E., OYAMA, N, SUTO, K., MATSUDA, M, and IWAMA, Y. : Notes on the outbreak of rice leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis medenalis Guenee, in Aomori prefecture, 1987 2. Field research on the outbreak 177

KODAMA, K. and KIMURA, S. : Notes on the concentrated damages by the rice leafroller, Cnaphalocrois medinalis, in the northern coastal area of Akita prefecture 179

KATOH, T., SAITOH, T., WATANABE, K. and YOKOYAMA, K. : Ecology of the rice grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, in Yamagata prefecture 182

HAYAKAWA, H., GOTO, C., TSUTSUI, H., ISHIDA, S. and IBUKI, T. : Control of the cabbage armyworm, Mamestra brassicae Linne, on uppland crops by ultra low volume application of insecticides 185

SHIMIZU, K., AIBA, S. and MITSUI, Y. : Effects of the some crops on the population density of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe 187

TAKANO, T. : Seasonal prevalence of the soybean pod gall midge, Asphondylia sp., in the southern Tohoku district 189

KEGASAWA, K. : Rases of the soybean cyst nematode in Aomori, Iwate, and Fukushima 192

MIZUKOSHI, T., HANADA, T. and HASHIMOTO, Y. : Effect of photoperiod conditions on appearance of the oviparous famale of the foxglove aphid, Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach I. Critical photoperiod for oviparous females and their time of appearance in the field 194

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Effect of photoperiod conditions on appearance of the oviparous famale of the foxglove aphid, Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach II. Effect of rearing the last two generations under a short photoperiod 197

TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H., GOTO, C., ISHIDA, S. and IBUKI, T. : Control of the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach, on potato plants by ultra low volume application of insecticides 199

TSUTSUI, H., HAYAKAWA, H., GOTO, C. and HANADA, T. : Occureence of Gastrophysa atrocyanea Motschulsky in the Tokachi district of Hokkaido 203

TORIKURA, H. : On the stalk-borers of young corn in northern Hokkaido IV. Estimation of larval instar by its head width 206

TORIKURA, H. : On the stalk-borers of young corn in northern Hokkaido V. Spatial distribution and seasonal fluctuation of damaged corn with reference to larval age-strucure 209

TORIKURA, H. : On the stalk-borers of young corn in northern Hokkaido VI. Larval ability to increase corn damage 213

HAYAKAWA, H. and TSUTSUI, H. : A case of outbreak of the cabbage armyworm Mamestra brassicae Linne on sugar beet in the Tokachi district of Hokkaido 215

SAITO, O. : Notes on larval hidernation of the alfalfa looper, Autographa gamma (Linnaeus) on cabbage plant in Sapporo, Hokkaido 217

KANEHIRA, O. and TORIKURA, H. : Overwinter of the larvae of Autographa gamma Linnaeus 218

MIYATA, M. and NISHIZAWA, T. : Fauna of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with vegetables in Miyagi prefecture 221

SATO, M. : Control of cobb root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans Cobb, on Cirsium dipsacolepis Matsumura by oxamyl 224

HAYAKAWA, H., TSUTSUI, H. and GOTO, C. : A survey of overwintering of the diamond-back moth, Plutella xylostella Linne, in the Tokachi district of Hokkaido 227

KIMURA, T. and FUJIMURA, T. : Overwintering of the diamodback moth, Plutella xylostella Linne, in Aomori prefecture 4. Longevity of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults under the snow 229

IINUMA, A. and SAITO, O. : Additional notes on damages of onion by the onion stem borer, Hydraecia mongoliensis Urbahn, and their control 232

MAEDA, M., MASUDA, T., and TAKANO, T. : Severe occurrence of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) on strawberry 235

NISHIJIMA, Y. and SAITO, O. : The occurrence of asparagus leaf beetle, Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata (Scopoli). in Hokkaido 237

TSUTSUI, H., HONMA, K. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Cold-hardiness in adults of the overwintering cabbage bug, Eurydema rugosa Motschulsky 239

NARITA, T. : Control of the apple tortrix, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham on apple trees by chitin synthesis inhibitors 242

KAWASHIMA, K. : Effects of chitin synthesis inhibitors on the four-spotted chrysopa, Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmael 246

AMANO, K., HASEGAWA, T. and TSUBAKI, Y. : Laboratory tests to determine susceptibility of Musca conducens Walker adults to permethrin 248

SASAKI, H., NISHIJIMA, Y. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Note on the tabanid flies collected in the wooded region of Tohbetsu, Hokkaido (Diptera : Tabanidae) 250

No.40 (1989)

MIYATA, T. : Development of resistance to insecticides in the diamondback moth Current status and countermeasures 1

NAKAJIMA, T., SHINDO, K. and HORINO , O. : Suppression of rice blast disease by mixed planting of isogenic lines 6

SONODA, R., FUJITA, Y., ISHIGAKI, M. and HASHIMOTO, A. : Races of rice blast fungus distributed in Miyagi and Fukushima Prefecture in 1988 9

ISHIGURO, K., MIYAGAWA, S., NEMOTO, F., HASHIMOTO, A., ANDO, I., LING, Z. Z. and KIYOSAWA S. : Frequency distribution of fields versus severity of rice blast disease in a particular district (Preliminary note) 11

MIURA, Y., ISHIGAKI, M. and TSUJI, H. : On the outbreak of rice blast disease in Miyagi Prefecture, in 1988 14

HONKURA, R. : Effect of application time of Probenazole granule on the control of rice leaf blast 18

YOKOYAMA, K., FUJITA, Y. and KATOH, T. : Adaptability of a simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 20

OHTA, K. and SHIMADA, K. : A computer simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 2. Effect of disease development on yield and quality 23

HONKURA, R. :Experiments on the chemical control of rice false smut 26

MIURA, M. and HONKURA, R. : Cultural and chemical control of the rice panicle disease caused by Helminthosporium oryzae Breda de Haan 28

KATOH, T., FUJITA, Y. and SAKUMA, H. : Quantitative changes in nitrogen, starch and potassium contents in rice sheaths during vertical development of sheath blight disease caused by Sclerotium oryzae-sativae Sawada and Rhizoctonia oryzae Ryker et Gooch 30

NAKAMINAMI, H., TAKEDA, S. and MATSUDA, I. : Occurrence of bacterial diseases on rice seedling in Iwate Prefecture 33

TANAKA, F., TSUBOKI, K. and TSUCHIYA, S. : Seedling blight of sweetcorn, caused by Penicillium sp., and varietal difference in resistance 37

SAKUMA, H., FUJITA, Y. and KATOH, T. : Perithecia formation of Calonectoria crotalariae (Loos) Bell et Sobers and its application for the diagnosis of soybean root necrosis 40

YAMASHITA, K. and ISHITANI, M. : Detection of soybean dwarf virus by dot immunobinding assay and occurrence of its disease in Nanbu area of Aomori Prefecture 42

HOSAKA, M. and FUKAYA, T. : Effect of Chlorothalonil on leaf spot of mioga 45

FUJITA, Y. and USHIZAKA, N. : Occurrence of potato virus Y necrotic strain on tabacco in Yamagata Prefecture 47

MASUDA, T., HONKURA, R., MAEDA, M. and OHTOMO, Y. : Studies on the ecology and control of leaf spot of strawberry II.Seasonal occurrence and control of leaf spot 50

KAJI, K., TAIRAKO, K., TAKECHI, S. and TAKIKAWA, Y. : Occurrence of pith necrosis of tomato caused by Pseudomonas corrugata Roberts and Scarlett 1981 in Fukushima Prefecture 52

KUWATA, H. and OIKAWA, K. : Tomato pith necrosis occurred in Aomori Prefecture (1) Isolation of Pseudomonas corrugata Roberts and Scarlett 1981 and P. viridiflava (Burkholder 1930) Dowson 1939 from diseased plants 56

MITSUEDA, T. and MATSUZAKI, I. : Effect of carbon dioxid in soil on the emergence of Rhizoctonia damping-off of radish 1. Relationship between application of silkworm-feces to soil and CO2 concentration in soil 59

MATSUZAKI, I. and MITSUEDA, T. : Effect of carbon dioxid in soil on the emergence of Rhizoctonia damping-off of radish 2. CO2 produced from silkworm-feces inoculated a few kinds of fungi and its depressing effect on damping-off 62

SUGIYAMA, S. : Leaf blight of japanese radish and bottom rot of cabbage caused by Rhizoctonia solani kuhn in Aomori Prefecture 66

NAKATANI, F., TAKAHASHI, S. and SATO, S. : Decline of dwarf apple trees infected with Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka, and formation of mycelial mats on and around the above graund parts of trunk 70

ARAI, S., FUKUSHIMA, C. and SEGAWA, K. : Studies on control of white and violet root rot diseases caused by Rosellinia necatrix Prilliux and Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka of apple trees 1. Curative effect of fungicides on dwarf apple trees by soil treatment of root range of individual trees 74

TAKAMURA, N. and OCHIAI, M. : Control of brown rot of peaches by Bitertanol 77

SATO, T., MASUDA, Y., OHKAWA, I., TSUKIJI, K. and SAITO, M. : Disappearance of Trichlamide in soil after overall application 81

IKEDA, R., TAKEDA, M. and HIGASHI, T. : Genetic analysis of resistance to green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cinticeps, on Rice Norin-PL6 84

OHSAWA, S., SATO, T. and NAGATA, T. : Sampling efficiency of sticky board for population estimation of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler, on rice hills 87

IITOMI, A. and KODAMA, K. : Types of population growth of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatera furcifera Hovath and its forecast in Akita Prefecture 91

NAGATA, T. : Olfactory attraction of the adult rice water weevile, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, by sweet-vernal grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum L. 95

WATANABE, K., YOKOYAMA, K. and SHOJI, T. : Occurrence of pecky rice caused by feeding inoculation of rice bugs 97

ICHITA, T. : Nymphal instars of the rice grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, in Aomori Prefecture determined by morphological characteristics 102

ENDO, S, KATOH, T., YOKOYAMA, K. and WATANABE, K. : Comparison of catches between sex pheromon trap and light trap for the rice green cterpillar, Naranga aenescens Moore 105

TAIRA, T. : A survey of rice stem borer occurrence in Hamadouri district of Fukushima Prefecture 108

HONDA, K. : Seasonal changes of the population density of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris in the pea fields and the environmental conditions of the emergence of alate. virginoparae 110

HACHIYA, K. : Distribution of the flower thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) among flower, leaf, vegetative point and the others on azuki bean 112

HACHIYA, K. : Control effect of ultraviolet absorbing vinyl film on the flower thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) in garden pea 115

TSUTSUI, H. : Life history of Rivella apicalis Hendel 118

HAYAKAWA, H. and TSUTSUI, H. : Analysis of the damage soybean crop infested by Palomena angulosa (Hemiptera, Pantatomidae) 121

TORIKURA, H. : On the stalk-borers of young corn in northern Hokkaido VII. Habits of oviposition 123

KAKIZAKI, M. : Insecticide efficiency for control of potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas on potato 126

TORIKURA, H., KANEHIRA, O. and OKUDA, H. : Resurgence of cotton aphid by spraying Acephate in potato field 128

TSUTSUI, H., GOTO, C. and SAITO, O. : A simple rearing method for silver Y moth Autographa gamma (Linnaeus) 132

SAITO, O., TSUTSUI, H., KITAMURA, C., KANEKO, J. and SUGIE, H. : Field trapping test of the spotted cutworm, Xestia c-nigrum (L.), by synthetic sex pheromones 134

TSUTSUI, H. : Cold-hardiness in larvae of Plusia confusa Stephens 137

KANEKO, J.,KITAMURA, C. and ENDOU, T. : Flower-visiting activity of the silver Y moth, (Autographa gamma L.) 139

KITAMURA, C., KANEKO, J., SAITO, O., TSUTSUI, H. and SUGIE, H. : Investigation of the annual prevalence of the silver Y moth (Autographa gamma L.) with synthetic sex pheromone traps 142

KIMURA, T. : Resistance of the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae) to insecticides in Aomori Prefecture 145

AKASAKA, Y. : Control of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines by natural enemy 1. Parasitics of the fungi isolated from eggs of H. glycines to H. glycines 149

SATO, M., TAKAHASHI, T. and AKASAKA, Y. : Population fluctuations of Pratylenchus spp. caused by cultivation of several crops 1. Effects of antagonistic plants 152

CHIBA, T. : Biological notes on Phalonidia rubricana Peyerimhoff in Iwate Prefecture 155

KAKIZAKI, M., OKUYAMA, S. and SATO, T. : Occurrence of tortricids on the blueberried honeysuckle, Lonicera caerulea L. var. emphyllocaryx Nakai 158

SUZUKI, T. : Synchronous control of the apple leafminer, Phyllonorycter ringoniella (Matsumura) and Lyonetia prunifoliella malinella Matsumura 161

OHIRA, Y. : Numbers of spermatophores and mature eggs kept by field-collected female adults of the peach fruit moth, Carposina niponensis Walsingham (Lepidoptera :Carosinidae) 165

YOSHII, T., ABE, N., OCHIAI, M., HAYAKAWA, R. and KANNO, Y. : Occurrence of Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima in Fukushima Prefecture 167

YOSHII, T. and ABE, N. : Seasonal history of Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima in Fukushima Prefecture 169

KAWASHIMA, K. : Effect of chitin synthesis inhibitors on the horn faced bee, Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowski 171

YAMASHITA, N. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 1. Soil conditions on the brood ball construction 174

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 2. Substituional materials for the soil to rear the larvae 176

AMANO, K. : Differences in attack of livestock pests between cattle breeds 178

SASAKI, H. and KOBAYASHI, Y. : A note on the tabanids flies investigated at the Takino Suzuran Kyuryou Park, Sapporo 181

SASAKI, H., HAYAKAWA, H., NISHIJIMA, Y. and KOBAYASHI, Y. : A notes on the tabanid flies investigated at the Jozankei Dam in Sapporo 185

HAYAKAWA, H. and INAOKA, T. : A survey of tabanid flies in Shakotan Peninsula, Hokkaido 188

No.41 (1990)

TABEI, H. : Infection court of rice bacterial pathogens 1

FUJITA, Y. and YAEGASHI, H. : Some factors affecting the outbreak of "Nae-Imochi", seedling blight of rice caused by Pyricularia oryzae Cavara 4

UZUKI, T., YOSHINO, R., KOIZUMI, S. and HAYASHI, N. : The relation between the number of conidia of rice blast fungus, Pyricularia oryzae Cavara, attached onto a rice leaf blade and the number of conidia caught by the level spore sampler 8

MATSUHASHI, M., FUKAYA, T., IITOMI, A., KISHI, T., NAKAMURA, N., NAGASAWA, J., SATO, K. and KODAMA, K. : Attempt the field survey of upper leaf blast and spikelets blast in order to predict the panicle blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae Cavara 14

FUKAYA, T. : Effect of reduced application rate of probenazole granule on the control of rice leaf blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae Cavara 17

SAKUMA, H., KODAMA, K., SENO, K., FUJITA, Y. and KATOH, T. : Use of airblast sprayer for disease control in paddy field 23

TAKAHASHI, F. and TSUJI, H. : Seasonal occurrence of rice sheath blight and yield losses in Miyagi Prefecture in 1989 28

OHTA, K. and SHIMADA, K. : A computer simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 3. Effect of the time of outbreak on yield losses of the disease 31

FUJITA, Y., SONODA, R. and YAEGESHI, H. : An improved method for conidial formation of false smut fungus 35

HONKURA, R. : Distribution of the perfect stage of Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) S.Ito in Miyagi Prefecture 37

NAKAMINAMI, H. and TAKEDA, S. : Sensitivity of Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) S.Ito to several seed-treatment fungicides 39

HONKURA, R., MIURA, M. and MIURA, Y. : The damage and the control of rice kernel smut caused by Tilletia horrida Takahashi 43

KATOH, T., FUJITA, Y. and MIURA, Y. : Tropolone method to find rice seed, infected with bacterial seedling blight, Pseudomonas plantarii Azegami et al. 1987 47

OBA, S., SAITO, S., SATO, M., ISHIGAKI, H., TANAKA, T. and UZUKI, T. : On the occurrence of bacterial black node of wheat in Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture 50

TAKEUCHI, T., TAMURA, O., KODAMA, F. and TANAKA, F. : Benzimidazole resistance of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (From) Deighton in Hokkaido 53

MIKOSHIBA, Y., FUJISAWA, I., FUJITA, Y. and KAJI, K. : Prevalence of soybean dwarf in Tohoku District 58

MIKOSHIBA, Y., HONDA, K., FUJISAWA, I. and KEGASAWA, K. : The period of infection of soybean dwarf virus in soybeans at the northern coastal area in Iwate Prefecture 60

OIKAWA, K., KUWATA, M. and SHIMADA, K. : Cultivar difference in disease severity of carrot bacterial gall, caused by Rhizobacter daucus Goto et Kuwata 1988 62

TAKAHSHI, K. and OZAKI, K. : Race distribution of spinach downy mildew fungus in Iwate Prefecture 64

TAKEDA, S. and NAKAMINAMI, H. : Studies on the forecasting of hop downy mildew I. Dispersal of sporangia 66

KAJI, K. and HANZAWA, S. : Occurrence of fusarium wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race J2 in Fukushima Prefecture 70


of garlic latent virus on garlic cv " Fukuchi howaito " in Aomori Prefecture 72

YAMASHITA, K., SUGIYAMA, S. and SEITO, M. : Virus diseases occurred on some vegetable and legumes in Nanbu region of Aomori Prefecture 75

YAMASHITA, K. : Mosaic diseases occurred on gentian and prairie gentian in Aomori Prefecture 80

OGATA, T. and OCHIAI, M. : Bud blight caused by Botrytis cinerea Persoon in chinese quince 83

OSADA, S, : Yearly fluctuation in the occurrence of benomyl-resistant strain of japanese pear scab fungus in Miyagi Prefecture 86

NAKATANI, F. and TAKAHASHI, S. : Apple scab lesions developed on sepals and control by timely sprays with ergosterol biosynthetic inhibitor 89

ARAI, S., FUKUSHIMA, C., NAKAZAWA, N. and SEGAWA, K. : Susceptibility of apple root stock infected with apple chlorotic leaf spot virus to white root rot 92

MOCHIZUKI, A. : Feeding response of the adult rice water weevil to methanol extracts of some dicotyledons 94

WATANABE, K. and YOKOYAMA, K. : Effect of temperature on the feeding and ovipositional periods of the adult rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel 96

YOKOYAMA, K., SAITO, T. and WATANABE, K. : Estimation of maximum immigration period and control of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, by using day-degree accumulation 99

TAKEDA, M. : Studies on the fecundity and feeding activity of the overwitered adult of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), under laboratory conditions 1. Effect of temperature 102

KIDOKORO, T. : Recent outbreaks of the green rice leaffhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps (Uhler), and the yellowing of rice leaves in Miyagi Prefecture 105

SHIBUYA, S. and NOGANO, T. : Susceptibility to insecticides in the green rice leaffhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps (Uhler), in Miyagi Prefecture 1. Occurrence of less susceptible population to some insecticides 109

HACHIYA, K. : Effect of temperature on the developmental velocity of small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen 112

TAKANO, T and FUNABASAMA, K. : Ovipositing prevalence of smaller rice leaf miner, Hydrellia griseola Fallen, on the earlier transplanting rice plant 114

ICHITA, T. : Developmental traits of the rice grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki (Orthoptera : Catantopidae) 117

ICHIMORI, T., CHIBA, T., TANAKA, H. and ITO, M. : Relation between the content of spotted rice and the distance from the origin place of sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura 121

NAGANO, T. : Occurrence of pecky rice caused by releases of four species rice bugs 125

SATO, R., SATO, T., ASHIDATE, M. and OHSAWA, S. : Seasonal changes of immigration of alate viviparae of the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) in the cucumber field 127

SAITO, O. : Seasonal prevalence of the allium leafminer, Acrolepiopsis sapporensis (Matsumura), caught by sex pheromone trap at Sapporo 129

SUZUKI, T. : Systematic control of insect pests on cabbage 1. Evaluation of spray chemicals against the diamondback moth in relation to the insecticide resistance 131

SUZUKI, T. : Systematic control of insect pests on cabbage 2. Control of the diamondback moth by soil application of insecticide 134

TSUTSUI, H. : Overwintering and cold resistance of Rivella apicalis Hendel 136

TSUTSUI, H. : Damages of soybeans by Rivella apicalis Hendel and their control by insecticides 138

HONDA, K., MIKOSHIBA, Y., FUJISAWA, I. and KEGASAWA, K. : Ecological studies on the transmission of the soybean dwarf disease by the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) in Tohoku district, north Japan 1. Differences on the aphid population dynamics and the soybean dwarf incidences between in the inland area and in the Pacific coast area of Iwate Prefecture 140

HONDA, K., MIKOSHIBA, Y., FUJISAWA, I. and KEGASAWA, K. : Ecological studies on the transmission of the soybean dwarf disease by the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) in Tohoku district, north Japan 2. Differences on the density of aphids among six varieties of soybeans and their relationships to the soybean dwarf disease resistance 144

KOHNO, K. and KEGASAWA, K. : Wireworms infested on maize plants 147

TORIKURA, H. : On the life cycle of Aphis gossypii Glover in north-eastern Hokkaido 150

OKUDA, H. and TORIKURA, H. : On the pesticide susceptibility of Aphis gossypii Glover on potato 154

SATO, M., SAITO, S., OBA, S. and ISHIGAKI, H. : Occurrence of the lawn grass cutworm, Spodoptera deprauata Butler, in Shonai district 157

KANEKO, J., SUGAWARA, N. and KITAMURA, C. : Relation between the number of flower-visiting individuals and the number of male moths captured by sex pheromone trap in the silver Y moth (Autographa gamma L.) 160

KANEKO, J., KITAMURA, C., SUGAWARA, N., KANEHIRA, O., AKIYAMA, Y., SAITO, O., SATO, K. and SUGIE, H. : Investigation of the annual prevalence of the silver Y moth (Autographa gamma L.) at different points in Hokkaido with synthetic sex pheromone traps 164

TSUTSUI, H. : Cold resistance and mortality of winter eggs of Ivela auripes (Butler) 167

OHIRA, Y. and OKU, T. : Seasonal history of the peach fruit moth, Carposina sasaki Matsumura, in an isolated garden with plum and Japanese dwarf quince as major hosts 169

YOSHII, T. and ABE, N. : Number of annual generations and fecundity of Lyonetia prunifoliella malinella (Matsumura) (Lepidoptera : Lyonetiidae) 175

AMANO, K., HAYAKAWA, H., YAMASHITA, N., IWANE, K., HASEGAWA, T., TUBAKI, Y. and TAMURA, Y. : Laboratory tests to measure susceptibility of biting midges to permethrin 177

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 3. Relationship between the dung of soil and the number of adults emerged 180

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 4. A preliminary test on artificial diets for rearing the lervae 182

YAMASHITA, N. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 5. Influence of nesting density on the progeny number of Onthophagus gazella 184

HAYKAWA, H. and SASAKI, H. : A survey of tabanid flies at Uryu-numa Swamp in Hokkaido 186

KEGASAWA, K., ASAHI, Y. and MOCHIDA, H. : Relationship between the density of soybean cyst nematodes and the growth conditions of soybeans 188

KAGASAWA, K. : Races of soybean cyst nematode in Miyagi, Fukushima and Niigata Prefectures 191

MIYATA, M. and ENDO, N. : The relationships between the density of cobb's root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus penetrans and the growth of lettuce 193

SATO, M. and AKASAKA, Y. : Varietal difference in the damage of Japanese radish by root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus sp. 196

AKASAKA, Y. and SATO, M. : Effect of granular nematicides to root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus sp. on Japanese radish 199

SATO, M. : Control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne sp. on Japanese yam by oxamyl 203

No.42 (1991)

MASAKI, S. : Climatic adaptations in insects 1

SONODA, R., FUKAYA, T. and YAEGASHI, H. : Pathogenic races of rice blast fungus isolated in Akita Prefecture in 1990 5

SOTODATE, K., HIRANO, M. ICHIMORI, T. and HIRANO, Y. : Occurrence and control of rice blast disease in Iwate Prefecture in 1990 8

TAKEDA, S. : Adaptability of a simulation program for estimating disease development of rice sheath blight 11

OTA, K., SHIMADA, K. : A computer simulation model for forecasting disease development of rice sheath blight 4. Effect of application of fungicide on yield losses by disease 16

SAKUMA, H., TANAKA, T., FUJITA, Y. and KATHO, T. : Damage to rice plants by brown sclerotium disease 〔Ceratobasidium setariae (Sawada) Oniki, Ogosi et Araki〕 and sheath blight 〔Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk〕 on the sheath 20

HONKURA, R., MIURA, Y. and THUJI, H. : Occurrence of white false smut of rice plant that shows the infection route in hill 24

HANZAWA, S. and KAJI, K. : Secondary infection of rice seedling rot in a nursery box, caused by grain rot bacterium, Pseudomonas glumae Kurita and Tabei 1967 and rot of diseased seedings in paddy field 27

MIKOSHIBA, Y., FUJISAWA, I. and HONDA, K. : Geographical distribution of the white clover (Trifolium repens L.) infected with soybean dwarf virus in Tohoku district 31

FUJITA, M., YAMASHITA, K., ISHITANI, M., KUMAGAI, K., YUZA, T. and MORIYUKI, K. : Effect of timing of disease initiation on growth and yield in soybean dwart 34

NAKAJIMA, T., SHINODA, N. and FUJISAWA, I. : A survey of soybean brown stem rot in Akita Prefecture and populations of Phialophora gregata in infested soybean field soils 37

YAMASHITA, K. : Occurrence of Azuki bean mosaic disease in Nanbu region of Aomori Prefecture 40

MIZUKOSHI, T., HANADA, T. and HASHIMOTO, Y. : Period of infection of bean yellows in kidney beans by the foxglove aphid Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach, in the Tokachi district, Hokkaido 42

KAJI, K., TAKECHI, S., HANZAWA, S. and SAKUMA, H. : Control and varietal resistance of kidney bean necrotic stem blight caused by clover yellow vein virus 45

MATSUMOTO, T., OHKAWA, T., HASEGAWA, S. and INOUE, M. : Occurrence of virus disease of pea caused by white clover mosaic virus in Akita Prefecture 48

NAKAMURA, S. and HONKURA, R. : Characterization and pathogenicity of the viruses causing broad bean necrotic mosaic disease in Miyagi Prefecture 53

NAKAMURA, S., HONKURA, R. and MASUDA, T. : Symptoms and yield losses in broad bean at various infection stages of broad bean necrotic mosaic disease 55

MIKOSHIBA, Y., FUJISAWA, I. and HONDA, K. : Effect of polyethylene film mulching on the prevention of aphid-borne virus infection in broad bean 57

MATSUZAKI, I. : Grazing by collembola on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Owen 61

YAMASHITA, K., ISHITANI, M. and OKIKAWA, K. : Aphid transmission of garlic mosaic virus and garlic latent virus in garlic 64

NAKATANI, F. and TAKAHASHI, S. : Occurrence and control of disease, kappan-byo, of gentian caused by Thallosporiella gentianae Yokoyama et Kasuyama 66

SATO, T., TANAKA, T., SUZUKI, M., UZUKI, T. and YAHAGI, K. : Forecasting of primary apple scad development with a dew balance 69

OGATA, T. and OCHIAI, M. : Studies on the forecasting of apple ring rot, Botryosphaeria berengeriana de Notaris f. sp. piricola (Nose) Koganezawa et Sakuma 1. Analysis of climatic effects on dispersal of pycnospore 74

TSUKIJI, K., HIRARAGI, T., HIRANO, Y. and TAKEDA, S. : A survey of turf grass diseases at golf links in Iwate Prefecture 77

SATO, R. OHSAWA, S. and ARAKAWA, I. : Estimation of maximum immigration period of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kushel, by using mesh climatic chart programs of Fukushima Prefecture I.. Evaluation of day-degree accumulation and the hourly evening temperatures calculated from daily maximum and minimum temperatures 80

SHIBUYA, S. : Control of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, by insecticide application in the marginal zone of paddy fields 1. Control by submerged application of insecticide 83

IITOMI, A. and KISHI, T. : Damage of rice plant in the late stage of ripening injured by the brown rice planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Homoptera : Delphacidae) in Akita Prefecture, 1990 85

ISHIGURO, K. and YANASE, M. : Effects of feeding by whitebacked rice planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath, small brown planthpper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen and brown rice planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal for quallity on brown rice 88

UZUKI, T., SATO, T. and SATO, K. : Outbreaks of the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler, in Murayama region of Yamagata Prefecture 91

NAGANO, T. and FUJISAKI, Y. : Occurrence of smaller rice leaf miner, Hydrellia griseola Fallen, on direct sowing rice culture in flooded paddy field 94

YOKOYAMA, K., KATOH, T., WATANABE, K. and SAITO, T. : Annual fluctuations of seasonal phenology of the rice grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, in Yamagata Prefecture 96

ICHIMORI, T., TANAKA, H., URAKAWA, F. and HIRANO, M. : Occurrence and control of pecky rice caused by sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura 101

TANAKA, H., ICHIMORI, T. and CHIBA, T. : Evaluation of partial spraying in the field for the control of pecky rice caused by stink bugs 103

MIYATA, M. : Effect of hull cracked rice on pecky rice caused by the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Mstsumura 106

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Seasonal fluctuation in the alate form rate of the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach, in the field population 109

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Difference in response of five aphid species to alarm pheromone from active cornicle droplets 112

TORIKURA, H. : Seasonal occurrence of some morphs of Rhopalosiphum spp. (Homoptera : Aphididae) on primary host in Hokkaido 114

KIKUCHI, O. and MASUDA, T. : Seasonal prevalence of aphids on broad bean and transmission of bean yellow mosaic virus 117

SATO, T., SATO, R., OHSAWA, S. and SUGAWARA, P. : Estimation of anholocyclic form of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, in Fukushima Prefecture 121

SUGAWARA, P., SATO, T., SATO, R. and OHSAWA, S. : Influence of different host plants on insecticide susceptibility of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover 124

HONDA, K., MIKOSHIBA, Y., FUJISAWA, I. and MIYAI, S. : Control of soybean dwarf by new systemic insecticide (Imidacloprid) and plastic silver tape 126

TORIKURA, H. : Mass overwintering of the larvae of Autographa gamma (L.) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) and relation to some meteological factors 130

KANEKO, J. : Seasonal prevalence of the silver Y moth, Autgrapha gamma L. (Noctuidae : Plusiinae) in comparison with that of the cabbage looper, A. nigrisigna in a cabbage field at Hitsuji-ga-oka, Sapporo 133

SUZUKI, T. : Systematic control of insect pests on cabbage 3. Evaluation of spray chemicals against the common cabbage worm, the beet semi-looper and the cabbage armyworm 136

KIMURA, T. : Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis formulations and insect growth regulators for the control of diamondback moth (Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae) in Aomori prefecture 141

MASUDA, T., KIKUCHI, O. and KAYABA, H. : Outbreak of Acanthoplusia agnata (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) in soybean fields and infestation of an epizootic in the larvae 145

KIMURA, S. : Immigration of the beet armyworm, Spocloptera exigua Hubner, to northern coastal area of Akita Prefecture, 1990, in relation to atomospheric conditions 148

KOHNO, K. : Effects of the year-to-year fluctuation of air temperature upon the timing of emergence, number of generations and abundance of some noctuid moths 152

MURAI, T. and TOYOKAWA, S. : Effects of nonwavenfabulic as physical barrieirs against striped flea beetle Phyllotreta strilata Fabricius on spring seeding turnips 155

HAYAKAWA, H. and TSUTSUI, H. : Studies on the biology and control of the seed-corn maggot 14. Relationship between the similar damage by the seed-corn maggot and the yields of soybeans in minimum tillage 158

KAKIZAKI, M., SATO, T. and YAMAGUCHI, S. : Occurrence of the yellowish elongate chafer, Heptophylla picea Motshulsky (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), on the blueberried honeysuckle, Lonicera caerulea L. var. emphyllocalyx Nakai 161

AMANO, K. HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Laboratory tests to determine susceptibility of tabanid adults to several insecticides 167

HAYAKAWA, H., WATANABE, M., HASEGAWA, T., TSUBAKI, Y. and KOSUGE, Y. : Efficacy test of a new insecticide and repellent spray against tabanid flies (Diptera : Tabanidae) 170

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass Rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 6. Relationship between the parental densities and the progeny number of the beetle in a portable small box 173

YAMASHITA, N. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 7. Effect of photoperiod condition on fertility of Onthophagus gazella 175

CHIBA, T., TSUKIJI, K., HAREYAMA, M. and SUZUKI, S. : A Survey of insect pests at golf-links in Iwate Prefecture 177

UMETSU, M. and SHIMIZU, K. : Races of the soybean cyst namatode in Akita and Fukushima Prefectures 180

OIKAWA, K., YAMASHITA, K. and SUGIYAMA, S. : Brown spot on chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) caused by root-leasion nematodes, Pratylenchus spp. 182

SHIMIZU, K. AIBA, S. and MITSUI, Y. : Infectivity of single cyst population of soybean cyst nematode to soybean varieties 186

No.43 (1992)

TAKAHASHI, T. :Viroid diseases in plants 1

KOIZUMI, S., TAKEDA, S., SAKUMA, H. and NEMOTO, F. : Pathogenic races of rice blast fungus isolated in Akita, Yamagata and Fukushima Prefectures in 1991 7

TAKADA, S. : Seasonal occurrence of rice leaf blast at its early stage in small area of Iwate Prefecture in 1991 9

SOTODATE, K., HIRANO, M., URAKAWA, H. and SUZUKI, S. : Occurrence of rice blast disease in Iwate Prefecture, 1991 1. Some characters and factors 13

TSUKIJI, K., URAKAWA, F. and HIRANO, Y. : Occurrence of rice blast disease in Iwate Prefecture, 1991 2. Some cases of the disease control 15

TAKAHASHI, F. and TAKANO, T. : Factors of outbreak of rice blast disease for the last decade in Miyagi Prefecture 17

FUKAYA, T. and AWASAKI, H. : Occurrence of rice blast disease by Pyricularia oryzae Cavara in direct sowing culture of paddy rice on drained field in Hachirogata reclained field 19

FUKAYA, T. : Simple method for detecting resistant strains of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara to IBP 21

SAKUMA, H. TANAKA, T., YOKOYAMA, K., ENDO, S., SAITO, T. and FUJITA, Y. : Occurrence aspect of rice blast disease and the influence to the hulled rice yield and quality in Yamagata Prefecture, 1991 24

NEMOTO, F., HASHIMOTO, A. and HANZAWA, S. : Control of rice leaf blast forecasted by computer simulation model (BLASTL) 27

OHTA, K. and SHIMADA, K. : A Computer simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 5. A Forecast for yield losses by disease 30

KATOH, T., TANAKA, T. and FUJITA, Y. : Control of bacterial seedling blight and "Bakanae" disease with the treatment of several pesticides 1. Effect for bacterial seedling blight 34

TAKEUCHI, T. and MUNEKATA, M. : Occurrence of bacterial halo blight of rice in Hokkaido, Japan 37

OHTO, Y. and FUJISAWA, I. : Host range of Polymyxa graminis Ledingham, a vector of wheat yellow mosaic virus, in plants of Graminales 40

TAKEUCHI, T. and KODAMA, F. : Bacterial stalk rot of corn caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. zeae (Sabet) Victoria, Arboleda et Munoz occurred in Hokkaido, Japan 42

TAKAKUWA, M. : Protection of potato late blight under the condition of occurrence of phenylamide resistant race 45

NAKAMINAMI, H., TAKAHASHI, H., NISHI, K., AKASAKA, Y. and TAKADA, S. : Influence of cultivation methods on occurrence of systemically infected seedlings of soybean downy mildew, Peronospora manshurica (Naumoy) Sydow ex Gaumann 48

OKUBO, T. and HASHIMOTO, Y. : The role of alate aphid on spreading SDV in soybean field 50

OKUBO, T. and HANADA, T. : On a vast occurrence of soybean dwarf disease A case study of Tokachi District in 1991 54

MIZUKOSHI, T. and HAGITA, T. : Differences in detection of soybean dwarf virus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assary (ELISA) in different parts of the ladino clover 56

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Infection rates of two strains of soybean dwarf virus of ladino clover collected in the pastures of the Tokachi District of Hokkaido 59

HONKURA, R., NAKAMURA, S. and MIYATA, M. : The influence of transplanting time for the occurrence of soybean dwarf disease at the middle area in Miyagi Prefecture 61

MIZUKOSHI, T., HASHIMOTO, Y. and HANADA, T. : Inhibitive effect of silver polyethylene film on soybean dwarf virus infection and economical treatment in kidney beans 63

YAMASHITA, K. and OIKAWA, K. : Detection of garlic mosaic virus by DIBA and indirect ELISA 66

NAKATANI, F., AKASAKA, Y. and ANDO, Y. : Occurrence of radish leaf spot caused by Pseudocercosporella capsellae (Ell.et Ev) Deighton 69

KAJI, K., SONODA, T. and TAKEUCHI, M. : Occurrence of fruits rot of cucumber, caused by Phythopthora melonis Katsura in the market I. Damage and factors of the occurrence 72

KAJI, K., SONODA, T. and TAKEUCHI, M. : Occurrence of fruits rot of cucumber, caused by Phytophthora melonis katsura in the market II.The pathogenic fungus and control 74

SONODA, T. and KAJI, K. : Pathogenic strains of Verticillium dahliae, causal agent of Verticillium wilt of strawberry, and pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae strains 77

FUKAYA, M. and KATO, S. : Occurrence of bitter rot of pear caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penzing in Akita Prefecture 80

YUKITA, K. : Infection of Valsa canker to apple trees through fruit-stems left behind on bourse at harvest 82

OGATA, T. and OCHIAI, M. : Studies on the forecasting of apple ring rot, Botryosphaeria berengeriana de Notaris f. sp. piricola (Nose) Koganezawa et Sakuma 2. The relation between the fruit infection and rainy day's weather condition, and amount of dispersed pycnospore 85

ISHIGURO, K. : Analysis of damage to rice by Oxya yezoensis Shiraki I. Effect on yield of feeding during the period from heading to maturity 87

ICHIMORI, T. and URAKAWA, F. : Biological studied on green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler, in Iwate Prefecture 1. Prevalence in the southern part of Iwate Prefecture 90

MIYATA, M. : Effect of hull cracked rice on pecky rice caused by sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura 2. Study of releasing period and density 93

NAGANO, T. and MIYATA, M. : Catch of rice skipper Parnara guttata (Bremer et Grey) by colored sticky traps 96

ITO, H., OHSAWA, S. and SATO, R. : Estimation of maximum immigration period of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kushel, using mesh climatic chart programs of Fukushima Prefecture II. Adaptability of estimated immigration period based on day-degree accumulation 98

KIDOKORO, T. : Factors affecting the inhabiting ratio in water of the hibernated adult of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel 100

KOHNO, K. : Year-to-year fluctuation of wireworms in maize field 104

KOHNO, K. : Comparison of catches of the click beetle, Melanotus legatus Candeze, by several types of traps 106

KOHNO, K. : Effect of granular insecticide application on wireworms infesting maize 108

SHIBUYA, S. : Simultaneous control of the soybean podborer, Leguminivora glycinivorella matsumura, soybean pod gall midge, Asphondylia sp. and several kinds of stink bug by fenvalerate MEP 110

KIDOKORO, T. and MAEDA, M. : Seasonal changes of economic injury level of the bean tussock moth, Cifuna locuples confusa (Bremer) 112

TAKANO, T. : Outbreak of the soybean pod gall midge, Asphondylia sp., in 1988 117

SAITO, O. : Seasonal prevalence of the seedcorn fly surveyed by the kairomone trap in Tokachi, Hokkaido 119

SAITO, O. : Control of seedcorn maggot in soybeans by application of diflubenzuron bait on soil surface after sowing 121

KEGASAWA, K. : Study of an egg-parasitic fungus (Paecilomyces sp.) to the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) (1) Activity of the egg-parasitic fungus on various soil conditions 124

KEGASAWA, K. and SAKAI, S. : Study of the egg-parasitic fungus (Paecilomyces sp.) to the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) (2) Movements of soybean cyst nematode and egg-parasitic fungus in soybean filed 127

SATO, R., OHSAWA, S. and SATO, T. : Seasonal prevalences of spider mites in the kidney bean fields 129

KIKUCHI, O. : Pesticide susceptibility of aphids on broad bean 131

MATSUZAKI, I. and ITAKURA, J. : Effect of collembola grazing on the reduction of Rhizoctonia damping-off of vegetable seedlings in three types of soils under the Laboratory conditions 133

KODAMA, K., SATO, K., OMI, Y., SHIBUYA, K. and NARITA, H. : Seasonal prevalence of flower thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trykom) in the southern area of Akita Prefecture 135

OKAZAKI, K. and SATO, R. : Control of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella by communication disruption 139

NAKAMINAMI, M. and AKASAKA, Y. : Population fluctuations of Pratylenchus spp. caused by cultivation of several crops 2. Population fluctuations of Pratylenchus penetrans 141

ABE, N., SASAKI, M. and YOSHII, T. : Control effect of mating disruption with synthetic pheromones on the apple leafminer, Phyllonorycter ringoniella Matsumura 144

WATANABE, K. : Estimation of total effective temperature on ground surface by using "triangle method" 146

FUNAYAMA, K., and TAKAHASHI, Y. : Seasonal prevalence of occurrence and optimum timing for control of apple rust mite Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa) 149

FUJIBAYASHI, Y. and KUSHITA, T. : Susceptibility of Panonychus ulmi (Koch) and Tetranychus urticae Koch to acaricides in the Tsugaru region, Aomori Prefecture 152

SATO, T., SATO, R. and YAMADERA, M. : Occurrence of the gall wasp, Diplolepis japonica (Walker) on the endemic rose, Rosa multiflora Thunb., cultivated for ornamental use 155

CHIBA, T. : Biological notes on Amphipoea ussuriensis (Petersen) 157

KANEKO, J., ENDOU, T. and SUGAWARA, N. : Seasonal prevalence at grass field and individuals number come flying to marigold flowers of silver Y moth, Autographa gamma (L.) (Noctuidae : Plusiinae) in comparison with that of Asiatic common looper, A. nigrisigna (Walker) 161

OKU, T. : Under-ground population trends of scarabaeid beetles in natural grasslands 166

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Relationship between age of cattle dung and visiting dung beetles surveyed at a pasture in the suburbs of Morioka City 170

YAMASHITA, N. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Studies on mess rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 8. Separation methods of attached soil from residual cattle dung for measuring amounts of dung consumed 173

AMANO, K. : Juvenile hormone activity of pyriproxyfen on the yellow dung fly, Scatophaga stercoraria 175

HAYAKAWA, H. and INAOKA, T. : A survey of tabanid flies at Tomamae and Horokanai areas in the northern part of Hokkaido 177

HAYAKAWA, H., SASAKI, H. and NISHIJIMA, H. : A survey of tabanid flies along the upper basin of the Nishibetsu River in the eastern part of Hokkaido 179

TORIKURA, H. : On the estimation for the flight distance of Mimela testaceipes Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) 181

TORIKURA, H. : What kind of chafers are attracted to light ? 185

SAITO, O. and GOTO, C. : Control of the cabbage armyworm and the spotted cutworm by two baculovirus in sugar beet field 189

MASUDA, T. and KIKUCHI, O. : Pathogenicity of some entomopathogenic fungi to the silkworm, Bombyx mori 191

MASUDA, T. and KIKUCHI, O. : On the species of longicorn beetle infected with entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria brongniartii, in the field 194

No.44 (1993)

OKU, T. : Migratory activity of insects and pest management 1

OHTA, K. and SAITO, H. : A computer simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 6. Effect of disease development on yield losses 6

TAKAHASHI, C. and OSADA, S. : Simultaneous control of rice sheath blight, Rhizoctonia solani KUHN, and brown sclerotium disease, Ceratobasidium setariae Sawada 8

HONKURA, R . and OSADA, S . : The time of chemicals application for control of kernel smut of rice plant 10

OSADA, S . : Effect of several fungicides on the seasonal occurrence of rice sheath spot, caused by Rhizoctonia oryzae RYKER & GOOCH 11

TAKAHASI, C. : Effect of autoclave of nursery bed soil on occurrence of bacterial seedling blight, Pseudomonas plantarii Azegami et al. 14

FURUYA, H., TAKANO, H,. INOUE, S. and MATHUMOTO, T. : Occurrence of the fast-even type and the slow-feathery type of eyespot pathogen, Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton, in japan 16

NAITO, S., YAMAGUCHI, T., SUGIMOTO, T. and HOMMA, Y. : A simple method for the long-time culture storage of Rhizoctonia spp. on barleys’grains 20

SAYAMA, M. and HOMMA, Y. : Improved methods for detecting and estimating the number of cystsori of Polymyxa betae from infested soil, and for separating the cystsori from infected rootlets of sugar beet 24

TANAKA, F., HORITA, H. and TANII, A. : Occurrence of brown spot of chinese yam, caused by Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zins.) Scholten 28

MITSUEDA, T. and M. J. DA. CHARCHAR : Ecological studies on the stem rot of bean in Cerrado region (Brazil) 31

NAKAJIMA, T., MITSUEDA, T. and M. J. DA. CHARCHAR : Identification of causal fungi of Sclerotinia diseases in Cerrado region in Brazil 36

OHTA, Y., NAKAJIMA, T., NAITO, S., AKASAKA, Y. and NAKATANI, F. : Occurrence of verticillium wilt disease of soybean in Iwate prefecture 39

HORITA, H., SHIRAI, K. and TANAKA, F. : Seed transmission of Cercospora sojina Hara, The causal fungus of frog-eye leaf spot of soybean 41

MIZUKOSHI, T., HASHIMOTO, Y. and HANADA, T. : Effect of foliar application of insecticide in infection period of soybean dwarf virus in kidney beans 43

OKUBO, T. : Control of soybean dwarf disease with foliar application of insectiside in early growing period of soybean 46

OKUBO, T. : A relationship between the number of alate glasshouse-potato aphids on soybean and the incidence of soybean dwarf disease 49

SHIRAKAWA, T., OZAKI, K. and TAKAHASHI, K. : Occurrence of tomato pith necrosis caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens biovarII 53

HONDA, Y., YOSHIDA, K. and GOTO, T. : Control of cucumber mosaic virus by preinoculation with attenuated virus in the fields affected with tomato streak disease 56

OZAKI, K. and TAKAHASHI, K. : Resistance of spinach cultivar to race 4 of Peronospora spinaciae Laubert 59

AKASAKA, Y., TAKEHARA, T., KOMOTO, Y. and KUNIYASU, K. : Recovery of the nitrate-nonutilizing (nit) mutants of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae and nonpathoginic F. oxysporum and their reisolation from soil 61

ODASHIMA, S., SHIRAKAWA, T., FUKAYA, T., OZAKI, K., SHINODA, N. and MATHUHASHI, M. : Occurrence of bacterial leaf spot on welsh onion in Akita prefecture 65

OSADA, S., SATO, K., KANNO, H. and HABU, T. : Outbreak of strawberry crown rot, caused by Phytophthora cactorum (Led. & Cohn) Shroet. in Miyagi prefecture 68

HORITA, H. : Occurrence of bacterial leaf spot disease of chrysanthemum incited by Pseudomonas cichorii (Swingle) Stapp in Hokkaido 71

YUKITA, K. : Evaluation of fungicides as protection of hand-thinned fruit pedincles from invation by apple canker 74

OSANAI, M. : Diagnostic symptoms of tree trunk apple canker that became apparent in autumn 77

HIRARAGI, T., SUZUKI, S. and OIKAWA, H. : Insect and pest damages on apple fruit and tree by pesticide-free cultivation 81

OGATA, T. and OCHIAI, M. : Stusies on the forecasting of apple ring rot, Botryosphaeria berengeriana de Notaris f. sp. piricola (Nose) Koganezawa et Sakuma 3. Seasonal changes in the susceptibility of fruit to the apple ring rot fungus 83

ISHIGURO, K. : Analysis of damage to rice by Oxya yezoensis Shiraki II. Effect of feeding on yield during the period before 32 days to heading 86

IITOMI, A. : A simple rice-hill trap for catching the migrants fo Sogatella furcifera 89

FURUKAWA, K., AKIYAMA, Y. and TAKAKURA, S. : Recent occurrence of Anaphes nipponicus Kuwayama to the rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae in Hokkaido Prefecture 92

SATO, M., NIIYAMA, T., OHARA, M., TSURUTA, R. and IITOMI, A. : Decrease in susceptibility of rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama), to insecticides in Akita prefecture 95

IIMURA, S. : Control of rice water weevil and rice leaf beetle with packed cycloprothrin scattered into paddy fields 98

MIYATA, M. : The relation between captured number of the hibernated adult of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel on the border of the field and immigration time and abundance in paddy field 101

SHIBUYA, S. : Control of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, by insecticide application in the marginal zone of paddy fields 2. Control by application of systemic insecticide 103

KOHNO, K. : Comparison of catches of the clik beetle, Melanotus senilis Candeze, by several types of traps 105

KOHNO, K. and MIYAI, S. : Wireworm sampling by baiting technique 107

SAITO, O. : Difference of damage by the seedcorn maggot between farming and soil types in soybean culture 109

TORIKURA, H. : A simple method for estimating the population density of melon aphid in potato field 1. Apterae and immature (Homoptera, Aphididae) 114

TORIKURA, H. : A simple method for estimating the population density of melon aphid in potato field 2. Alate viviparae (Homoptera, Aphididae) 117

TORIKURA, H. : Seasonal prevalence of potato aphids in north-eastern Hokkaido 120

KANEKO, J. : Existence ratio of silver Y moth, Autographa gamma (L.) after overwintering in cabbage field at Sapporo, Japan 124

KAZINO, Y. : The occurrence and damage of lepidopterous pests on summer-planting cabbage in Hokkaido 127

KAZINO, Y. : Economic injury level of lepidopterous pests on summer planting cabbage in Hokkaido 132

NIIYAMA, T., SATO, M. and YOSHIDA, I. : Insecticide susceptibility of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) in Akita Prefecture 135

IWASAKI, A. and KAJINO, Y. : The effect of controlling common white (Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval) and diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella (L.)) on fresh market cabbage by use of the ultraviolet-reflecting mulch film in central Hokkaido 138

MIZUKOSHI, T., ARIMURA, T. and WATANABE, Y. : Damage of carabid beetles on spring seeding radish in the central region of the Oshima District of Hokkaido I. Aspects of injury 141

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Damage of carabid beetles on spring seeding radish in the central region of the Oshima District of Hokkaido II. Dominant species causing injury 144

MURAI, T. and ISHITANI, M. : Ability of the contacting row cover with nonwovenfabric as physical control against striped flea beetle Filtrate starlight Fabricius on spring seeding turnips 148

ICHITA, Y. and FUJIMURA, T. : Occurrence of dry bulb mite, Aceria tulipae (Keifer), on garlic in Aomori Prefecture and chemical control by seed bulb dipping 151

KIKUCHI, O. and MIYAZAKI, M. : Seasonal prevalence and discovery of the male of Thrips tabaci Lindeman in Miyagi 159

KIKUCHI, O. : Key to some Japanese species of Aphis from the alate forms 161

WATANABE, K. and YUUKI, S. : Forecast of occurrence time of the oriental fruit moth adults, Grapholita molesta (Busck) 164

KANEKO, J. : Change in supercooling point of eggs of aphid, Myzus mumecola (Matsumura), through overwintering period 167

SASAKI, M. and ABE, N. : Occurrence of Drosophila in the cherry orchards (I) Species and the seasonal prevalence obtained by the bait trap 169

MIYATA, M. : Damage to Chrysanthemum by sucking of plant bugs, Lygocoris lucorum Meyer-Dur 172

MIYATA, M. and ONUMA, K. : Control of root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita in cucumber field by cultivation of marigold intercrop 175

SUZUKI, T. : Biological notes and control on Phalonidia rubricana Peyerimhoff 1. Seasonal prevalence and injury pattern on the first generation 178

SUZUKI, T. : Biological notes and control on Phalonidia rubricana Peyerimhoff 2. Seasonal prevalence and injury pattern on the second generation 181

FUJIBAYASHI, Y. and SEKITA, N. : Development and diapause induction of the Kanzawa spider mite, Tetraychus kanzawai 184

FUNAYAMA, K. and TAKAHASHI, Y. : Susceptibility of diapause two-spotted spider mite against acaricides 187

MASUDA, T. : Pathogenicity of Verticillium lecanii to the larvae Bemisia tabaci 189

MASUDA, T. and KIKUCHI, O. : Control of whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporaiorum, by Verticillium lecanii preparation 191

AMANO, K. and HASEGAWA, T. : Rearing method for Musca hervei Vill. (Diptera : Muscidae) : Diets for adults 194

AMANO, K. : Juvenile hormone activity of pyriproxyfen on dung-breeding dipterous species 197

AMANO, K. : Effects of larval density on the development in Orthellia caesarion Meigen (Diptera : Muscidae) 200

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 9. Emergence of beetles reared by livestock dung with different component of feed 202

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 10. Relationship between the surface area of medium and the number of brood balls produced 204

HAYAKAWA, H. and NISHIJIMA, H. : A survey of blood-sucking flies at Ohtaki-mura, Eburi-shicho in Hokkaido 206

No.45 (1994)

KATO, H. : Recent oversea trend in epidemics and studied of rice blast disease 1 TSUKIJI, K., KAWAMURA, R. and ONODERA, I : Some characteristic occurrence of rice blast disease on the paddy field reduced pesticide in 1993 3

OSADA, S., SASAHARA, M. and INO, M. : The outbreak of rice blast disease and its related factors in Miyagi prefecture, 1993 1. Seasonal occurrence and its related environmental factors 6

OSADA, S ., INO, M. and SASAHARA, M. : The outbreak of rice blast disease and its related factors in Miyagi prefecture, 1993 2. Disease control and the influence of cold summer on its efficiency 10

OHTA; K. and SAITO, H. : A computer simulation model for rice sheath blight disease 7. Effect of fungicide application timing on control of sheath blight and grain yield of rice plant 14

TAKEUCHI, T. : Influence of cultural conditions in nursery bed on occurrence of bacterial seedling blight of rice 17

TAKEUCHI, T. : A method for testing the effect of seed disinfection for bacterial seedling blight of rice 21

KIKUTA, A. and OIKAWA, T. : Influences of seed disinfectant on the growth of seedling originated from hull-cracked rice 27

CHIBA, K. and NAKATANI, F. : Characters of rice seed samples produced on 1993 and methods of seed disinfection for seedling culture 29

SIMIZU, M. : A simple method for monitoring the sensitivity of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici to triadimefon 32

YASUOKA, S. : Outbreak of wheat scab caused by Fusarium nivale and yield loss of winter wheat in Tokachi, Hokkaido 35

NAITO, S. and SUGIMOTO, T. : Some properties of disease suppressiveness induced by root-rotten sugarbeet 38

OZAWA, S., OBATA, H., YASUOKA, S. and TANAKA, F. : Occurrence of root rot of Chinese yam, caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, in Hokkaido 43

SAYAMA, A., KOBAYASHI, K. and OGOSHI, A. : Some cultural characteristics and pathogenicity to alfalfa of some Helicobasidium mompa isolates 45

KANEMATU, S., HONDA, K., MIKOSHIBA, Y., MIYAI, S., OHTO, Y. and NAITO, S. : A disorder resembling dwarf disease of soybean that is induced by low temperatures 49

OKUBO, T. : A relationship between time of aphid-control and incidence of soybean dwarf disease 53

OKUBO, T . : Control of soybean dwarf disease by spraying of carbonate 56

ANDO, Y., AKASAKA, Y. and NAKATANI, F. : Searching for Phytophthora blight-resistant sweet pepper stock 58

KIKUCHI, S. and YUUKI, S. : Decreased sensitivity of powdery mildew of cucumber by Sphaerotheca fuliginea to fungicides 60

IWATA, Y ., TAMURA,O. and SUMINO, A. : Occurrence of Fusarium wilt of melon caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis which shows different symptoms and parasitism in Hokkaido 62

HAGITA, T. and SASAKI, J. : Occurrence of necrosis of edible lily (Lilium leichtlinii var. maximowiczii Baker) caused by mixed infection of tulip breaking virus (TBV) and unidentified filamentous virus in Hokkaido 67

KATSUBE, K., AKASAKA, Y. and NAKATANI, F. : Biocontrol of Fusarium wilt of spinach by using nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum 2. Investigation of inoculation methods 72

MORIYA, S., WATANABE, K. and NISHI, K. : Effects of soil sterilization with hot water injection on clabroot of Chinese cabbage caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae 76

OSADA, S. : Bacterial rot of parsley (Petroselinum crispum Nym.) , caused by Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis (Brown 1918) Stevens 1925 80

SUZUKI, K., SAITO, A., CHAUMPLUK, P., SASAKI, Y. and HIKICHI, Y. : Infection route of cucumber mosaic virus in gentian 1) Detection of CMV from aphids 84

CHAUMPLUK, P., SASAKI, Y. SAITO, A., KOIWA, H., HIKICHI, Y. and SUZUKI, K. : Comparison of two isolates of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) from gentian plant in Iwate prefecture 88

AKASAKA, Y., ANDO, Y. and NAKATANI, H. : Symptom of leaf spot on gentian (Gentiana spp.) caused by Alternaria sp. 93

KAJI, K., TAIRAKO, K. and SONODA, T. : Effective control of flower rot of gentian caused by Ciborinia sp. using iminoctadine triacetate (BEFRAN LF25) 96

HIROTA, H. : Occurrence of bacterial soft rot of calls incited by Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora in Hokkaido prefecture 100

HIROTA, H. : Bacterial stem rot of chrysanthemum caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi in Hokkaido prefecture 104

SUTO, M. and TAKAHASHI, C. : Seasonal prevalence of chrysanthemum white rust in Miyagi prefecture 108

NAKAZAWA, N., FUJITA, K. and FUKUSHI, Y. : Causal agents of pear fruit rot and its control 110

OGATA, T., ITO, K. and OCHIAI, M. : Analysis of a regional characteristic for Japanese pear scab development by utilization of the weather date obtained from AMEDAS (Automated Meteorological Date Acquisition System) 114

YUUKI. S., KIKUCHI, S and DOMON, K. : Susceptibility to gum-soaked canker in sweet cherry varieties 117

YUKITA, K. : Difference of apple cultivers in infection with Valsa canker thruogh fruit pediceles left behind on bourse following after hand-thinnig 122

IWAYA, H. : Effects of organic fertilizers on the occurrence of apple canker with a special reference to the time of application 126

OSANAI, M. and OYAMA, N. : An improvement of a mud treatment by adding bentonite to control apple canker 129

IIMURA, S. : Attack timing and control threshold of the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura (Hemiptera : Miridae) 132

MIYATA, M. : Relation between the stage of rice plant and the occurrence of pecky rice caused by sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera : Miridae) 137

SUZUKI, S., IIMURA, S., ITOU, M., TUKIZI, K. and KAWAMURA, R. : Efficient control of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) and rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) based on the control threshold 139

KIDOKORO, T. : On the method for testing insecticidal susceptibility of rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) by topical application 142

SHIBUYA, S. : Susceptibility of the rice leaf beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) to the insecticides in Miyagi prefecture 1. Appearance of low susceptible population to the propoxur 145

SAITO, O. : Difference of seasonal prevalence of the seedcorn fly, Delia platura (Diptera : Anthomyiidae) between surveyed by the kairomone trap and the fish meal trap in Sapporo, Hokkaido 147

TORIKURA, H. : New record of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera : Aphididae) from Hokkaido 150

TORIKURA, H. : Yield loss of potato by the infestation of melon aphid, Aphis gossypii (Homoptera : Aphididae) 153

NAKATA, T. : Seasonal prevalence of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera : Aleyrodidae) in the potato field in Hokkaido 156

SAITO, O. : Tolerance of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae), to low constant temperature 158

SAITO, O. : Hibernation of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae), in the field or in the greenhouse at Sapporo, Hokkaido, 1984-1986 160

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Low susceptibility of the diamondback Plutella xylostlla (Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae), to chitin synthesis inhibitor in the Oshima district of Hokkaido in 1993 163

SATO, K., MOCHIDA, O. and KIKUCHI, A. : Control of the diamond back moth (Plutella xylostella) (Lepidoptera :Yponomeutidae) by egg-parasitoids (Trichogramma) 1

0. Relationships among density of Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae)released, percentage of parasitism, and mortality due to host feeding 168

IWASAKI, A. : Management of cabbage caterpillars in Hokkaido by using visual damage thresholds 171

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Damage of carabid beetles on spring seeding radish in the central region of the Oshima district of Hokkaido III. Influence of temperature on consumption of radish roots 175

WATANABE, K. and YUUKI, S. : Seasonal occurrence of Rhopalosiphum insertum (Walker) (Homoptera : Aphididae) on apple and control 177

MIYATA, M. : Damage to chrysanthemum by sucking of a plant bug, Lygocoris lucorum (Meyer-Dur) (Hemiptera : Miridae) 181

KIKUCHI, O. : Parasitism of thrips on Chrysanthemum in Miyagi prefecture 184

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 11. Relationship between the solidity of medium and the number of emerged adults 186

HAYAKAWA, H. and YAMASHITA, N. : Studies on mass rearing methods of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella 12. Relationship between the amount of water poured on medium and the number of emerged adults 188

AMANO, K. : Laboratory tests to determine lethal effects of three kinds of insecticides on Musca hervei (Diptera : Muscidae) adults 190

MURAI, T. and SATO, N. : Survey of dry bulb mite, Aceria tulipae (Keifer) (Acarina : Eriophyidae), on garlic in Aomori prefecture 192

KIMURA, Y. and KUSHITA, T. : Susceptibility of Panonychus ulmi (Koch) and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari : Tetranychidae) to three acaricides in Aomori prefecture 195

SASAKI, M., SATO, R. and ABE, N. : Susceptibility of the two-spotted spidermite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina : Tetranychidae) to acaricides in Fukushima prefecture 1. Changes of susceptibility to some acaricides 198

SASAKI, M. and SATO, R. : Susceptibility of the two-spotted spidermite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina : Tetranychidae) to acaricides in Fukushima prefecture 2. Susceptibility of the local population to some acaricides 202

No.46 (1995)

TATSUKI, S. : Use of Sex Pheromones : Future Prospects and Problems 1

SATO, K., SATO, T., SAITO, H., SONODA, R., ASHIZAWA, T., NAITO, H. and NEMOTO, H. : Distribution of Pathogenic Races of Rice Blast Fungus as a Result of the Recent Change of Cultivars in Yamagata Prefecture 6

TAKEDA, S. : Regional Classification of Rice Blast Disease Occurrence in Iwate Prefecture by Multivariate Analysis 8

HANZAWA, S., NEMOTO, K., ENDO, Y., ARAKAWA, I. and HASHIMOTO, A. : Estimation of Extensive Development of Rice Blast Disease by Aerial Colour Photograph 12

IKEDA, A. and HOSAKA, M. : Effective Concentration of Fthalide for Preventing Rice Leaf Blast and Influence of Rainfall on the Chemicals Residues 15

OSADA, S., TATSUNO, E., HASEGAWA, E., SHIMA, H. and YAMAMOTO, S. : Control of Rice Blast in Paddy Field by Nursery Box Application of Tricyclazole 1. Control Effect on Leaf Blast 18

TATSUNO, E., OSADA, S. HASEGAWA, E. SHIMA, H. and YAMAMOTO, S. : Control of Rice Blast in Paddy Field by Nursery Box Application of Tricyclazole 1. Behavior of Tricyclazole Residue in Rice Leaves 21

TSUKIJI, K., TAKEDA, S. and URAKAWA, F. : Regional Division based on Occurrence of Rice Sheath Blight Disease in Iwate Prefecture Recent Years 24

OHTA, K. : Forecasts Based on Simulation Model for Rice Sheath Blight 8. Judgement to the Need for Fungicide Application 26

OSADA, S. : Effect of False Smut Occurrence on Yield and Quality of Rice 30

KATSUBE, K., SATO, K., SHIRAKAWA, T. and TAKEDA, S. : Occurrence of Bacterial Palea Browning Disease of Rice in Iwate Prefecture 1. Characteristics of Bacterial Isolates 33

OSADA, S. : The Outbreak of Rice Yellow Dwarf in Miyagi Prefecture 36

ISOGAI, M., UYEDA, I., KIMURA, I., KAJINO, Y., HAGITA, T. and TORIYAMA, S. : Occurrence of Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Fijivirus in Hokkaido 38

NAKAJIMA, T. and NAITO, S. : Effects of Soil Types on the Disease Severity of Pink Snow Mold in Winter Wheat 42

TORIKURA, H. : Notes on "Kasuri-ha" Symptoms, Yellow Streaked Leaves of Winter Wheat 1. Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Symptoms 45

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Influence of the Preservation Conditions of Soybean Leaves infected with Soybean Dwarf Virus to the Absorbance on Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay 50

OHTO, Y. and NAITO, S. : Cylindrocladium Root Rot, a New Disease of Broad Bean (Visia faba L.) caused by Cylindrocladium floridanum Sobers et Seymour 53

NAGASAWA, J., NAITO, S. and NAKAJIMA, T. : Germination Ability of Sclerotia of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn AG-1 IA on Corn Stalk 56

TAKAHASHI, K., UMEMURA, Y., SATO, N. and KATO, M. : Simple Methods for Assessing Scab Resistance of Potato 1. Screening of Seedlings for Resistance by Spray-inoculating Young Plants 59

TAKAHASHI, K., UMEMURA, Y., SATO, N. and KATO, M. : Simple Methods for Assessing Scab Resistance of Potato 2. Assessment Using Artificially Infested Soil and Inoculation of Etiolated Sprouts 63

ANDO, Y. and AKASAKA, Y. : Simple Diagnosis for Bacterial Wilt, Bacterial Canker and Fusarium Wilt of Tomato by Using Three Selective Media 68

UENO, K. and SAKUMA, H. : The Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Tomato Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Race J2 in Yamagata Prefecture 72

KANEMATSU, S. and NAITO, S. : Distribution of Three Cucurbit Viruses in Yamase Area 75

SIMIZU, M. and NAKANO, M. : A Method of Field Test for Screening of Onion Varieties Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae 78

KANNO, H. and OSADA, S. : Occurrence of Strawberry Wilting Diseases in Miyagi Prefecture 81

SONODA, T., KAJI, K. and URAGAMI, A. : Inoculation Method for Stem Blight of Asparagus 84

OZAKI, K., TAKAHASHI, K. and SHIRAKAWA, T. : Long-Term Preservation of Sphaerotheca fuliginea by Freezing 88

SUZUKI, K., SAITO, A., CHAUMPLUK, P., OKUMURA, A. and HIKICHI, Y. : Infection Route of Cucumber Mosaic Virus in Gentian 3) Detection of CMV from Stems at Cutting after Harvest 91

HORITA, H. : Occurrence of Bacterial Blight on Lilac in Hokkaido Prefecture 95

YUKITA, K. : Differences of Apple Cultivars in Infection with Valsa Canker through Fruit-scars and Pediceles left behind on Bourse at Harvest 101

NAKAZAWA, N. : Seasonal Variation of Apple Fruit Susceptibility to Sooty Blotch 105

KIDOKORO, T. : Seasonal Adaptation of Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, for Cool and Hot Summer Year in Miyagi Prefecture 107

IITOMI, A. : Oviposition Site of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) on Rice Plant in Northern Japan 111

MATSUDA, M., FUJIMURA, T. and KOSHIMEGURI, Y. : Relation between the Low-Level Jet Stream and Immigration of the White- Backed Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), into Aomori Prefecture, Northern Honshu of Japan 115

OHTOMO, R., IIMURA, S., TSUKIJI, K. and KAWAMURA, R. : Occurrence of Rice-Plant Skipper, Parnara guttata (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae) of Iwate Prefecture in 1994 123

SHIBUYA, S. : Partial Control of Rice Water Weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) by Chemical 3. Control by Burried Application Chemical in Relation to Maximum Flying Imigration Period 127

IWASAKI, A., NAKAO, H. and FURUKAWA, K. : On the Gramineae-Feeding Agromyza Species (Diptera : Agromyzidae) Caught in and around the Paddy and Wheat Field in Hokkaido 130

OKUBO, T. : Prediction of the Date of the First Capture of Alate Foxglove Aphid in Yellow Water Pan Trap and the Number Trapped in June in Tokachi District, Hokkaido 133

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Distribution of Alate Virginopara of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Homoptera ; Aphididae), Migrated from Hibernaculum in Kidney Bean Fields 138

MIZUKOSHI, T. and KAKIZAKI, M. : Influence of Trichomes on Kidney Bean Leaves to the Development of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Homoptera ; Aphididae) 142

KANEKO, J. : Supercooling Point of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella L. : Seasonal Variations in Field collecting Individuals and Differences by Stage in Rearing Ones 147

NODA, T. : A Simple Method for Collecting Eggs of the Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella (L.) 153

KIKUCHI, O. : Species of Thrips and Infected Stage of Carnation Flower Bud 156

KIKUCHI, O. : Control of Thrips Infesting Carnation Flower 158

WATANABE, K. : Occurrence of Lygocoris (Apolygus) lucorum (Meyer-Dur) (Heteroptera : Miridae) and Damage on Cherry 161

SASAKI, M. and SATO, R. : Bionomics of the Cherry Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera : Drosophilidae) in Fukushima Prefecture. 1. Drosophila Injured on Cherry Fruit 164

SASAKI, M. and SATO, R. : Bionomics of the Cherry Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera : Drosophilidae) in Fukushima Prefecture. 2. Overwintering and Number of Generations 167

SASAKI, M. and SATO, R. : Bionomics of the Cherry Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera : Drosophilidae) in Fukushima Prefecture. 3. Life Cycle 170

ABE, Y., OKABE, Y., SATO, R. and SASAKI, M. : Bionomics and Control of Rhopalosiphum insertum (Walker) (Homoptera : Aphidiae) on Apple Trees. 1. Occurrence of Rhopalosiphum insertum on Apple Trees in Fukushima Prefecture 173

SATO, R., SASAKI, M., ABE, Y. and OKABE, Y. : Bionomics and Control of Rhopalosiphum insertum (Walker) (Homoptera : Aphididae) on Apple Trees. 2. Sampling Plan for Eggs of Rhopalosiphum insertum Based on Spatial Distribution 175

SATO, R. and SASAKI, M. : Bionomics and Control of Rhopalosiphum insertum (Walker) (Homoptera : Aphididae) on Apple Trees. 3. Effects of Several Insecticides on Rhopalosiphum insertum 178

HAYAKAWA, H. : Seasonal Appearance of Dung Beetles in the Pasture on the Outskirts of Morioka City in Iwate Prefecture 180

HAYAKAWA, H. and KIKUCHI, T. : Survey of Tabanid Flies Infesting Cattle in Grazing Forest at Nishine-machi in Iwate Prefecture 183

HAYAKAWA, H. and TANAKA, K. : Capturing Tabanid Flies by a Modified Tabanid Fly Trap (Dry Type) of Tohoku Natl. Agric. Exp. Stn. at Yoshinotani-mura in Ishikawa Prefecture 185

YAMASHITA, N. and HAYAKAWA, H. : Efficacy Test of Pyrethroid Insecticides against Vespula flaviceps lewisii 187

FUJIMURA, T. : Injuries to Transvaal Daisy Caused by Two Tarsonemid Mites, Phytonemus pallidus (Banks) and Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), in Aomori Prefecture 190

AIBA, S. and MATSUZAKI, M. : Effect of Organic Amendments on Parasitic Fungi for Eggs of Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines) in Fields of Continuously Cropping Legumes 194

AIBA, S. and MITSUI, Y. : Effects of Some Legumes on Hatching of Eggs of Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines) 197

CHIBA, T. and ODANAKA, A. : A New Water Evaluation Trial by Benthos Index of a Little River Flowing through a Paddy Region in Iwate Prefecture 200

No.47 (1996)

OGAWA, K. : Biological Control of Fusarium Wilt of Sweet Potato by Non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum 1

OHTA, K., FUJIMURA, T., MATSUDA, M. and KINOTA, M. : Occurrence of Rice Blast Disease in Aomori Prefecture in 1995 3

CHIBA, K. TOMINAGA, T., and URAKAWA, F. : Occurrence and Control of Rice Blast Disease in Northern Region of Iwate Prefecture in 1995 8

TAKEDA, S. : Notes on the Source of Infection of Leaf Blast during the Raising of Rice Seedling 11

FUKUDA, H., SAYAMA, A. and TSURUTA, R. : Relationship of Soils and Chemical Injury on Application of Tricyclazole in Nursery Box 15

MATSUHASHI, M. and OKUHARA, K. : Development of Forecasting System for Rice Blast Disease 1. Experimental Production of Dew Formation Recorder 19

TSUJI, H., SUTO, M. and HONKURA, R. : Occurrence of False Smut on Rice Inoculated with Conidiospores of Claviceps virens in Fields 23

OSADA, S. : Relationship between Degree of Damage and Occurrence Time of Rice Yellow Dwarf in Miyagi Prefecture 27

ABE, H., SOUMA, J., YANAGISAWA, A., YOSHIMI, K. and MUKOUHARA, M. : Methods of Screening for Resistance to Scab in Winter Wheat 31

TORIKURA, H. : Notes on "Kasuri-ha" Syndrome Yellow Streaked Leaves of Winter Wheat 2. The Symptoms and Damage 34

HONKURA, R., OSADA, S. and TAKAHASHI, C. : Damage of Six-rowed Barley, Variety Minorimugi, Caused by Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus at Motoyoshi District in Miyagi Prefecture 39

TAKAHASHI, C., KIKUTA, A. and ONODERA, K. : Cultural Control of Yellow Mosaic Disease of Six-rowed Barley Caused by Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus 42

SUGAWARA, K., ANDO, Y., NAKAJIMA, T., KOBAYASHI, K. and OGOSHI, A. : Resistance of Soybean Cultivars to Phialophora gregata f. sp. sojae and Their Reaction to Gregatin A 45

HONDA, K., KANEMATU, S., MIKOSHIBA, Y. and MIYAI, S. : Occurrence of Two Strains of Soybean Dwarf Virus Transmitted by Different Vector Species in Soybean Fields in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture 48

TAKAKUWA, M. : Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet : the Present State of Occurrence and its Protection 52

OIKAWA, K. and ARAI, S. : Occurrence of Rhizoctonia Rot on Tubers of Chinese Yam in the Crop-rotation Field Based on the Chinese Yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb. cv. Nagaimo) 55

SHIRAKAWA, T., HOSAKA, M. and HORIUCHI, S. : Occurrence of Japanese Hornwort Bacterial Spot Caused by Pseudomonas viridiflava 59

OZAKI, K. and SHIRAKAWA, T. : Pathogenic Races of Fulvia fulva in Iwate Prefecture 62

TAIRAKO, K. and IMAIZUMI, M. : Pathogenicity and Characteristics of Strawberry Anthracnose Causal Agent (Colletotrichum spp.) Collected from Fukushima Prefecture 65

IMAIZUMI, M. and TAIRAKO, K. : Control of Strawberry Verticillium Wilt Disease by Solar Heating Sterilization 69

OSADA, S. and SASAHARA, M. : Outbreak of Melon Root Rot Caused by Monosporascus cannonballus in Miyagi Prefecture 72

HORITA, H. and KODAMA, F. : Bud Rot of Chrysanthemum Caused by Fusarium avenaceum 75

ASARI, M. and MIZUNO, N. : The Dispersal of Conidia of Apple Bitter-rot from Black Locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia L.) 78

YOSHIDA, K., SAITOU, T., SANO, T., ITO, T. and SUZAKI, K. : Detection of Apple Scar Skin Viroid

in Apple Trees with DIG-labeled RNA Probe 82

ABE, Y., ABE, M., HAYASHI, S. and OGATA, T. : Occurrence of Circular Leaf Spot Caused by Mycosphaerella nawae Hiura et Ikata on Persimmon in Fukushima Prefecture 85

YOSHIDA, T., NOMURA, Y. and SHIMIZU, K. : Cultural Characteristics and the Pathogenicity to Crops of the Fungus (Fusarium oxysporum) Parasitic on Eggs of the Soybean Cyst Nematode 88

TSURUTA, R. : Occurrence of Injurious Insects in the Compromise Direct Seeding Culture of Rice 91

SAKURAI, K. : Relationship between Outbreaks of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps (Uhler), and Hot Summer in Miyagi Prefecture, 1994 95

KIDOKORO, T. : The Observation of Migration of Rice Plant Skipper, Parnara guttata guttata (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae), in Cooler Region of Japan 98

KANNO, H. : A Bioassay Measure for Clarification of the Pesticide Susceptibility in the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama) 101

OKADA, H. : Effects of Initial Population Density of Meloidogyne arenaria on Yield and Growth of Soybean Plant 105

KAKIZAKI, M. : Seasonal Occurrence and Injure of Flower Thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) on a Field Garden Pea in Central Part of Hokkaido 107

KAKIZAKI, M. : Control of Flower Thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) by Vinyl House Used the Ultra-violet Absorbing Film on a Field Garden Pea 111

KAKIZAKI, M. : Control of Flower Thirps, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) by Mulch Used the Silver-colored Film on a Field Garden Pea 114

IWASAKI, A., FURUKAWA, K. : Injury to Adzuki Bean Seeds Caused by Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera : Miridae), in Hokkaido 118

NODA, T., MIYAI, S., and KONISHI, K. : Parasitoids of the Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella (L.) in the North Tohoku District 122

MIZUKOSHI, T. and NAKAGAWA, R. : Susceptibility of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella ( Lepidoptera : Yponomeutidae), to Conventional Insecticides as BT Pesticides Predominantly in the Oshima District of Hokkaido in 1995 125

OKAZAKI, K., OHYA, H., NAKAMURA, A., SATO, R. and ASHITATE, M. : Colonization of the Common Cutworm, Spodoptera litura in the Hamadohri District of Fukushima Prefecture 129

SASAKI, M. and SATO, R. : Optimum Timing for Control of Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima (Thysanoptera : Phlaeothripidae) in Fukushima Prefecture 134

KOJIMA, T., ABE, Y., ABE N., OHHARA, T., OHYA, H. and SASAKI, M. : Spread and Bionomics of Ponticulothrips diospyosi in Fukushima Prefecture 137

FUNAYAMA, K. : Sucking Injury on Apple Fruit by the Adult of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha mista (Uhler) 140

WATANABE, K. : Characteristic of Damages of Lygocoris (Apolygus) lucorum (Meyer-Dur) (Heteroptera : Miridae) and Halyomorpha halys (Stal) (Heteroptera : Pentatomidae) on Cherry 143

OKUBO, T. : Habits of Lestica (Ceratocolus) alata Hunting Some Species of Small Moths 145

HAYAKAWA, H. : Survey of Tabanid Flies Infesting Cattle in a Pasture Surrounded by Forest on the Outskirts of Morioka City in Iwate Prefecture 149

HAYAKAWA, H. : Survey of Tabanid Flies Infesting Cattle in Prefectural Taneyama Pasture at Sumita-machi in Iwate Prefecture 151

HAYAKAWA, H. : Seasonal Appearance of Dung Beetles in a Pasture at Sotoyama, Tamayama-mura in Iwate Prefecture 153

No.48 (1997)

KIRITANI, K. : Relationship between IPM and Environment 1

ONO, K. : Function of Method on Scientific Researches 4

TAKEUCHI, T. : Yield Loss Threshold of Rice Blast Disease in Hokkaido 7

TAKEUCHI, T. : An Alternative Fungicide Application Program in Hokkaido for Rice Blast Disease with Monitoring Leaf Blast Epidemic 12

NEMOTO, K., TOJYO, H., GENBA, T., ENDO, Y. and NAKAJIMA, T. : Occurrence of Rice Blast Disease in Fukushima Prefecture in 1995 16

TAKEUCHI, T. : Relationship between Nitrogen and Silicic Nutrition and Susceptibility to Blast Disease in Rice Plant 23

NEMOTO, F., NAKAJIMA, T. and NEMOTO, K. : Effects of Several Fungicides on Lesion Development of Rice Leaf Blast 27

ASHIZAWA, T., SONODA, R., SAITO, H. and KOGA, H. : Distribution of Pathogenic Races of Pyricularia Oryzae in Hokkaido and Tohoku District in 1994 30

ASHIZAWA, T., KINOTA, M., SONODA, R. and ZENBAYASHI, K. : Distribution of Pathogenic Races of Pyricularia Oryzae in Nanbu Region of Aomori Prefecture in 1995 and 1996 33

ZENBAYASHI, K., ASHIZAWA, T. and SONODA, R. : Cytological Reaction of Epidermal Cells to Pyricularia oryzae Cav. on Rice Cultivars Differing in Field Resistance 36

SONODA, R., ASHIZAWA, T., KOGA, H. and SAITO, H. : Estimation of Infection Period of Rice False Smut in Field 39

KATSUBE, K. and TAKEDA, S. : Suppression of Bacterial Seedling Rot and Bacterial Seedling Blight of Rice on the Pool Nursery 43

HAYASHI, K., OYAMA, J., KIKUTA, A. and FUJII, K. : The Pool-nursery, as a Counter-measure of Rice Bacterial Seedling Blight 47

KAJINO, Y. : Occurrence of Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf in the Kamikawa District of Hokkaido 50

SOUMA, J., ABE, H. and YANAGISAWA, A. : Relationship between Severity of Scab on Wheat Heads and Damage to Kernels in Screening for Resistance to Scab in Winter Wheat 55

TAKAHASHI, K., NAKAO, T., OHARA, A. and UMEMURA, Y. : Influence of Potato Varieties, Streptomyces Species, Soil pH and Soil Moisture on Lesion Types of Potato Common Scab 59

TAKAHASHI, K., SATO, N., NAKAO, T., OHARA, A. and UMEMURA, Y. : Effects of Lesion Types of Potato Common Scab on Efficiency of Peeling Process and Quantity of Inoculum Source 63

MAEDA, M., WATANABE, S., TERADA, E., YASUOKA, S., TANAKA, F. and MINO, Y. : Existence of the Pathogen of Potato Blackleg Disease (Erwinia chrysanthemi) in Potato Tuber 66

NAKAHARA, K., HATAYA, T., KIMUTA, I. and SHIKATA, E. : Reactions of Potato Cultivars in Japan to Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid and Its Gene Diagnosis 69

FURUKAWA, K., EBE, S. and TANAKA, F. : The Outbreak of Bean Yellows of Kidney Bean in the Tokachi District, Hokkaido, 1996 75

NAKAMURA, S. and HONKURA, R. : Characterization of Some Viruses Isolated from Broad Bean in Miyagi Prefecture 80

OHTO, Y. and NAITO, S. : The Relationship between the Growth Stage and Disease Progress of Cylindrocladium Root Rot of Broad Bean 85

ISHIZAKA, N. and TAKAHASHI, K. : Latent Infection of Botrytis cinerea Causing Strawberry Gray Mold 88

TANAKA, T., TAMURA, O. and KODAMA, F. : Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Netted Melon Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Race 2 in Hokkaido 91

TANAKA, T. and TAMURA, O. : Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Netted Melon Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Race 1,2y in Hokkaido 96

SUGIYAMA, S. and SANO, T. : The Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Satellite RNA from Melon by Microplate Hybridization 99

FUKUDA, H., SAYAMA, A. and FUKAYA, T. : A Method Using Sweet Pepper Fruits for Isolating Tomato Gray Mold Fungus, Botrytis cinerea, from Diseased Leaves 101

SAYAMA, A. and FUKUDA, H. : Desirable Conditions of Soil Solarization at Plastic-film House in Akita Prefecture for the Control of Soil-borne Diseases of Spinach 103

ABE, H., SHINMURA, A. and AKIMATSU, Y. : Dry Rot of Carrot Occurred in Hokkaido 106

KANNO, H. and OHKUBO, H. : Purple Blotch of Leek (Allium porrum L.) and Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Caused by Alternaria porri 109

LI, S., HATAYA, T., FURUTA, K., HORITA, H., SANO, T. and SHIKATA, E. : Occurrence of Chrysanthemum Stunt Disease in Hokkaido and Detection of Chrysanthemum Stunt Viroid by Electrophoresis and Hybridization 113

ABE, H. : Leaf Spot of Carnation Occurred in Hokkaido 118

ABE, H., SHINMURA, A. and SHIBA, H. : Effects of Several Fungicides on Carnation Leaf Spot Caused by Heterosporium echinulatum in Hokkaido 122

HORITA, H. : Botrytis Rhizome Rot of German Iris Caused by Botrytis convoluta in Hokkaido 126

SATOU, M., IZUTU, S., FUKUMOTO, F. and ISHII, M. : Gray Mold of Pied Gazania Caused by Botrytis cinerea Persoon : Fries 129

ARAYA, J., YOKOYAMA, T., KURADATE, K. and FUJITA, K. : Factors Caused an Outbreak of Apple Fruit Spot in the Nanbu Region, Aomori Prefecture in 1996 131

ASARI, M. : Occurrence of Apple Alternaria Leaf Spot on Young Fruits 134

ASARI, M. : Occurrence of Gray Mold on Apple Leaves 138

YUKITA, K. : Effectiveness of Thiophanate-methyl Oil Paste to Cure Bough Lesions Caused by Valsa ceratospema on Apple Trees 141

SUZAKI, K., YOSHIDA, K. and ITO, T. : Pathogenicity to Apple Branch and Phloridzin Degrading Activity of Valsa ceratosperma Isolated from Some Broad Leaf Trees Including Apple Tree 145

OBA, S., KANNO, H. and KIKUCHI, H. : Chemical Control of the Pear Diseases by the Apple and the Japanese Pear Spray Calendars 148

IITOMI, A., FUKAYA, T. and HOSAKA, M. : Reproduction Probability and Source Populations of White-backed Rice Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) (Hemiptera : Delphacidae) in Akita Prefecture, Japan 152

KAKIZAKI, M. : Simple Rearing Method of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera : Miridae), using the Low Spear Grass, Poa annua L. (Gramineae) 156

UENO, K. and HAYASAKA, T. : Control Effect on Mating Disruption of Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) with Synthetic Pheromones in Paddy Fields 159

OHTOMO, R. and IIMURA, S. : Analysis of Damage of Rice Plant by Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), in Iwate Prefecture 164

ISHIGURO, K. : Decrease in Susceptibility of Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), to the Propoxur in the Shounai District 168

TORIKURA, H. and IWASAKI, A. : Injury of Bean Seedlings by the Chironomid Larvae of Smittia spp. (Diptera : Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) 171

NIIYAMA, T. : Sucking Injury to Cucumber Fruits by Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) (Homoptera : Aphididae) 175

MATSUDA, M.,YAMADA, T., KIMURA, T., ISHITANI, M., KINOTA, M. and KUDO, Y. : Occurrence and Hibernation of the Large White Butterfly, Pieris brassicae Linnaeus, in Aomori Prefecture in 1996 178

WATANABE, K., KIKUCHI, S. and TANAKA, T. : Seasonal Occurrence of Lygocoris (Apolygus) lucorum (Meyer-Dur) (Heteroptera : Miridae) on Artemisia spp. 181

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Severe Damage by the Two Insect Pests, Galerucella nipponensis Laboissiere (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) and Pentapedilum utonaiprimum Sasa (Diptera : Chironomidae), on Water Shield, Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmelin, in Hokkaido 184

SATO, R. : Bionomics and Control of Rhopalosiphum insertum (Walker) (Homoptera : Aphididae) on Apple Trees IV. Seasonal Occurrence and Oviposition of Ovipara 187

FUNAYAMA, K. : Monitoring of Simple Counting for Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari : Tetranychidae) in Apple Orchard Using Cohesive Polyurethane and Water-Sensitive Paper 189

SASAKI, M. and SATO, R. : Susceptibility of Amblyseius womersleyi Schicha (cari : Phytoseiidae) to Some Insecticides and Acaricides in Fukushima Prefecture 192

KAKIZAKI, M. : Time of Appearance, Flight and Mating of Adults of the Yellowish Elongate Chafer, Heptophylla picea Motshulsky (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), in the Central Part of Hokkaido 196

KAKIZAKI, M. : Frequencies of Adult Appearance and Mating, and their Intervals in the Yellowish Elongate Chafer, Heptophylla picea Motshulsky (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), in the Central Part of Hokkaido 200

SAITO, O. : Distribution of the Silver Y moth, Autographa gamma (L.) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) and Estimated Life Cycle in Japan 204

HASEGAWA, T. and YAMASHITA, N. : A Survery of Tabanid Flies at Mt. Natsumushi in the Southern Part of Iwate Prefecture 207

AMANO, K. and BOONGIRD, S. : Keeping of the Stingless Bee, Trigona fuscobalteata (Hymenoptera : Apidae) in an Environmentally Enclosed Chamber 210

No.49 (1998)

NAKAMURA, K. : Effectiveness of Bird Scarers and Evaluation Methods of Scarers 1 HONDA, H., HONMA, T., SATO, T. and NAITO, H. : Distribution of Pathogenic Races of Rice Blast Fungus in Recent Years in Yamagata Prefecture 5

SASAHARA, M., OSADA, S. and NAITO, H. : Distribution of Pathogenic Races of Pyricularia oryzae in Cultivated Area of Sasanishiki BL of Miyagi Prefecture in 1996 8

ASHIZAWA, T., ZENBAYASHI, K., SONODA, R. and KOIZUMI, S. : Pathogenic Races of Pyricularia grisea Isolated from Sasanishiki Multiline Cultivars in 1995 and 1996 and their Pathogenic Variants 12

ASHIZAWA, T., ZENBAYASHI, K., SONODA, R. and KOIZUMI, S. : Estimation of Suitable Mixed Planting Ratio of Sasanishiki Isogenic Lines to Control Rice Blast Disease by Seedling Trap 15

YANASE, M. and TAKEDA, T. : Development Factors and Control Methods of Rice Blast Disease in an Area Favorable for the Disease Occurrence 19

NAKAJIMA, T., KOBAYASHI, T. and ISHIGURO, K. : Predisposing Effect of Low Temperature on Susceptibility of Rice to Leaf Blast in Major Varieties of Tohoku District 24

KOIZUMI, S. and TANI, T. : A Method for Evaluating Field Resistance to Panicle Blast in Rice Cultivars Using Cut Panicles 27

KATSUBE, K. and TAKEDA, S. : Effect of Copper Content in Seed Disinfectants on Control Efficacy against Bacterial Seedling Rot and bacterial seedling blight of rice 33

KATSUBE, K. and TAKEDA, S. : Increase in Severity of Bacterial Seedling Blight of Rice with Soil Drenching of Fungicides 37

OYAMA, J. and HAYASHI, K. : Occurrence of Rice Sheath Blight Disease in the Non-tillage Transplanting Rice Culture 40

HAYASAKA, T. and HONDA, H. : The Action Threshold of Rice Sheath Blight in Yamagata Prefecture 42

TANAKA, T. and TAMURA, O. : Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Netted Melon Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Race 0 in Hokkaido 45

SIMIZU, M. : Occurrence of Root Rot of Lettuce Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae in Hokkaido 51

ISHIZAKA, N. and TAKAHASHI, K. : The Flower Infection of Onion by Botrytis cinerea 54

YAMAUCHI, N. and ABIKO, K. : Suppression of Damping-off of Cabbage Plug Seedlings by Water Control and Chemical Application 57

SASAKI, J. and HORITA, H. : Occurrence of Spotted Wilt of Sweet Pepper Caused by Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Hokkaido 61

OSADA, S., SHIOMI, T. and TANAKA, M. : Phytoplasma Diseases of Vegetable Occurring in Miyagi Prefecture 1. Occurrence of Japanese Hornwort Witches’ Broom, Garland Chrysanthemum Witches’ Broom and Water Dropwort Yellows and Host Range of the Causal Phytoplasma 65

OSADA, S., TANAKA, M., UEHARA, T. and MATSUDA, I. : Phytoplasma Diseases of Vegetable Occurring in Miyagi Prefecture 2. Occurrence of Spinach Yellows 69

KANEMATSU, S., HIDAKA, S., MURAYAMA, T. and ISHIGURO, K. : A Chrysanthemum Stunt Viroid Isolated in Sagae, Yamagata Prefecture 73

ASARI, M. : Effect of Fungicide Sprays on Apple Moldy Core in Blooming Period 76

OHBA, S., KANNO, H. and KIKUCHI, H. : Control of Pear Fruit Rot by Apple Bordeaux Mixture Spray Calendar 82

OHBA, S., KANNO, H. and KIKUCHI, H. : The Infection of Physalospora Canker on Pear Fruit in Early Fruit Thickening 85

OGATA, T., KATSUMATA, H. and HAYASHI, S. : Occurrence of Dothiorella Rot on Quince Fruits 88

KANNO, H. and HONKURA, R. : Gray Mold of Malabar Nightshade(Basella rubra L.), Parsley(Petroselinum crispum Nym.), Bishop’s Weed(Ammi majus L.)and Blue Lace Flower(Didiscus caeruleus DC.)Caused by Botrytis cinerea 91

HORITA, H. : Effect of Temperatures on Infection of Carnation Alternaria Blight and Heterosporium Leaf Spot, and Host Range of the Pathogens, Alternaria dianthi and Heterosporium echinulatum 96

IITOMI, A. : Yearly Fluctuations in the Occurrence of Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Hemiptera : Delphacidae)in Akita, Japan 100

KONNO, Y. : Mating-Choice and Host Preference Tests in the Rice-Feeding and Water-oat-Feeding Types of the Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) 102

KONNO,Y. and DOMON, K. : Fenitrothion Resistance and Carboxylesterase Isozyme Pattern in the Rice Stem Borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae), Collected from Yamagata Prefecture 105

KIDOKORO, T. and KONDOH, Y. : Farmer’s Awareness of the Occurrence and Abundance of the Rice Grasshopper in Tohoku District 109

YAZAWA, Y. and KIDOKORO, T. : Developmental Characteristics of the Rice Grasshopper in Miyagi Prefecture, Field and Laboratory Observations 113

KONNO, Y. : Color Variation and Insecticide Susceptibility in Females of the Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis(Orthoptera : Catantopidae) 117

TOGAWA, H. and MIZUKOSHI, T. : Susceptibility of the Garden Pea Leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola Goureau(Diptera ; Agromyzidae), Infesting Garden Pea, Pisum sativum L., to the Six Foliar Sprays 121

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Possibility of Long-Range Migration of the Stone Leek Miner, Acrolepiopsis sapporensis Matsumura(Lepidoptera : Acrolepiidae), on the Daily Pheromone Trap Cathes in Spring 124

ONODERA, K. and IWASAKI, A. : Observations of Egg Parasitoid, Trichogramma spp. Parasitizing Eggs of Cabbage Armyworm, Mamestra brassicae on Sugar Beet in Hokkaido 129

IWASAKI, A., ONODERA, K. and FURUKAWA, K. : Control of Cabbage Armyworm, Mamestra brassicae Linne, by Inundative Release of Egg Parasitoid, Trichogramma spp. in Hokkaido 134

KAKIZAKI, M. and SUGIE, H. : Investigation on Sex Pheromone Trap for the Yellowish Elongate Chafer, Heptophylla picea Motschulsky(Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) 140

KAKIZAKI, M. : Seasonal Occurrence of Male Adults of the Yellowish Elongate Chafer, Heptophylla picea Motschulsky(Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), by the Sex Pheromone Trap 143

IWASAKI, A. : Major Injury Period of Adzuki Bean Seeds by Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus rugulipennis Poppius 146

SAKURAI, K. and KUWAHARA, M. : An Artificial Diet for Mass Rearing of the Seed-corn Maggot, Delia platura(Meigen) 150

UMETSU, Y. and NAGANO, T. : The Outbreak of Acanthoplusia agnata(Staudinger)in Soybean Fields, in Miyagi Prefecture 153

MASUDA, T. : Seasonal Occurrence and Control of Japanese Udo Salad White Weevil, Dermatoxenus caesicollis(Gyllenhal) 156

OKADA, H. : Rearing of Larva of Yellow Striped Flea Beetle, Phyllotreta striolata Fabricius, with Fresh Leaves of Crucifer Vegetables 161

SHIBUYA, S. and TAKEUTI, M. : Yellow Color Attraction of Western Flower Thrips(Frankliniella occidentalis PERGANDE)Prior to Flowerring Period in Chrisanthemum(Chrysanthemum morifolium) 164

OKUBO, T. : A Gall-inducing Cynipid Wasp, Diplolepis fukudae(Shinji)on the Japanese Rose, Rosa rugosa Thunb., and its Hymenopterous Parasitoids 167

ARAKAWA, A. and OKAZAKI, K. : Hymenopterous Parasitoids of the Peach Leafminer, Lyonetia clerkella(LINNAEUS)in Fukushima Prefecture 170

FUNAYAMA, K. : Susceptibility to Herbicides in Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch(Acari : Tetranychidae) by Oral Administration Method 173

SASAKI, M. and ITO, K. : Overwintering Sites of the Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch in Aizu District of Fukushima Prefecture 175

SASAKI, M. and ITO, K. : Migration of the Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch that Overwintered under the Rough Bark of the Trunk 177

HASEGAWA, T., YAMASHITA, N. and IWANE, K. : A Survey of Biting Midges(Culicoides : Ceratopogonidae : DIPTERA)at Japanese Deer Ranch in Mt. Natsumushi, Southern Part of Iwate Prefecture 180

SASAKI, H., SATO, T., AKIYAMA, K., and HAYASHI, S. : Blood Source Animals of Mosquitoes, Black Flies and Tabanid Flies Collected in Hidaka District, Hokkaido 185

SASAKI, H. and SHIRAKAMI, K. : A Survey on Biting Midges and Mosquitoes at the Reindeer Farm in Horonobe, Hokkaido 188

SASAKI, H. and IWAMA, N. : Effects of Forest Grazing on the Fauna of Ground Surface Inhabiting Insects 191

KANAGAWA, M. and FUJISAKI, Y. : The Assessment of Grazing Influences of Birds on the Growth and Yield of Barley by the Leaf Cutting Method 196

No.50 (1999)

KOBAYASHI, J. : Studies on Epidemic and Forecasting of Rice Leaf Blast in its Early Stage 6

OHBA, A., TSUJI, H. and SASAHARA, M. : Occurrence of field isolates of Pyricularia oryzae compatible with the near-isogenic lines of Sasanishiki rice in Miyagi Prefecture in 1998 12

TSUJI, H., SASAHARA, M., KANNO, H., OHBA, A. and KANAGAWA, M. : Change of Pathogenic Races of Rice Blast Fungus on Multiline Cultivars 'SasanishikiBL' in Recent Years 16

FUKAYA, T., HOSAKA, M. and SHONAI, R. : Evaluation of Several Methods Predicting Onset of General Epidemics of Rice Leaf Blast in Akita 21

OYAMA, J. and SATO, K. : Development of Rice Blast Disease in the Nursling Seedling Machine Transplanting Rice Culture 25

OGASAWARA, K., YOSHINO, R., SUGIYAMA, M. and ENOYOSHI, T. : Effect of Azoxystrobin on Sporulation of Pyricularia oryzae and Cochliobolus miyabeanus 28

SAKUMA, H. : Effect of Nursery Box Application of Carpropamid (WINR4GR) on Secondary Infection and Spore Liberation of Rice Blast Fungus 32

SAYAMA, A., FUKAYA, T., KYOYA, K., IIZUKA, F. and OBARI, S. : Excess Amount Ipconazol-copper Fungicide as a Rice Seed Disinfectant is a Possible Cause of Suppression of Germination and the Following Growth of Rice Seedlings 35

HAYASHI, K., KIDOKORO, T. and OYAMA, J. : Hot-water Treatment of Rice Seeds to Control Bakanae Disease 40

SHIRAI, K., TAKEUCHI, T., SHIMIZU, M., TAKEUCHI, H. and MIYAMORI, Y. : Relations between Sheath Brown Rot Disease and Yield of Rice and Concentration of Silicic Acid and Nitrogen in Rice on the Disease Development 43

TANAKA, T and MINO, K. : Evaluation of Resistance to Pythium Snow Rot in Wheat Cultivar 'Hokushin' 47

INOUE, K., SATO, Y., SUZUKI, M. and SASAKI, K. : Selection of Effective Chemical and its Application Timing for Control of Wheat Leaf Rust 51

NAITO, S. and ITOH, N. : Occurrence of Soybean Root Rot Disease Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-3 in Japan 54

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N. : Inoculum Density and Temperature Condition Required for Favorable Infection of Downy Mildew of Spinach 58

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N. : Evaluation of Resistance of Spinach Cultivars to Downy Mildew by Using Seedling 60

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N. : Downy Mildew of Ta-tsuai (Broad-leaved mustard ; Brassica campestris L. (narinosa group)) Caused by Peronospora parasitica (Persoon : Fries) Fries 62

SATO, M., HATAYA, T., KAWAKAMI, K., KANO, Y. and MORI, F. : Detection of Potato Leafroll Virus in Aphids by PCR-microplate Hybridization Method 65

KURODA, T., TAKEDA, I. and SUZUKI, K. : Detection of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Using the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) 71

HORITA, H. : A Method for Conidial Formation of Cladosporium allii-cepae Isolated from Onion and Welsh onion 74

SUMINO, A., TANAKA, T., IYODA, R., TANAKA, M. and IWAYA, S. : Occurrence of Small Sclerotial Rot of Welsh Onion in Hokkaido 78

IYODA, R., TANAKA, M., IWAYA, S., SUMINO, A. and HANADA, T. : A Survey of Small Sclerotial Rot of Welsh Onion in Date-city of Hokkaido 82

NAKATANI, F. and HOSHI, N. : Susceptibility of Apple Leaves to Apple Blotch Disease Caused by Diplocarpon mali Harada et Sawamura 85

NAKATANI, F. and HOSHI, N. : Effects of Temperature on Incidence of Apple Blotch Disease Caused by Diplocarpon mali Harada et Sawamura 89

ASARI, M. : Control of Apple Bitter Rot and Alternaria Leaf Spot in Northern Region of Akita Prefecture 92

OGATA, T., KATSUMATA, H. and TAKAIWA, K. : Brown Rot of Grape Berry Caused by Monilia fructigena 97

FUKAYA, M. and TAKAHASHI, I. : Effect and Optimum Application Time of Strobilurins for the Control of Grape Ripe Rot 100

HORlTA, H. and KANO, M. : Occurrence of Bacterial Leaf Spot on Sunflower in Hokkaido Prefecture 104

TAKAHASHI, C., KANNO, H., HONKURA, R. and TSUKIBOSHI, T. : Nectria Blight, a New Disease of Gerbera (Gerbera spp.) Caused by Nectria haematococca complex in Japan 108

YAMAUCHI, N., SATOU, M. and HORIUCHI, S. : Gray Mold of Scarlet Sage Caused by Botrytis cinerea Persoon : Fries 112

KANNO, H. and OHKUBO, H. : Sclerotinia rot of Malabar nightshade (Basella rubra L.), Lapsana apogonoides Maxim., Bishop's weed (Ammi majus L.) Blue lace flower (Didiscus caeruleus DC.) and Portulaca oleracea L. Caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 115

KANNO, H. and HORIUCHI, S. : Verticillum Wilt of Perilla (Perilla ocymoides L.), Nalta jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) and Malabar nightshade (Basella rubra L.) Caused by Verticillium dahliae 120

IITOMI, A. : Egg Mortality Factors of the Whitebacked Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horváth (Homoptera : Delphasidae) in Akita Prefecture, North Japan 125

KIDOKORO, T : Submerged Application Timing of Synthetic Pyrethroid for the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae 129

UENO, K., ABE, O., HONDA, H., NAGAMINE, J. and SAITO, T. : Practical Use of the Synthetic Sex Pheromone for the Population Monitoring of the Rice Leafroller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis GUENÉE 133

NAGANO ,T. and UMETSU, Y. : Occurrence of Rise bug, Leptocorisa chinensis (Dallas), in Miyagi Prefecture 138

ITO, K. and NAKATA, T. : Occurrence of Dragonflies in Direct-seeded and Transplanted Rice Fields 141

KONNO, Y. : Insecticide Susceptibility of the Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis (Orthoptera : Catantopidae) 145

CHIBA, T., OHTOMO, R. and KIKUCHI, Y. : Insect Pests on Millet in Iwate Prefecture 147

CHIBA, T., OHTOMO, R. and KIKUCHI, Y. : Biological Notes of Ostrinia furnacalis in Iwate Prefecture 149

IWASAKI, A. and FURUKAWA, K. : Economic Injury Level of Barley Leaf-Miner for Spring- and Winter-Wheat, Based on Artificial Defoliation 152

FURUKAWA, K. and IWASAKI, A. : An Analysis of Damage to sugar Beet Based on Leaf Cutting, Simulating the Injury of Beet Leaf Miner, Pegomya cunicularia (Rondani), in Hokkaido 158

IWASAKI, A. : Egg-laying and Mining Habits in the First Generation of Beet Leaf-Miner, Pegomya cunicularia (Rondani) on Sugar Beet 165

MIZUKOSHI, T. and TOGAWA, H. : Developmental Zero, Effective Accumulative Temperature, and Number of Annual Generations of the Garden Pea Leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera : Agromyzidae) in the Oshima District of Hokkaido 169

TOGAWA, H. and MIZUKOSHI, T. : Effect of Seven Foliar Spray Inesecticides against the Garden Pea Leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera : Agromyzidae), on Garden Pea, Pisum sativum L. 173

OHTOMO, R., CHIBA, T. and ENDOU, M. : Biological Notes and Control on Allium Leafminer, Acrolepiopsis sapporensis (Matsumura) 2. Control of Allium Leafminer, Acrolepiopsis sapporensis (Matsumura) and the other Pests on Allium in Northern area of Iwate Prefecture 176

KAKIZAKI, M., SUGIE, H., NAGATA, K. and FUKUMOTO, T. : Investigation on the Fiberboard Formulation for Mass Trapping Using the Synthetic Sex Pheromone for the Yellowish Elongate Chafer, Heptophylla picea Motschulsky (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) 179

KAKIZAKI, M. : Relation between the Numbers of Males Captured by a Sex Pheromone Trap and the Densities of Larvae in the Yellowish Elongate Chfer, Heptophylla picea Motschulsky (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), on the Fields of the Blueberried Honeysuckle 183

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Field Attractiveness of the Synthetic Sex Pheromone of the Black Cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel (Lepidoptera : Nocutuidae) and Seasonal Attractant Prevalence in the Oshima District of Hokkaido 186

ISHITSUKA, T., WATANABE, Y. and OHSAWA, S. : Parasitoids of the Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella (L.) Collected from Brocoli Fields in Fukushima Prefecture 190

KIKUCHI, O. : Parasitism of Macrosiphoniella yomogicola (Matsumura) on Chrysanthemum 193

KIKUCHI, O. : Discovery of Sexual Generation of Macrosiphoniella yomogicola (Matsumura) 196

NIIYAMA, T. : Monitoring Method of Flower Thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) on a Tomato Field 198

MASUDA, T. : Seasonal Occurrence of the Adult Cupreous Chafer, Anomala cuprea (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), by a Light Trap and the Number of Eggs per Female Captured by a Light Trap 203

ITO, K. and NAKATA, T. : Insecticide-induced Resurgence in Aphid Populations in the Potato Field 208

TAKAIWA, K., YANAI, M., HASEGAWA, Y., NAKAMURA, A., ARAKAWA, A. and OKAZAKI, K. : Susceptibility of Panonnychuys ulmi (Koch) to Acaricides in Fukusima Prefecture 212

KIMURA, Y. : Evaluation of Acaricides against the Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae, Collected from Apple Orchards in Aomori Prefecture 216

FUNAYAMA, K. : Injury Caused by Flower Visiting Beetles on Apple Flowers 220

KOSHIHARA, T. : Historical Researches on Rice Insect Pests of the Ou District in the Edo Period of Japan(1) 223

No.51 (2000)

KAWABE, S. : The difficulties and pleasures in studies on the rice resistance to the green rice leafhopper 1

HAYASAKA, T. : Effect of Seed Disinfection with Fungicide on Pyricularia oryzae in Brown Rice 9

FUKAYA, T., SAYAMA, A. and FUJII, N. : Control of Rice Leaf Blast by Side Dressing with Probenazole Water Dispersible Granule 12

OYAMA, J. : Effect of Application Time of Metominostrobin Granule on Rice Blast Control 15

KOIZUMI, S., ZENBAYASHI, K., ASHIZAWA, T., FUJI, S. and HAYASHI, N. : Conditions Necessary for Simple Evaluation of Field Resistance to Panicle Blast in Rice Cultivars Using Spray-Inoculated Cut Panicles 18

ZENBAYASHI, K., ASHIZAWA, T. and KOIZUMI, S. : A Method for Evaluating Partial Resistance to Leaf Blast in the Rice Cultivar Chubu 32 in the Greenhouse 23

EIZUKA, T. and CHIDA, T. : Effect of Fthalide on Secondary Infection of Rice Blast 26

HAYASHI, K., OYAMA, J. and KIDOKORO, T. : Hot-Water Treatment of Rice Seeds to Control Bacterial Seedling Blight 31

SAITO, M., ISHIKAWA, T. and KOMATSU, T. : Chemical Control of Soybean Downy Mildew Based on the Action Threshold 33

FURUKAWA, K. : Relationship between Diseased Rate of Dwarf and Soybean Yield 37

FUJINE, O., KONDO, N., KOBAYASHI, K. and OGOSHI, A. : Phytotoxic Activity of the Spore Germination Fluid of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. adzukicola on the Adzuki Bean 40

MIKOSHIBA, Y. and HONDA, K. : Detection of Soybean dwarf virus in Aphids by TAS-ELISA Using Monoclonal Antibodies 44

TAIRAKO, K., FUJITA, Y., ITO, S. and TAKIKAWA, Y. : Pathogen and Causative Factor of the 'Melt Symptom' on Chinese Chive, Allium tuberosum Rottler, in the Market 1. Bacterial Rot of Chinese Chive Caused by Pseudomonas marginalis, the Melt Symptom Pathogen 47

FUJITA, Y. and TAIRAKO, K. : Pathogen and Causative Factors of the 'Melt Symptom' on Chinese Chive, Allium tuberosum Rottler, in the Market 2. 'Melt Symptom' Causing Factors 51

SAYAMA, A. : Occurrence of Damping-Off Disease Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2-IIIB on Cabbage Plug Seedlings 54

KATSUBE, K. and ITO, H. : A Simple Method for Evaluating Fusarium oxysporum Isolates Obtained from Spinach for Pathogenicity to the Plant 58

SHIBATA, S., HORIUCHI, S., SATOU, M. and YAMAUCHI, N. : Stemphylium vesicarium, Another Causal Agent of Leaf Blight of Welsh Onion in Japan 62

YAMAUCHI, N. and HORIUCHI, S. : A Procedure of Drip Inoculation for the Evaluating Lettuce Cultivars for Resistance to Root Rot 66

KATOH, T. and KIKUCHI, S. : Studies on the Occurrence and Control of Watermelon Bacterial Fruit Blotch 1. Selection of Effective Chemicals and Application Timing of Copperic Bactericide 70

SAYAMA, M., HOMMA, Y. and TAKENAKA, S. : Effect of Wild Oats and Sugar Beet Cultivar Cultivation on the Population of Polymyxa betae as a Fungal Vector of Rhizomania Disease of Sugar Beets in Infested Soil 73

YAMAUCHI, N. and HORIUCHI, S. : Bottom Rot of Endive Caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn 77

HORIUCHI, S., SATOU, M. and YAMAUCHI, N. : Pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae Isolates to Strawberry Cultivars 80

MISAWA, T., MUKOUHARA, M., TAKEUCHI, T. and HAGITA, T. : Detection of Potato virus Y Necrotic Strain in Potato Plants by Rapid Immunofilter Paper Assay 83

SATO, M., HATAYA, T. and IWASAKI, M. : Detection of Four Viruses in Dormant Potato Tubers by RT-PCR 87

SATO, M., GOTO, T. and HONDA, Y. : Tomato ringspot virus Isolated from Potato and Petunia Plants 93

HAGITA, T., SASAKI, J. and MUKOHARA, M. : Lily virus X Isolated from Necrosis of the Edible Lily, Lilium leichtlinii var. maximowiczii Baker 98

YAMAMOTO, H. and FUJI, S. : First Occurrence of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Akita Prefecture 104

SUGIYAMA, S., IZUMI, K., MATSUDA, M. and TSUSHIMA, Y. : Powdery Mildew on Perennial Statice (Limonium spp.) in Aomori Prefecture and its Effective Fungicides 107

OSADA, S., TANAKA, M. and MATUDA, I. : Statice Witches' Broom Disease Caused by Phytoplasma in Miyagi Prefecture 111

ABE, O., SATO, T., GOTO, S., SATO, J. and SHINOHARA, H. : Occurrence of Bacterial Scab on Freesia in Shonai, Yamagata Prefecture 115

SUGAWARA, K., CHIKUO, Y., HAGIWARA, H. and IZUTU, S. : Occurrence of Gray Mold Caused by Botrytis cinerea on Osteospermum, Yellow Cosmos and Swamp Chrysanthemum 119

FUJI, S. and YAMAMOTO, H. : Occurrence of Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) in Akita Prefecture 122

ASARI, M. : Overwintering and Conidial Formation of Bitter Rot Fungus in Apple Trees 126

HOSHI, N. and NAKATANI, F. : Susceptibility of Mature Leaves of Apple Varieties to Apple Blotch Disease Caused by Diplocarpon mali 129

YUKITA, K., KURADATE, K. and AKAHIRA, T. : Residual and Eradicant Activity of Fungicides against Apple Sooty Blotch Caused by Gloeodes pomigena 133

KATSUMATA, H., OGATA, T. and MATSUMOTO, N. : Population Structure of Helicobasidium mompa in Apple Orchards in Nakadori, Fukushima 137

OGATA, T. and KANNO, E. : Application Period and Selection of Effective Chemicals for the Japanese Pear Scab Control in Autumn 141

KIDOKORO, T. and HAYASHI, K. : Control of Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, by Marginal Transplantation of Rice Seedlings Treated with Systemic Insecticide 144

KONNO, Y. : Color Polymorphism and Insecticide Susceptibility in the Female Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis (Orthoptera : Acrididae) 146

TAKITA, M., NAGAMINE, J., TAKEDA, T. and SUGIE, H. : Males Attraction in Adult and Nymphs of Eysarcoris lewisi Distant (Heteroptera : Pentatomidae) 148

FUJITA, S., GENBA, T., TAKEUCHI, M. and ENDOU, A. : Rice Plant Damage by Leptocorisa chinensis in Fukushima Prefecture 151

ITO, K. : Rearing of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera : Miridae) , Using Wheat Seedlings 155

ISHIOKA, M., KIMURA, T. and KIMURA, Y. : Pecky Rice Damage in 1999 Caused by Rice-Feeding Bugs in Aomori Prefecture 2. Influence of Meteorological Factors on Outbreaks of the Rice Leaf Bug (Trigonotylus caelestialium Kirkaldy) , and Characteristics of Damaged Rice Grains 158

GOTO, J., ITO, Y. and SHISHIDO, M. : Relationship between Barm Grass in Rice Paddies and Spotted Rice Caused by Stenotus rubrouittatus (Matsumura) 162

TAKADA, M., TANAKA, H. and CHIBA, T. : Occurrence of the Spotted Rice in Iwate Prefecture in 1999 165

TANAKA, H., TAKADA, M. and CHIBA, T. : Studies on Forecasting of Pecky Rice in Iwate Prefecture 170

NIIYAMA, T. and IITOMI, A. : Distribution of Hull-Cracked and Pecky Rice in a Paddy 175

IITOMI, A. : Abdominal Appearance Correlated with Ovarian Development of the White-Backed Planthopper, Sogatella frurcifera Horvath (Hemiptera, Delphasidae) 178

UENO, K., KANBAYASHI, Y. and KONISHI, K. : Hymenopterous Parasitoids of the Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama), in Shonai, Yamagata Prefecture 181

IWASAKI, A. : Seasonal Occurrence of the Wheat Leaf Sheath Miner, Cerodontha (Cerodontha) denticornis (Panzer) (Diptera : Agromyzidae), and Damage Caused to Spring Wheat 184

KIDOKORO, T. : Optimal Timing in Simultaneous Control of Three Major Soy Bean Seed Pests 187

IWASAKI, A. : Effect of Insecticides on the European Tarnished Plant Bug, Liygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera, Miridae) Part 1 Release Experiment on Plants Treated with Insecticides 190

SAITO, O. and NAKATA, T. : Appearance of the Silver Y Moth, Autographa gamma (L.), in Primorye, Russia 194

TSUKIJI, K., Hatalane Zseller lbolya and CHIBA, T. : Whitefly Control by Encarsia formosa Gahan in the Greenhouse Tomato 197

MASUDA, T. : Leaf-Mold Trap Attractiveness to the Larvae Cupreous Chafer, Anomala cuprea (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) , and the Role of the Antenna for Food Searching Behavior 201

KAKIZAKI, M. : Supercooling Points of Female Adults and Larvae in the Black Vine Weevil (Otiorhychus sulcatus (Fabricius))(Coleoptera : Curculionidae) 205

KAKIZAKI, M. : Observation on Attraction to Plants Using Y-Tube Olfactometer of Female Adults of the Black Vine Weevil(Otiorhychus sulcatus Fabricius))(Coleoptera : Curculionidae) 208

SUZUKI, T. : Life Table of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (L), in the Summer Cabbage in Kitakami City 210

TAKAHASHI, R., SHIMAZU, M. and YUKI, S. : Virulence of an Entomogenous Fungus, Beauveria bassiana, to Larvae of Plutella xylostella L. and its Field Applications 213

KIMPARA, S. and KIKUCHI, O. : Parasitism of Aphis fabae fabae Scopoli (Homoptera : Aphididae) on Spinacia oleracea L. 217

NAKAO, H. : Chemical Control of Tyrophagus similis Volgin 219

NAKAO, H., TOGAWA, H. and SHOJI, N. : Susceptibility of Tyrophagus similis Volgin 223

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Damage of Carabid Beetles to Spring Seeding Radish in Central Oshima, Hokkaido IV. Toxic Effect of Four Foliar Spray Insecticides against Three Species of Carabid Beetle Adults 227

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Damage by Three Pest Species, Amara (Amara) chalcites, Phyllotreta striolata, and Delta platura, to the Roots of the Japanese Radish, Raphanus satiuus, in Hokkaido 231

OKUBO, T. : Seasonal Occurrence of Adult Yellow Striped Flea Beetle (Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius) ) Possessing Mature Eggs in Hokkaido Prefecture 234

IWASAKI, A. and WADA, Y. : Occurrence of Pyrethroid-Resistant Populations of the Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) , on the Potato in Abashiri, Hokkaido 238

KIKUCHI, O. : Seasonal Form Variation in Apterous Viviparous Females of Macrosiphoniella yomogicola (Matsumura) 242

UMETSU, Y., MOCHIZUKI, M. and YANO, E. : Developmental Times and Predatory Potential of Amblyseius californicus at High Temperature 245

OKAZAKI, K., ARAKAWA, A. and SATO, R. : Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by the Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 1. Disruption of Z11-TDA in the Summerfruit Tortrix Moth, Adoxophyes orana fasciata 248

OKAZAKI, K., ARAKAWA, A. and SATO, R. : Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by the Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 2. Control of the Summerfruit Tortrix Moth, Adoxophyes orana fasciata by Communication Disruption and Reducing Insecticides Use 251

OKAZAKI, K., ARAKAWA, A. and SATO, R. : Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by the Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 3. Parasitoids of the Summerfruit Tortrix Moth, Adoxophyes orana fasciata and Annual Fluctuation 254

FUNAYAMA, K. : Optimum Application of Acaricide in the Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari : Tetranychidae) , in Apple Orchards Monitored by Simple Counting I Influence of Susceptibility to Acaricide on Control in the Two-Spotted Spider Mite 256

SASAKI, M. and ITO, K. : Effect of a Capsule Type "Acephate" to Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima (Thysanoptera : Phlaeothripidae) 261

HANZAWA, K., SASAKI, M. and NOGI, T. : Application of Capsule ''Acephate" to the Japanese Persimmon and Pesticide Residues in the Fruit cv. Aizu-mishirazu 263

ARAKAWA, A. and OKAZAKI, K. : The Peach Leafminer, Lyonetia clerkella (Linnaeus) on Cherry Trees and its Hymenopterous Parasitoids 266

KUNII, M. and MASUDA, T. : Biological Control of the Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae, on the Sweet Cherry Cultivated in Greenhouses by the Predacious Phytoseiid Mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis 268

KON, E., CHIBA, T. and SUZUKI, K. : Morphologica1 Observations of the High-Density Population of the Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis (Orthoptera : Catantopidae) , in Iwate Prefecture Pastureland 271

TORIKURA, H. : Peculiar Flight Behavior of the Male Chafer, Mimela testaceipes Motsch., in Grasslands 275

MOMOTA, Y. and MIZUKOSHI, T. : Occurrence and Damage of the Clover Cyst Nematode, Heterodera trifolii Goffart, on Greenhouse Carnations in Hokkaido 278

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Geographical Distribution of the Clover Cyst Nematode, Heterodera trifolii and Root-Lesion Nematode, Pratylenchus spp., on White Clover in Hokkaido Pastures 282

KOSHIHARA, T. : Historical Research on Rice Insect Pests of the Ou District in Edo-Era Japan (2) 285

No.52 (2001)

MATSUMOTO, N. : Biological Control of Fruit Tree Root Diseases with the Hypovirulence Factor 1

KOIZUMI, S., ZENBAYASHI, K. and ASHIZAWA, T. : Effectiveness of Newly Released Systemic Fungicides Applied as Seed Disinfectants to Control Blast for Direct Sowing of Rice 4

NAKAMINAMI, H., MIKUMA, Y. and KAWAMURA, R. : Occurrence of Leaf Blast in Early July in Paddy Field Rice Treated with Granular Fungicides at Nursery Boxes 7

FUKAYA, T., HOSAKA, M., IITOMI, A., WAKAHATA, M., ODASHIMA, S., SHIBATA, S., KUTSUZAWA, T, MAISAWA, S. and SHONAI, R. : Occurrence and Cause of Rice Blast Disease of Seedlings in Akita Prefecture 11

ASHIZAWA, T., ZENBAYASHI, K. and KOIZUMI, S. : Pathogenic Races of Pyricularia grisea Isolated from the Rice Multiline,'Sasanishiki BL', in Miyagi Prefecture from 1996 to 2000 and their Possible Inoculum Sources 14

OHBA, A., IWANO, M., SONODA, R. and MIYASAKA, A. : A Method of Cultivating Differential Rice Varieties Using Plant Growth Retardant for Identification of Blast Fungus Pathogenic Races 17

KOBAYASHI, T., NAKAJIMA, T., HAMASAKI, T. and ISHIGURO, K. : A Method for Artificial Inoculation of Rice Blast Fungus Using Clear Cover Materials in the Field 21

TSUJI, H. : Seed Transmission of the False Smut of Rice 24

OKADA, T., KODAMA, F., FUJITA, S., MURATA, K., KONDO, N. and KOBAYASHI, K. : Pythium Species Isolated from Ungerminated Adzuki Bean Seeds 27

HATAYA, T., SAITO, M., SUMINO, A., ABE, H. and TSUCHIYA, S. : Effect of the Mixture of Kasugamycin and Copper Oxychloride on Bacterial Disease of Adzuki Bean Caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae van Hall 30

SATO, M., GOTO, T. and HONDA, Y. : Cucumber mosaic virus in Potato and its Transmission through Tubers 34

KATO, M. and SHIMANUKI, T. : Validation of Potato Late Blight Forecasts in Hokkaido 38

HORITA, H., YASUOKA, S., OZAWA, S. and SATO, M. : Anthracnose of Lettuce Caused by Microdochium panattonianum in Hokkaido 42

SUMINO, A., KITABATAKE, K., YANAGIYAMA, H., TANAKA, T.and SASAKI, T. : Control Effect of Dazomet Soil Fumigation on Verticillium Black Spot of Japanese Radish (1) Treatment Dose and Depth 45

SUMINO, A., KITABATAKE, K., SASAKI, T., YANAGIYAMA, H., KOMATSU, T. and TANAKA, T. : Control Effect of Dazomet Soil Fumigation on Verticillium Black Spot of Japanese Radish (2) Mulched Ridge Fumigation Using Three-ply Polyethylene Film 49

KOMATSU, T., SUMINO, A., KITABATAKE, K. and YANAGIYAMA, H. : Control Effect of Dazomet Soil Fumigation on Verticillium Black Spot of Japanese Radish (3)Treatment Immediately before Snow Cover without Polyethylene Film 53

KOMATSU, T., SUMINO, A., KITABATAKE, K. and YANAGIYAMA, H. : Control Effect of Dazomet Soil Fumigation on Verticillium Black Spot of Japanese Radish (4)Combination of Mulched Ridge Fumigation and Resistance Cultivar Planting 56

SAYAMA, A., SHINOHARA, H., FUJII, N. and NISHIYAMA, K. : A New Bacterial Rot Disease of Chinese Mustard Caused by Pseudomonas viridiflava 59

FUJII, N., SHINOHARA, H., SAYAMA, A., FUKAYA, T. and NISHIYAMA, K. : Occurrence of Bacterial Soft Rot of Zucchini(Cucurbita pepo L.)Caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora 63

ABE, H., SHINMURA, A. and IKEDA, M. : Mycelial Rot of Welsh Onion(Allium fistulosum L.)Caused by Botrytis byssoidea Walker 67

ISHIZAKA, N., TAKAHASHI, K. and YANAGITA, K. : Inoculation of Fungi Causing Onion Basal Rot into Onion Seedlings 72

KATOH, T. and SATO, K. : Studies on the Occurence and Control of Watermelon Bacetrial Fruit Blotch 2. Effect of Antibiotics and Synthetic Organic Chemicals 76

HORITA, H. : Disease Development and Effects of Various Fungicides for the Control of White Smut of Cosmos Caused by Entyloma sp. 79

YAMAMOTO, H., KIGUCHI, T. and OHYA, T. : A Survey of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid in Akita Prefecture 82

YAMAMOTO, H., KIGUCHI, T. and OHYA, T. : Detection of Chrysanthemum virus B by RT-PCR 85

MISAWA, T. and HAGITA, T. : Occurrence of Necrosis Disease of Lisianthus, Eustoma russellianum (Don.) Griseb, Caused by Lisianthus necrosis virus in Hokkaido 87

ABE, H., WADACHI, K. and NAKATANI, F. : Control of Cucumber Mosaic Virus by Mulching with Aluminium Vacuum Metalizing Film in Lisianthus Field 92

TAIRAKO, K. and ONO, M : Conditions Affecting the Outbreak of Penicillium Root Rot of Russell Prailie Gentian (Eustoma russellianum G. Don) Caused by Penicillium sp. 95

TAIRAKO, K. and ONO, M. : Control of Penicillium Root Rot of Russell Prailie Gentian (Eustoma russellianum G. Don) Caused by Penicillium sp. 98

NAGAHAMA, M., MISAWA, T., IKEDA, S., MAEDA, K., OKETA, Y., KUROSAWA, K. and MATSUURA, J. : Distribution of Fungicide-Resistant Botrytis cinerea in Hokkaido and Change in the Susceptibility under Plastic House Conditions 101

NEKODUKA, S., KAWAMURA, T., NAKATANI, F., SASAKI, H. and ONODA, K. : Occurrence of Crown Gall on Apple Rootstock 'JM' Strain 105

KOBAYASHI, M. and SASAHARA, M. : The Dispersal of Ascospore of Apple Blotch Fungus in Miyagi Prefecture 109

AKAHIRA, T. and YUKITA, K. : Curative Effects of Fenbuconazole and Simeconazole against Leaf Lesions of Apple Blossom Blight Caused by Monilinia mali 113

FUKAYA, M. and TAKAHASHI, I. : Chemical Control of Japanese Pear Core Rot Caused by Phomopsis sp. 117

KANNO, E., SASAKI, M., KATSUMATA, H. and ITO, K. : A New Control System for Brown Rot and Phomopsis Rot of Peach 1. Selection of Effective Disinfectants against Brown Rot and Phomopsis Rot of Peach 120

KANNO, E., SASAKI, M., KATUMATA, H. and ITO, K. : A New Control System for Brown Rot and Phomopsis Rot of Peach 2. Effectiveness of Reduced Disinfectant Application of the New Control System 123 HACHIYA, K. : Adult Emergence Density of Two Sympetrum Dragonflies in Paddy Fields 126

KIDOKORO, T. and ONO, T. : Width of Marginal Transplantation of Rice Seedlings Treated with Insecticide Necessary for the Control of the Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, and Reduction in the Rate of Pesticide Use 129

ISHIOKA, M. and KIMURA, T. : Insecticide Susceptibility of the Rice Grasshopper, Oxya yezoensis Shiraki, in Aomori Prefecture 132

KAKIZAKI, M. : Investigation of Test Methods for a Sex Pheromone of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy)(Heteroptera:Miridae) 135

WATANABE, K., KANAYA, T., HONDA, H. and ABE, O. : Forecast of Pecky Rice Damage by Sweeping of Rice Leaf Bugs (Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy))(Heteroptera: Miridae) 138

KIKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T. : Effect of Weed Mowing on the Abundance of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera:Miridae) 143

UMETSU, Y., MONMA, Y. and NAGANO, T. : Occurrence of Pecky Rice Caused by Release of Rice Bugs 146

HONDA, H. ENDOH, S., WATANABE, K., ABE, O. and NAGAMINE, J. : Outbreaks of Pecky Rice Bugs and Strategies for Conrtroling them in Yamagata Prefecture 1. Characteristics and Factors of Outbreaks of Pecky Rice Bugs 149

NIIYAMA, T., KUTSUZAWA, T. and SATO, M. : Occurrence of an Abnormal Rice Kernel"Kokuten-Shoujoumai" in Akita Prefecture 154

IITOMI, A. and NIIYAMA, T. : Change in Rice Damage by the Feeding Time of the White-Backed Rice Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Hemiptera, Delphacidae) 159

KOSHIHARA, T. : Synoptic Relationship between the Occurrence of Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, on Growing Rice and Unusually Cool Weather of Summer in the Tohoku District in Northeastern Japan 163

OKUBO, T. : Suppression of Reproduction of the Foxglove Aphid (Aulacorthum solani) by High Temperature - A Thought on the Outbreak of the Foxglove Aphid in Tohoku District in 2000 - 168

NAGANO, T., UMETSU, Y., ONODERA, K. and KIDOKORO, T. : Outbreak of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Soybean Fields I. Survey of Occurrence in Miyagi Prefecture 172

NAGANO, T., UMETSU, Y., HOSHI, N. and KIDOKORO, T. : Outbreak of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), in Soybean Fields of Miyagi Prefecture II. Effect on Soybean Yield 175

SAITO, T., UENO, K., TAKEDA, K., ODA, K. and HONDA, H. : 0utbreaks of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), of Soybean in Yamagata Prefecture in 2000 I. A Survey of the Foxglove Aphid 178

UENO, K., SAITO, T., ABE,O. and SATO, T. : Outbreaks of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), of Soybean in Yamagata Prefecture in 2000 II. Effect of Insecticides on the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani 181

UENO, K., TAKATORI, H. and SAITO, T. : Outbreaks of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), of Soybean in Yamagata Prefecture in 2000 III. Effect of Injury on Soybean 183

IWASAKI, A. : Effect of Insecticides on the European Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera, Miridae) 2. Dipping Experiment 185

IWASAKI, A. : Effect of Insecticides on the European Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera, Miridae) 3. Control of Damage of Adzuki Beans, Vigna angularis, in the Field 187

TSUKIJI, K., TAKEDA, S. and SUWA, M. : Control of Diamondback Moth by Sex Pheromone Formulation in a Greenhouse "Nabana"(Brassica napus L.) 190

TAKASHINO, K., NODA, T. and SAKAKIBARA, M. : Effect of Four Insecticides on Diadegma semiclausum, a Parasitoid of Diamondback Moth 194

NAKAMURA, A. and TAKAKURA, S. : Effects of Acaricides on the Two−Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, Collected from Strawberry Plants in Fukushima Prefecture 198

KAKIZAKI, M. : Aggregation Behavior of Black Vine Weevil Female Adults (Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius)) (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) Occurred in Japan 201

KAKIZAKI, M. : Rearing Using an Artificial Diet and Oviposition of Embryotic Undeveloped Eggs of the Black Vine Weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius)(Coleoptera:Curculionidae) 204

KAWASHIMA, K. : Infestation Site on Rose Flower by Western Flower Thrips(Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)) 207

KAWASHIMA, K. : Varietal Differences of Infestation by Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)) on Foliage of Chrysanthemum and Eustoma 210

KAWASHIMA, K. : Seasonal Prevalence of Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)) on Weeds around a Floricultural Greenhouse 214

TAKAHASHI, I. and FUKAYA, M. : Occurrence and Seasonal Prevalence of Some Scolytid Ambrosia Beetles Attacking Japanease Pear in Akita Prefecture 218

ASARI, M. : Occurrence of Lygocoris (Apolygus) spinolae (Meyer- Dur) in Apples in Akita Prefecture 222

TADA, N., YOSHIDA, M. and SATO, Y. : Monitoring of Forecasting for Stink Bugs in Apple 1. Characteristics of Attraction to Aggregation Pheromone in Iwate Prefecture 224

TADA, N., YOSHIDA, M. and SATO, Y,. : Monitoring of Forecasting for Stink Bugs in Apple 2. The Possibility of Forecasting with Aggregation Pheromone 227

OKAZAKI, K., ARAKAWA, A. and SATO, R. : Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by the Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 4. Control of the Apple Leaf Miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella, by Communication Disruption and Reducing Insecticide Use 230

OKAZAKI, K. and ARAKAWA, A. : Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by the Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 5. Effect of Supplementary Control with Insecticides on the Apple Leaf Miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella 234

OKAZAKI, K. and ARAKAWA, A. : Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by the Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 6. Major Parasitoids of the Apple Leaf Miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella, and Toxic Effect of Insecticides on Sympiesis laevifrons 237

KIMURA, Y. and ISHIGURI, Y. : Evaluation of Acaricides against the European Red Mite, Panonychus ulmi, Collected from Apple Orchards in Aomori Prefecture 241 FUNAYAMA, K. and OHSUMI, S. : Effect of Occurrence of Apple Rust Mite, Aculus schlechtendali, on Establishment of Amblyseius womersleyi Population on Apple Trees 244

No.53 (2002)

NEMOTO, H.: A Present Status and Problems of Use of Natural Enemy in Japan 1

HAYASAKA, T.: Distribution of Rice Sheath Blight in a Paddy Field and Yield Loss by the Disease 9

HAGA, H., SAID, K., MATSUHASHI, M. and FUKAYA, T.: Outbreak of Rice Leaf Blast in the Southern Part of Akita Prefecture in 2001 and Its Main Cause 12

ASHIZAWA, T., ZENBAYASHI, K. and KOIZUMI, S.: Differences in Blast Resistance between Sasanishiki and Hitomebore Near Isogenic Rice Lines under a Severe Blast Epidemic 16

ZENBAYASHl, K., Fe A. dela PENA, ASHIZAWA, T., and KOIZUMI, S.: Distribution of Pathogenic Races of Rice Blast Fungus (Pyricularia grisea) in Hokkaido and Tohoku Districts in 2001 19

KOIZUMI, S., Fe A. dela PENA, Juliet P. RILLON, Jennifer J. TAGUBASE, Hilario C. dela CRUZ, Jr., Renando 0. SOLIS, Jonathan M. NlONES, Thelma F. PADOLINA, MORIYA, K., ASHIZAWA, T., and ZENBAYASHI, K.: Variation of Field Resistance to Leaf Blast in the Japanese Upland Rice Cultivar Kuroka in the Philippines 24

NEMOTO, F. and YAMADA, M.: Wide-Area Control of Rice Blast Disease Using Radio-Controlled Helicopter 29

FUKAYA, T., HOSAKA, M., SAYAMA, A. and FUJII, N.: Control of Rice Leaf Blast with Reduced Side Dressing of Probenazole Water Dispersible Granules 33

OHBA, A.: Adaptability of Cultivation of Differential Rice Varieties Using Plant Growth Retardant for Identification of Pathogenic Races of Blast Fungus in Miyagi Prefecture 37

YANASE, M., KUROSAKA, M., NAGAMINE, J., TAKEDA, T. and TANAKA, T.: Behavior of Aerial-Applied Pesticides in River Water 41

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N.: Screening of Resistant Spinach Cultivars to New Race of Downy Mildew 46

KATSUBE, K. and NEKODUKA, S.: Control of Damping Off and Root Rot Diseases of Spinach with Hymexazol Dust Formulation 49

UEDA, K., SATOU, G. and SAYAMA, A.: Control of Fusarium Wilt of Spinach by Soil Reduction in Akita Prefecture 52

YOSHIDA, T., NOMURA, Y., KIMURA, T. and KADOTA, I.: Wilting of Cabbage Seedlings Caused by Application of Culture Filtrate of Nonpathogenic Strains of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans 55

HORIKOSHI, N. and TAIRAKO, K.: Occurrence of Clubroot in Japanese Radish Caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin in Fukushima 58

SAYAMA, M. and TAKENAKA, S.: Effect of Methionine Treatment on Damping-Off of Sugar Beet Caused by Aphanomyces cochlioides 61

SlMIZU, M., MOMONO, H. and IKEDA, S.: Effect of Low-Volume Application of Fungicides on Control of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet 65

KATOH, T., KANNO, H., SHINOHARA, H. and SATO, K.: Occurrence of Bacterial Soft Rot in Malabar Nightshade (Basella rubra L.) Caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi 70

KATOH, T., KIKUCHI, S. and SATO, K.: Studies on the Occurrence and Control of Watermelon Bacterial Fruit Blotch 3. An Effective Disinfection Method for Grafting Knives and Pins 74

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N.: Downy Mildew of Kohlrabi [Brassica oleracea L. (gongylodes group)] Caused by Peronospora parasitica (Persoon:Fries) Fries 77

FUJII, N., SHINOHARA, H., ENYA, L, SAYAMA, A., FUKAYA, T. and NISHIYAMA, K.: Occurrence of Bacterial Soft Rot of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) in Akita Prefecture 80

TAIRAKO, K. and HORIKOSHI, N.: Occurrence of Unidentified Stem Rot on Ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) 85

HORITA, H. and YASUOKA, S.: Seed Transmission of Black Streak of Edible Burdock 88

YASUOKA, S. and HORITA, H.: Factors Affecting Black Streak Disease Development of Edible Burdock 91

IKETANI-S, M.: Resistance of Potato Cultivars to Potato Powdery Scab Caused by Spongospora subterranea (Wollroth) Lagerheim 95

OKADA, T., KODAMA, F., FUJITA, S., KONDO, N. and NAITO, S.: Effect of Thiram on Seed Decay and Seedling Blight of Adzuki Bean Caused by Pythium spp. 99

SOUMA, J. and TAKEDA, N.: Occurrence of Soybean Root Necrosis Caused by Calonectria ilicicola in Hokkaido 101

YUKITA, K.: Rough Bark as Related to Infection Site of Valsa Canker on Apple Trees 105

NAKAZAWA, N. and HARADA, Y.: Growth Inhibition of Valsa ceratosperma by Fungal Isolates from Apple Trees 109

SATO, Y. and MIZUNO, N.: Control of Apple Blotch Caused by Diprocarpon mali with Various Fungicides 112

SUZAKI, K. and YOSHIDA, K.: Fungicide Spraying during Ascospore Discharge by the Causal Fungus of Apple Blotch (Diplocarpon mali) Suppresses Development of the Disease 115

TSUSHIMA, Y. and YUKITA, K.: Isolates of Apple Bitter Rot Fungi Collected from Apple Orchards in Aomori 118

AKAHIRA, T. and YUKITA, K.: Population Structure of Helicobasidium mompa in Apple Orchards 122

YUKITA, K. and AKAHIRA, T.: A Method of Inoculating Violet Root Rot Helicobasidium mompa into the Apple Rootstock Malus prunifolia 126

FUKAYA, M. and TAKAHASHI, I.: Efficacy of TPN for the Control of Entomosporium Leaf Spot of Pear 131

SATO, K. and KATOH, T.: Development of Physalospora Canker in Fruit Ripening Period of Pear 'La France' and a Method for Fruit Sorting at Shipping 134

KANNO, E., ITO, K., SHINOHARA, H. and SASAKI, M.: Occurrence of Peach Sudden Death Syndrome in Fukushima Prefecture and a study of Causal Pathogenic Bacteria 137

SUGIYAMA, S.: Control of Carnation Stem Rot by Fungicide Dipping of Plug Seedlings 141

ISHIKAWA, K., FUJIMURA, T., SUGIYAMA, S., SATO, E., KAWASHIMA, K., AIZU, H. and FUKUSHI, Y.: Occurrence of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Flowers in Aomori 144

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N.: Powdery Mildew of African Violet(Saintpaulia ionantha H. Wendl.) 149

SUGAWARA, K., CHIKUO, Y., IZUTSU, S. and HAGIWARA, H.: Gray Mold of Hellebore and Rock Isotome Caused by Botrytis cinerea. 152

SUGA, C., TSUKIJI, K. and TAKEDA, S.: Effects of Pesticides on Rate of Emergence of Dragonfly Larva 155

SAITO, Y., TOMINAGA, T. and NAKAMINAM1, H.: Factors Leading to the Decreased Pecky Rice Caused by Stink Bugs in Iwate in 2001 158

OOWASHI, T. and SUZUKI, Y.: Relation of Pecky Rice Occurrence Caused by Rice Bugs to Weather Conditions 162

NIIYAMA, T. and IITOMI, A.: Susceptibility of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) to Major Insecticides 165

WATANABE, K., ISHII, S. and DOMON, K.: Control of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae) , by Cultivating Upland Field 168

TAKITA, M.: Influence of Injury Time on Occurrence of Pecky Rice Caused by the Rice Leaf Bugs, Trigonotylus coelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae) , in a Paddy Field 173

KlKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T.: Preference of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae) to Autumn Weeds as Food 176

ISHIOKA, M., KIMURA, T., FUKUSHI, Y., ICHITA, T. and MATSUDA, M.: Outbreak of the Armyworm, Mythimna separata, in Aomori in 2001 and its Insecticide Susceptibility 178

OHTOMO, R. and CHIBA, T.: Characterization of Infestation by Oriental Corn Borer, Ostrinia furnacalis in Millet 183

MIZUKOSHI, T.: Developmental Period and Adult Longevity of Oviparous Female and Male of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) (Homoptera: Aphididae) 187

MIZUKOSHI, T.: Seasonal Changes in the Number of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) (Homoptera: Aphididae), Alate Caught in Yellow Water Pan Traps in Potato Field and Weedy Field 191

ONO, T., KIDOKORO, T. and OYAMA, J.: Summer Outbreak of the Foxglobe Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Soybean Fields 194

SATO, T., UENO, K., ABE, 0., GOTO, S. and SAITO, T.: Bionomics and Control of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), on Soybean I. Seasonal Occurrence and Influence of Meteorological Factors on Outbreaks 199

DOMON, K., ITO, S., WATANABE, K. and KUSADA, H.: Bionomics and Control of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), on Soybean II. Proper Application Timing for Control 203

UENO, K., SAITO, T., CHUBA, R., ABE, 0., SATO, T. and GOTO, S.: Bionomics and Control of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), on Soybean III. Susceptibility of the Foxglove Aphid to Insecticides and Control Effects of Ethofenprox 206

UENO, K., SAITO, T., ABE, 0., SATO, T. and GOTO, S.: Bionomics and Control of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), on Soybean IV. Effect of Foliar Spray Insecticides on the Foxglove Aphid in the Field 209

KAKIZAKI, M.: Suppression Effects on Populations of the Cabbage Armyworm, Mamestra brassicae, and the Flax Budworm, Heliothis maritima adaucta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), by Mating Disruption Using the Sex Pheromone 213

SATO, Y., TAKAHASHI, T. and TSUKIJI, K.: Demonstration of the Greenhouse Whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Control in Greenhouse-Raised Tomatoes by Augmentative Release of Encarsia formosa and Use of Insect-Proof Net 216

Cheng Yi CAI, KONNO, Y. and MATSUDA, K.: Feeding Reponses of Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta to Solanaceae Plants 221

KUSADA, H., ITCH, S. and WATANABE, K.: Damage to Cucumber by Stink Bug (Halyomorpha mista) in Yamagata 225

FUKUOKA, T., YAMAKAGE, H. and NIIYAMA, T.: Sucking Injury to Vegetables by the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorph halys (Stal) 229

SAKAKIBARA, M. and TAKASHINO, K.: Individual Rearing of the Diamondback Moth Larvae without Diet Change 232

OKUBO, T.: Cumulative Damage to Japanese Radish by the Yellow Striped Flea Beetle, Phyllotreta striolata(Fabricius), in Hokkaido and Examination of Control Method 236

KIMURA, Y.: Control of the Seedcorn Maggot, Delia platura (Meigen), in Japanese Radish by Covering Host Plants with Nonwoven Fabric 241

TAGAE, M. and OHTOMO, R.: Developmental Zero and Effective Accumulative Temperature of the Allium Leafminer, Liriomyza chinensis 245

TAGAE, M. and OHTOMO, R.: Effect of Low Temperature on Pupal Development of the Allium Leafminer, Liriomyza chinensis 248

GOTO, J., CHlBA, T. and SATO, S.: Occurrence of Ceutorhynchus diffusus, a New Weevil Pest of Upland Wasabi in Iwate 251

IITOMI, A. and NIIYAMA, T.: Dominant Pests and Their Damage to Water Shield in Akita 256 KAWASHIMA, K.: Actual State of Transmission and Accumulation of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Its Insect Vector, the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), in Chrysanthemum Field 261

KAWASHIMA, K.: Fertility and Growth of Larvae of the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), on Some Varieties of Chrysanthemum 264

KAWASHIMA, K.: Ovipositional and Feeding Characteristics of Adult of the Garden Pea Leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau), in Chrysanthemum 268

FUNAYAMA, K.: Residual Effect of Insecticides on Halyomorpha halys (Stal) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) 273

GOTO, S., SATO, T., ABE, 0., SAITO, T. and MARUKAWA, T.: Damage to Persimmons by Stink Bugs and their Seasonal Prevalence in Shonai, Yamagata 276

SUSA, H., YAGINUMA, K. and KATSUMATA, H.: Findings on Damage to Fruit by Stink Bugs Observed during 2001 in Fukushima 279

YAGINUMA, K., SUSA, H. and KATSUMATA, H.: Forecast and Infestation of Fruit-Piercing Stink Bugs during 2001 in Fukushima 282

TAKABE, M.: Occurrence of Damaged Apple Fruits Caused by Cercopid Spittle Bugs, Eoscartopsis assimilis Uhler 285

OKAZAKI, K. and ARAKAWA, A.: Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 7. Possibility of Reducing Insecticide Application by Using Communication Disruption in the Control of the Fruit Moths 287

OKAZAKI, K., ARAKAWA, A. and ABE, M.: Control of Major Lepidopterous Insect Pests by Multiple Mating Disruptor in Apple Orchards 8. The Influence of Cutting Down Disused Apple Trees on the Damage by Peach Fruit Moth in Adjoining Apple Orchards 290

ARAKAWA, A., OKAZAKI, K., ABE, M., SASAKI, M. and ABE, N.: Control of the Peach Leafminer, Lyonetia clerkella (Linnaeus), by the Multiple Mating Disrupter in Peach Orchards 293

KUSHIDA, A. and MOMOTA, Y.: Axenic Culture of Heterodera glycines on Milk-Vetch Roots Genetically Transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes 297

NARABU, T., TSUJI, H. and ISHIKAWA, S.: Field Studies on the Effect of Antagonistic Plants and Weeds on the Population Density of Pratylenchus penetrans 301

IWASAKI, A.: Feeding Injuries to Soybean Seedlings Caused by the Hokkaido Hare, Lepus timidus ainu, and their Effect on Growth and Yield of Soybean 305

No.54 (2003)

ISHII, H.: Recent Status of Fungicide Resistance and Control Strategies 1

HAYASAKA, T.: Characteristics of Rice Blast Disease Occurrence in Shonai, Yamagata Prefecture, from 1971 to 2001 7

ISHIKAWA, S., ASHIZAWA, T. and IWANO, M: Cytological Reaction of Epidermal Cells to Pyricularia grisea on Rice Cultivar 'Manamusume' 12

YAMADA, M. and NEMOTO, F.: Spread of Rice Blast Fungus from Seedling Mat Left in Paddy Field: Tracing with DNA Fingerprinting 15

MURAMATSU, K., FUJI, S., FURUYA, H. and NAITO, H: Population Structure of Rice Blast Fungus Prevalent in Akita Prefecture in 2000 and 2002 18

NUMATA, Y., TAKEDA, S. and TSUKIJI, K.: Regional Classification and Risks for Main Diseases and Insect Occurrence in Rice Crop in Iwate Prefecture 23

TSUDA, M., OHTA, H. and KATO, S.: Optimal Application Timing of Simeconazole for Rice False Smut Control 29

TSUDA, M. and KATO, S.: Effects of Soil Adsorption on Uptake of Simeconazole by Rice Plants and Sheath Blight Control Effect 32

SOUMA, J. and SUMINO, A.: Incidence of Fusarium Head Blight in Spring Wheat in Hokkaido from 2000 to 2002 35

SOUMA, J. and SUMINO, A.: Deoxynivalenol Production by Pathogens Associated with Fusarium Head Blight in Spring Wheat in Hokkaido from 2001 to 2002 38

OHTO, Y: Effects of Air Temperature Conditions on Symptom Development and Masking of Wheat Yellow Mosaic Disease (WYM) 41

MONMA, Y., SASAHARA, M., ISHII, H. and KOIZUMI, S.: Occurrence of Thiophanate-methyl Resistant Isolates of Soybean Purple Stain Fungus in Miyagi Prefecture 47

KANEMATSU, S., TOMABECHI, K., ISHIGURO, K. and SAKAKIBARA, M.: Distribution of Soybean dwarf virus Strains in Northern Tohoku Region in 2002 51

KANNO, H. and AOKI, T.: Purple Spot of Malabar Nightshade (Basella rubra L.) Caused by Fusarium proliferatum 54

SATOU, M., HORIUCHI, S. and YAMAUCHI, N.: Races of Spinach Downy Mildew Fungus Found in Japan in 2000-2002 58

SATO, T., YASHIRO M., MATSUO, K., MURAKAMI, H., TSUSHIMA, S., FURUYA, S. and SHISHIDO, Y.: Control of Clubroot of Cabbage by Topical Application of Flusulfamide 60

SEKINE, T., TUJI, H. and KOBAYASHI, M.: Effect of Seed Amount of Kozena Daikon for Control of Clubroot of Chinese Cabbage in Miyagi Prefecture 62

KOMATSU, T., YAGI, R. and HORITA, H.: Influence of Density of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Race 1, 2 y in Soil on Disease Incidence of Melon Rootstock Cultivars 64

HORIKOSHI, N., FUJITA, Y. and TAIRAKO, K.: Occurrence of Root Rot in Grafted Cucumber Caused by Phomopsis sp. in Open-Field Cultivation 67

YAMAKAGE, H., SHIBATA, S. and SAYAMA, A.: Examination of the Rapid Increase Term Prediction Standard of the Welsh Onion Rust Disease using Seedlings Exposed to Natural Inoculum 70

SUGIYAMA, S and NOZAKI, Y.: Influence of Inoculum Concentration on Development of Verticillium Wilt in Chrysanthemum 72

YAMAMOTO, H.: A Potyvirus Detected in Lily Showing Mosaic Symptoms 74

KANNO, H.: Purple Blotch of Giant Onion (Allium giganteum Regel) Caused by Alternaria porri 76

HOSHI, N. and NAKATANI, F.: Evaluation of Resistance to Alternaria Blotch in Apple Cultivars by Spray Inoculation in Mature Leaves in Autumn 79

YUKITA, K.: Preventive Effects of Fluazinam on White and Violet Root Rots of Apple Trees by Dipping Method 81

SASAKI, M. and KANNO, E.: Symptoms on Blossom Cluster Leaves and Young Fruits of Cherry Caused by Infection of Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey 85

SATOH, K, GOTOH, S. and KATOH, T.: Effects of Strobilurins for Control of Pear Ring Rot Caused by Botoryosphaeria berengeriana 88

KIDOKORO, T. and OHBA, A.: Sucking Injury of Rice Seedlings by the Lygaeid Bug, Nysius plebeius 93

OOWASHI, T., KANAGAWA, M., HAYASHI, K., and HINATA, M.: Characteristics of Pecky Rice Damage of the Year When Many Pecky Rice in Miyagi Prefecture Are Generated 96

NIIYAMA, T. and IITOMI, A.: Optimal Control Timing of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera : Miridae) 99

DOMON, K., WATANABE, K. and YOSHIMURA, T.: Forecast of Occurence Time of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera : Miridae), in the Overwintering Generation 102

NAGAMINE, J.: Seasonal Occurrence of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy), in Grassland and Migration to Paddy Field 105

WATANABE, K., YAMAMURA, K., DOMON, K. and ABE, O.: Forecast of Picky Rice Damage Probability by Sweeping the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera : Miridae) 110

KIKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T.: Preference to Spring Gramineous Weeds and Italian Rye Grass as Food of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy)(Heteroptera: Miridae) 113

ICHITA, T.: Change of Occurrence Pattern of Asiatic Rice Borer, Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Tsugaru District in Aomori Prefecture 115

TAKAHASHI, C., KIDOKORO, T. and HOSHI, N.: Damage Analysis in Directly Sown Rice Injured by Rice-Plant Skipper, Parnara guttata (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae) 119

OYAMA, J. and KIDOKORO, T.: Effects of Insecticide Application in Rice Cultivation on Densities of Spiders, Larvae of Sympetrum and Chironomidae Species in Paddy Field 123

OYAMA, J. and KIDOKORO, T.: Effect of Predation by Spiders on Density of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, in Cool Area of Japan 126

ONO, T., KIDOKORO, T., OYAMA, J. and OHBA, A.: Effect of Early Pesticide Application on Density of the Foxglobe Aphid in Mature Soybean Plants 130

UENO, K.: Bionomics and Control of the Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), in Soybean ∨. Effects of Soil Application of Granular Insecticides on the Foxglove Aphid 133

IWASAKI, A.: Relationship Between Growth Stage of Adzuki Bean Pods and Type of Seed Injury Caused by the European Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus ruglipennis (Heteroptera, Miridae) 137

Cheng Yi CAI, KONNO, Y. and MATSUDA, K.: Studies on Ovipositional Preferences of Helicoverpa assulta and Helicoverpa armigera 140

KAKIZAKI, M.: Attractions of Some Noctuids to the Sex Pheromone Components of the Cabbage Armyworm, Mamestra brassicae, (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) 142

TORIKURA, H.: Biological Notes on Cheilosia spp. Injurious to Japanese Butterbur, Petasites japonicus 145

NAGAMINE, J., ISHIYAMA, K. and ABE, K.: Control of the Udo Longicorn Beetle, Acalolepta luxuriosa (Bates), in Japanese Angelica Trees with Entomogenous Fungus, Beauveria brongniartii 149

NAGAMINE, J., ISHIYAMA, K. and ABE, K.: Adult Emergence of the Udo Longicorn Beetle, Acalolepta luxuriosa (Bates), in Japanese Angelica Trees in Mogami, Yamagata 152

OHTOMO, R., KIKUCHI, M. and SATO, Y.: The Occurrence of Click Beetles, Melanotus fortnumi and M. senilis on Common Hop 154

SAKAKIBARA, M. and TAKASHINO, K.: Preliminary Study of Insects Associated with Kochia scoparia in Northern Japan 157

TAKAHASHI, I.: Effects of Several Insecticides on Some Scolytid Ambrosia Beetles Attacking Japanese Pear 160

MIZUKOSHI, T.: Species Caught by Synthetic Sex Pheromone Trap of the Oriental Fruit Moth, Graphorita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera ; Tortricidae), and Their Seasonal Attractant Prevalence in Hokkaido 165

ISHIGURI, Y: Control of European Red Mite, Panonychus ulmi, by Petroleum Oil Emulsifiable Concentrate Application 10 Days after the Green-Tip Stage in Apples 170

MOCHIZUKI, M, FUNAYAMA, K., HONGO, K. and MOCHIZUKI, A.: Indirect Effects of Exotic Predatory Mite, Typhlodromus occidentalis (Acari : Phytoseiidae), on Native Predatory Mites in Apple Orchards in Akita Prefecture 174

MURAI, T. and OGASAWARA, H.: Damage Caused by Fruit-Piercing Stink Bugs in European Pear in Aomori 177

SATO, T., GOTO, S. and KITAZAWA, Y.: Damage to Persimmons by Larvae of Stink Bugs, Lygocoris spp. 182

ARAKAWA, A. and OKAZAKI, K.: Occurrence of Damaged Fruits Caused by Cupreous Chafer, Anomala cuprea HOPE and Control Methods in Peach Orchards 185

GOTO, J. and FUJISAWA, T.: Damage of Gentian Seedling by Fungus Gnat Larvae (Sciaridae, Diptera) and Provision against Them 189

NARABU, T.: Effects of Planting of Trifolium spp. and Application of Dried Cattle Feces on Population Density of Soybean Cyst Nematode, Heterodera glycines 193

KUSHIDA, A., UEHARA, T. and MOMOTA, Y.: Effects of Transplanting Potato Seedlings Grown in Paper Pots to Fields Infested with Potato Cyst Nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, on Potato Yield 197

No.55 (2004)

KONNO, K.: Recent Topics on Anti-Herbivore Defense Mechanisms of Plants and Counter-Adaptation Mechanisms of Herbivorous Insects: Molecular Mechanisms of Time-and Site-Specific Plant Defenses and Insect Adaptations 1

IWADATE, Y., CHIBA, K., SASAKI, N. and TOMINAGA, T.: Outbreak of Rice Panicle Blast Disease in Iwate Prefecture in 2003 and Effect of Its Suppression Using Blasticides 11

MONMA, Y., KANAGAWA, M. and SASAHARA, M.: Outbreak of Rice Blast Disease and Its Causal Factors in Miyagi Prefecture in 2003 16

HATAYA, M., SASAHARA, M., MIKAMI, A. and OHBA, A.: A Possible Role of Blast Lesions on Spikelets as Major Inoculum Source in the 2003 Neck Blast Epidemic of Rice in Miyagi Prefecture 20

SASAHARA, M., MIKAMI, A., OHBA, A., HATAYA, M. and MONMA, Y.: Analysis of Infection Source Based on Distribution of Rice Blast Diseased Plant in Paddy Field and Effect of Nursery Control on Leaf Blast Disease Occurrence in Paddy Field 24

MIKAMI, A. and OYAMA, J.: Influences of Seed Disinfectant and Hot-Water-Seed-Treatment on the Germination of Split-Hull-Paddy 29

FUKUDA, H., MATSUHASHI, M., SATO, K. and FUKAYA, T.: The 2003 Outbreak of Rice Panicle Blast in Akita Prefecture and Its Major Cause 32

KATO, M., FUKAYA, T., KUDO, M. and MIURA, T.: Reduction in Fungicide Use for Rice Panicle Blast Control by Eliminating Diseased Seedlings and Infected Rice Straw over a Wide Area 37

YOSHIMURA, T., KAWASAKI, T., KATOH, T. and DOMON, K.: Quantitative and Qualitative Yield Losses of Rice Cultivar 'Haenuki' Due to Panicle Blast 40

HAYASAKA, T.: Effect of Seed Selection with Gravity Separators on Rice Seeds in Propagation Farms 43

WATANABE, S. and KAWASHIMA, T.: Effectiveness of Granular Fungicides Applied Using Uniform spreader to Control Blast 45

OGASAWARA, K., YORITOMI, T., IWATANI, M., MORIMOTO, T., YOSHINO, R. and INOUE, T.: Efficacy of Thiamethoxam Pyroquilon Seedling Box Granule against Rice Blast 49

IMAZEKI, M., KOIZUMI, S., YASUDA, N., INOUE, I. and MIYASAKA, A.: Suppression of Fusarium Head Blight Diseases of Wheat Using Nonpathogenic Microorganisms 54

OHTO, Y. and ISHIGURO, K.: Inferrence of Periods for Production of Viruliferous Resting Spores of Polymyxa graminis Containing Wheat Yellow Mosaic Virus in Fields 59

KOMATSU, T., FUJIKURA, J. and HORITA, H.: Screening Method for the Evaluation of the Resistance to Bacterial Soft Rot in Japanese Radish Cultivars 64

IKEDA, S.: Dispersal of Spores of Cercospora beticola in Sugar Beet Fields under Different Cultivation Conditions YASUOKA, s.: Assessment of Welsh Onion Yield Loss and Quality Reduction Caused by Downy Mildew 72

FUJII, N., SAYAMA, A., FUKAYA, T. and HINO, S.: Inhibition Technique of Bacterial Soft Rot in Asparagus by Soaking with Acidic Electrolyzed Water 75

SUGAWARA, K. and CHIKUO, Y.: Occurrences of Anthracnose on Rock Isotome and Verbena MISAWA, T.: A Field Survey of Crown Gall of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Caused by Agrobacterium vitis in Hokkaido 82

MISAWA, T.: Infection and Disease Development of Crown Gall in Pathogen-Free Grapevine Seedlings Replanted in Infested Vineyard FUKUI, Y., GOTOH, S., NOZAKI, Y. and YAMASHITA, K.: Detection of Causal Viruses of Apple Topworking Disease in Ornamental Malus plants by RT-PCR 87

SEKINE, T., TUJI, H., SEO, N., KIKUCHI, H. and IKEDA, H.:Possible Reduction in Fungicide Application Frequency in Apple Production Using Rain Cut House 90

KANNO, E. and OGATA, T.: Ascospore Dissemination of Apple Blotch (Diplocarpon mali) and Optimal Timing of Fungicide Application in Fukushima Prefecture 95

SATO, Y. and FuKAYA, M.: Screening of Fungicides for Control of Sweet Cherry Black Spot Caused by Alternaria sp. 99

OGASAWARA, H. and ARM, S.: Occurrence of Black Spot in European Pear 'General Leclerc' Caused by Alternaria alternata (Fries: Fries) Keissler 101

ISHIOKA, M., KIMURA, T. and ICHITA, T.: Annual Fluctuations of Insecticide Susceptibility of the Rice Grasshopper (Oxya yezoensis) in Aomori Prefecture 105

KAKIZAKI, M.: Investigation on the Occurrences of the Sorghum Plant Bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura), in the Gramineous Forage Grass Fields of Southern Hokkaido in 2003 110

IIMURA, S.: Diapause of Sorghum Plant Bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura (Hemiptera: Miridae), in Iwate Prefecture 113

IIMURA, S., SAITOH, Y. and GOTOH, J.: Seasonal Occurrence of Sorghum Plant Bug, stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura (Hemiptera: Miridae), in Iwate Prefecture 117

OHBA, A. and ONO, T.: Influence of Hull-Cracked Rice Caused by Cold Summer Condition on the Infestation by Pecky Rice Bugs 122

KANAGAWA, M., IMAZEKI, M. and MOMMA, Y.: Occurrence of Pecky Rice in Miyagi Prefecture and Its Factor 125

MONMA, Y. and KIKUCHI, A.: The Development and Preference of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae), for Ground Cover Plants 128

NIIYAMA, T. and ITOYAMA, K.: Effects of Neonicotinoid on the Control of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) 131

ITO, K.: A Possible Cause of Recent Outbreaks of Rice-Ear Bugs-Changes in the Use of Paddy Field 134

KIKUCHI, A., ISHIOKA, M. and KOBAYASHI, T.: Effect of Some Factors on Flight Activity of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae) I . Effect of Age 140

ISHIOKA, M., KIKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T.: Effect of Some Factors on Flight Activity of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae) II . Effect of Temperature 143

KOBAYASHI, T. and KIKUCHI, A.: Population Estimation of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy), with Mark and Recapture Methods 146

KIKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T.: Growth and Oviposition of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera: Miridae), on Gramineous Weeds and Italian Rye Grass 149

HASHIMOTO, Y.: Control Threshold of Rice Green Caterpillar, Naranga aenescens Moore, in Hokkaido I . Damage Analysis of Rice Plants Injured Artificially by Leaf Cutting and Control Threshold 155

HASHIMOTO, Y.: Control Threshold of Rice Green Caterpillar, Naranga aenescens Moore, in Hokkaido II . Monitoring Method of Rice Green Caterpillar in Paddy Field 160

KIKUCHI, A., NAKAJIMA, T. and KOBAYASHI, T.: Damage Caused by Rice Water Weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and Its Control in Direct Sowing of Rice Using Multiple Seed Pellets 163

UENO, K. and ABE, O.: Control System by Nursery Box Application with Long Residual Pesticides in Paddy Rice 167

OYAMA, J. and KIDOKORO, T.: Influences of Water Control and Application of Rice Bran on Density of Japanese Tree Frog, Hyla japonica, Larvae and Spiders in Paddy Field 173

ONO, T., KIDOKORO, T. and OYAMA. J,: Experimental Analysis of Predation Volume of Green Rice Leafhopper by the Japanese Tree Frog and the Tokyo Daruma Pond Frog 176

ONO, T., KIDOKORO, T., OYAMA, J. and OHBA, A.: Effect of Parasitic Wasp, Aphidius gifuensis, on the Occurrence of Foxglobe Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Soybean 180

KAKIZAKI, M.: Intensification of Cold Tolerance in the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Tkipidae), Collected from Unheated Plastic Film Greenhouse in Winter INOUE, T., SAKURAI, T. and SAKAI, J.: Characteristics of Tomato spotted wilt virus Isolates from Aomori and Iwate Prefectures 190

SAKURAI, T.: Difference among Several Petunia Cultivars in Susceptibility to Tomato spotted wilt virus Infection Determined by Inoculation with Frankliniella occidentalis Transmitters 194

SASAKI, M. and NAKAMURA, A.: Physical Control of Major Insect Pests and Effect of Near-Ultraviolet-Absorbing Vinyl Film on Parasitism of Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) in Tomatoes 197

MIZUKOSHI, T.: Occurrence of Resistance Breaking Population of Meloidogyne incognita (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) on Greenhouse Tomato in Hokkaido 202

NAKAMURA, A. and SASAKI, M.: Effects of Acaricides on Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, Collected from Cucumber in Fukushima Prefecture 201

NODA, T., TAKASHINO, K. and HONDA, K.: Analysis of Annual Fluctuation of Plutella xylostella Occurrence from Summer to Autumn in Morioka, North Japan Using a Sex Pheromone Trap 211

SAKAKIBARA, M. and TAKASHINO, K.: A Breeding Trial of Lettuce-Feeding Diamondback Moth Strain 216

KAKIZAKI, M.: Control Effect of the Stripe Flea Beetle, Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius), by Application of the Entomopathogenic Nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, on a Japanese Radish 221

MIYATA, M. and MASUDA, T.: Effects of Some Natural Enemies of Thrips on Strawberry 226

MIZUKOSHI, T. and GOTO, M.: Control of Cyclamen Mite, Steneotarsonemus pallidus (Banks) (Acarina: Tarsonemidae), by Pouring of Hot Water on Strawberry 232

IWASAKI, A.: Effect of Insecticides on Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Hokkaido 236

IWASAKI, A.: Effects of Short Photoperiod on Cold Hardiness and Pupal Period of the Pea Leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) 240

OIKAWA, K., MATSUDA, M., NARITA, O., SATOH, M. and FUJMURA, T.: Distribution of Yam Leafminers (Acrolepiopsis spp.) Feeding on Chinese Yam and Its Relatives in Aomori Prefecture 241

ISHIGURI, Y.: Changes in the Phenology of the Summer Fruit Tortrix, Adoxophyes orana fasciata, from 1980-2002 in Apple Orchards in Aomori Prefecture 247

OKAZAKI, K. and ARAKAWA, A.: Effect of Granulosis Virus (GV) on the Control of Two Leafrollers (Summer Fruit Tortrix, Adoxophyes orana fasciata, and Tea Tortrix, Homona magnanima) in Apple Orchard 252

KONGO, K. and FUNAYAMA, K.: Phytoseiid Mites on Apple Trees in Southern Akita 256

MOCHIZUKI, M., KIMURA, Y. and MOCHIZUKI, A.: Environmental Risk Assessment of Exotic Phytoseiid Mites on Native Phytoseiid Mite Species at the Aomori Apple Experiment Station 259

ARAKAWA, A. and OKAZAKI, K.: Control of Cherry Treeborer, Synanthedon hector, by Steinernema carpocapsae in Peach Orchards 262

KAWAHARA, s. and OKU, T,: Discovery of the Larch Cone Moth, Retinia perangustana (Snellen) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in Hokkaido 264

No.56 (2005)

MATSUMOTO, T. : Studies on Attenuated Strains of Tomato Mosaic Virus and Potyviruses Infecting Ornithogalum thyrsoides 1

NISHIZAWA, Y. : Analysis of Rice/Blast Interactions Focusing on Role of Chitinolytic Enzymes 7

SASAHARA, M. and SASAKI, J. : Evaluating Risks of Panicle Blast Outbreaks of Rice Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index of Rice Maesured by a Spectroradiometer in the Field 11

ISHIKAWA, S. and YAMAMOTO, A. : Effect of Silicon Concentration on Field Resistance of Rice Cultivar 'Manamusume' 16

IWADATE, Y., SAKAI, J. and ISHIGURO, K. : Analysis of Population Dynamics of Rice Blast Fungus Using DNA Markers 19

SHIRAI, K., SOUMA, J., SUMINO, A. and AOKI, T. : Identification of Deoxynivalenol-and Nivalenol-Chemotypes and Lineages of Fusarium graminearum-complex Isolates from Central Hokkaido 24

KONDO, M., TSUJI, H., SASAHARA, M., HAYASHI, K. and ANDO, S. : Characteristics of Soybean Purple Stain Disease Occurrence in Miyagi Prefecture in 2004 27

YAMAUCHI, N., SATOU, M., SHIMAZU, J. and HORIUCHI, S. : Bottom Rot of Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) Caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn 30

KIYOSHI, T., NAITO, S., OCHI, S., AKINO, S. and KONDO, N. : Analysis of genetic variation among subgroups of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 2 (AG-2 ) by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)-PCR 34

KIRIYAMA, N. and TOMINAGA, T. : Seasonal Occurrence and Associated Weather Factors for Lettuce Bacterial Rot, Soft Rot and Bottom Rot in Highland Area of Iwate Prefecture 38

Nil, T., SATOU, M., NlSHI, K., KUBOTA, M., HAGA, N., HORIKOSHI, N. and TAIRAKO, K. : Races of Tomato Leaf Mold Fungus Found in Fukushima Prefecture 42

SEKINE, T., AIZAWA, M. and NAGANO, T. : Suppression of Tomato Diseases by Aeration Using Small Fan 44

SATO, K., YAMAKAGE, H., SAYAMA, A. and FUJII, N. : Examination of Systematic Control of Rust Disease on Welsh Onion in Autumn in Akita Prefecture 48

SATO, S., SUGIYAMA, S. and SATO, Y. : Identification and Change in Disease Incidence of Powdery Mildew of Delphinium 51

NAKATANI, F. : Occurence of Rust on Gentiana triflora var. japonica f. montana and Molinia japonica Caused by Heteroecious Rust Fungus at Height Moor in the Hatimantai Area 55

KADOTA, I., OHTO, Y., OKADA, H., ISHIGURO, K., KODAMA, K., KATSUBE, K., HORIKOSHI, N. and HAGIWARA, H. : Abnormal Root Growth Observed in Gentian Plants (Gentiana spp.) with Stem Galls of Unknown Cause. 61

ABE, J. and TAKESAWA, T. : Characteristics of Stem Tissue on Gentian Tumorous Symptoms 65

TAKESAWA, T. and ABE, J. : Characterization of Components Extracted from Nodal Tumours in Plants with Gentian Tumorous Symptoms 70

TAKESAWA, T. and ABE, J. : Characterization of Gentian Tumorous Symptoms by Tissue Culture Method 74

YAMAMOTO, H. and SENDA, M. : Survey of Tomato aspermy virus in Chrysanthemum Cultivated in Akita Prefecture 79

HORITA, H. : Distribution of Melon Necrotic Spot Disease in Hokkaido 81

HORITA, H., NUNOME, A., YAGI, R. and HIRAI, G. : Control of Melon Necrotic Spot Disease Using Resistant Root Stock in Hokkaido 84

YUKITA, K. : Field Survey and Infection Time of Blossom End Rot of Apple Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Aomori Prefecture 88

KANNO, E. and OGATA, T. : Relationship between Occurrence of Apple Blotch (Diplocarpon mali) and Application Time of Fungicides 93

HASHIMOTO, Y. : Effects of Granular Neonicotinoid on Control of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) 96

MAISAWA, S., SATO, K., NIIYAMA, T. and KUTSUZAWA, T. : Relationship between Hull-Cracked Rice and Pecky Rice in Recent Years in Akita Prefecture 99

SUZUKI, T. : Optimal Control Timing of Sorghum Plant Bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura (Hemiptera: Miridae) , on Densities of Paddy Field Weeds and Hull-Cracked Rice in Iwate Prefecture 102

OHTOMO, R., KAN, H. and TANAKA, Y. : Biological Notes on Stenotus rubrovittatus 105

TAKITA, M. : Examination of Shape of Synthetic Sex Pheromone Trap in Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium 108

NIIYAMA, T. and ITOYAMA, K. : Substantiation for Control of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) by One-Time Dispersion of Dinotefuran in Field 111

OHBA, A., MONMA, Y., TAKAHASHI, C. and KIDOKORO, T. : Determination of Optimal Control Timing for Rice-Plant Skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, Based on Monitoring of Adult Immigration using Sticky Traps 113

KIKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T. : Hymenopterous Parasitoids of Rice Leaf Beetle, Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama), in Omagari, Akita Prefecture 117

KIKUCHI. A. and KOBAYASHI. T. : Damage Analysis of Soybean Caused by Seedcorn Maggot, Delia platura (Meigen) 119

KAKIZAKI, M. : Insect Pests of the Yacon, Polymnia sanchifolia, in Hokkaido in 2001 122

SAKAKIBARA, M. and SAKAI, J. : Improvement in a Foxglove Aphid Density Assessment in Soybean Field 125

ONO, T., KIDOKORO, T. and HOSHI, N. : Damage Analysis of Outbreak of Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Mature Soybean Plants 131

NARITA, 0., OIKAWA, K., SATOH, M. and FUJIMURA, T. : Occurrence of Psila (Synaphopsila) nartshukae (Diptera : Psilidae) Injurious to Roots of Carrot in Aomori Prefecture 134

SAITO, M. : Control of Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii, on Greenhouse-Raised Cucumber by Releasing Aphidius colemani on Banker Plants 137

KIKUCHI, 0. : Seasonal Occurrence of Lysiphlebus japonicus (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae) Parasitizing Aphis hederae (Homoptera : Aphididae), as Possible Specified Pest Control Agent 141

SHINDO, J., KINOTA, M., INOKUCHI, S., KIMURA, Y. and FUJIMURA, T. : Occurrence of Pea Leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) , in Aomori Prefecture 145

HAYASHI, K., KONDOU, M., ANDO, S., MASUDA, T. and TOKUMARU, S. : Occurrences and Overwintering of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Miyagi Prefecture 149

ITOYAMA, K. and NIIYAMA, T. : Occurrence and Control Problems of Tyrophagus similis in Akita Prefecture 152

ITOU, S., ITOYAMA, K. and KOMATSU, K. : Control Effect of Hotwater Soil Disinfection on Tyrophagus similis 155

MIYAKE, N. and IWASAKI, A. : Horizontal and Vertical Dispersals of Onion Thrips, Thrips tabaci, from Onion Field under Mass Occurrence of the Pest 157

TAKASHINO, K., WALKER, G. and SAKAKIBARA, M. : Trial for Sex Ratio Improvement of Diadegma semiclausum by Reintroducing New Zealand Strain 160

HONMA, T., TAKASHINO, K. and SAKAKIBARA, M. : Reproductive Characteristics of Diadegma semiclausum (Hymenoptera : ichnemonidae), an Introduced Parasitoid of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera : Plutellidae). 163

SASAKI, M. and NAKAMURA, A. : Seasonal Changes of Vegetable Leafminer, Liriomyza sativae BLANCHARD (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Tomato Greenhouses 165

SHIONO, H. : Reduction of Chemosynthetic Pesticides for House Cucumber Using Near-Ultraviolet-Absorbing Polyolefin Film and Examination of Pest Control for Organic Farming 170

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Active Time of Carabid Beetle Adults 173

MIZUKOSHI, T. : Dispersion Range of Carabid Beetle Adults on Bare Ground 175

NARABU, T. and SEKIGUCHI, H. : Effect of Frozen Soil after Removing Snow from Its Surface on Pratylenchus penetrans Population Density 178

TAKABE, M. : Characteristics of Damage to Pear Fruits by Brown Marmorated Sting Bug (Halyomorpha mista) 182

KAKIZAKI, M. : Inhibition of Overwintering of the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) , by Removal of Greenhouse Plastic Film during Winter in Hokkaido. 185

TOYOSHIMA, S. and OSAKABE, M. : Effects of Artificially Released Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and Naturally Occurring Orius minutus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) Population in Apple Orchard without Insecticides 188

HONGO, K. and FUNAYAMA, K. : Control of Two-Spotted Spider Mites, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) by Phytoseiid Predators, Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on Apple Trees 191

KIMURA, Y., ISHIGURI, Y. and KUSHITA, T. : Evaluation of Acaricides against the Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae and the European Red Mite, Panonychus ulmi, from Apple Orchards in Aomori Prefecture 194

ARAKAWA, A., YOKOYAMA, K. and NAITOH, T. : Areawide Control of Cherry Treeborer, Synanthedon hector by Disrupting Mating in Peach Orchards 198

SAKURAI, T. : Difference in Susceptibility to Virus Infection Determined using Viruliferous Frankliniella occidentalis Inoculation among Impatiens necrotic spot virus Host Plant Species 201

No.57 (2006)

Saito, T. : Glasshouse Pests and Microbial Control 1

Sasaki, N., Arai, M. and Suzuki, F. : Rep-PCR Fingerprinting Analysis of Pyricularia oryzae Isolates with Decreased Sensitivity to Dehydratase Inhibitors in Melanin Biosynthesis (MBI-D) in Iwate Prefecture and their Pathogenic Races 10

Tominaga, T. : Possible Improvement in Forecasting Accuracy of Rice Panicle Blast Epidemics Using Chill Degree-Days as an Explanatory Factor 14

Kurauchi, K., Kudo, Y., Kimura, T. and Uemura, T... Difference in Resistance to False Smut Disease between Rice Cultivars in Aomori Prefecture 17

Shimizu, M.: Effect of Successive Treatment by Fungicides on Sensitivity to DMIs of Cercospora beticola Isolated from Sugar Beet 22

Fujine, O., Onodera, M. and Sumino, A. : Survey of Fusarium Basal Rot of Onion in Central and North Hokkaido from 2003 to 2005-Influence of Soil Pollution and Seedling Infection by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae Exert on Occurrence of Basal Rot 26

Sekine, T. and Nagano, T. : Characteristics of Dutt Dusting for Bacillus subtilis 30

Iwama, T. : Mucor Rot of Long Chinese Yam (Dioscorea batatas) caused by Mucor Piriformis 33

Komatsu, T., Mastuzawa, M. and Horita, H. : Control of Tomato Bacterial wilt by Combination of Sterilization Using Soil Reduction with Molasses and Grafting onto Rootstock of Disease-Resistant Variety 38

Komatsu, T., Matsuzawa, M. and Horita, H. : Control of Tomato Bacterial Wilt by Soil Reduction Treatment with Deep Tillage Rotary and Resistant Rootstock Cultivar 42

Horita, H. : Evaluation of Cauliflower Varieties for Incidence of Soft Rot 47

Ikeda, S. and Shimizu, M. : Occurrence of Bulb Black Rot on Edible Lily (Lilium lancifolium) in Hokkaido 49

Ikeda, S., Yachida, K. and Shimizu, M. : Infection Routes and Control of Bulb Black Rot on Edible Lily (Lilium lancifolium) 53

Sasaki, J. and Takeuchi, T. : Occurrence of Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) Strain Capable of Overcoming Resistant Gene (L3) of Sweet Pepper in Hokkaido 56

Yamamoto, H. and Senda, M. : Japanese hornwort mosaic virus and Phytoplasma Detected in Water Dropwort in Akita Prefecture, Japan 58

Misawa, T., Nakazumi, H. and Shinmura, A. : A Propagation System Using Rice Chaff Enables Strawberry Runner Plants to Prevent Infection by Crown Rot 60

Ueno, K., Kaneko, K., Taniguchi, E. and Nagasawa, S. : Control of Fusarium Wilt and Nematode on Strawberry by Soil Reduction in Yamagata Prefecture 62

Sugiyama, S. and Horiuchi, S. : Diversified Pathogenicity of Chrysanthemum Isolates of Verticillum dahliae for Some Chrysanthemum Cultivars 65

Takesawa, T., Chiba, K., Iwadate, Y. and Abe, J. : Gentian Tumorous Symptoms are Transmitted by Grafting and are not Observed by Shoot Apex Culture 68

Nakatani, F. : Mode of Spread and Field Distribution of Heteroecious Fungus (Puccinia sp.) on Gentiana triflora var. japonica f. montana and Molinia japonica at Moor and Snowbed Grassland 72

Hagita, T. : Occurrence of Prune (Prunus domestica) Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum acutatum in Hokkaido 78

Misawa, T. and Takeuchi, T. : PCR Detection of Agrobacterium vitis Isolates from Grapevine in Hokkaido 82

Yukita, K., Kimura, Y. and Kushita, T. : Drift-Reducing Spray Application in Dwarf Apple Orchards and Efficacy of Pesticides for Pest Control 1. Effects of Drift-Reducing Spray on Scab and Blotch 86

Kushita, K., Kimura, Y. and Yukita, K. : Drift-reducing Spray Application in Dwarf Apple Orchards and Efficacy of Pesticides for Pest Control 2. Control of Aphid, Ouatus malicolens and Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae 91

Kimura, Y., Yukita, K. and Kushita, T. : Drift-Reducing Spray Application in Dwarf Apple Orchards and Efficacy of Pesticides for Pest Control 3. General Estimation of Efficacy of Drift-Reducing Spray for Pest Control 96

Kanno, E. and Ogata, T. : Wetting and Temperature Requirements for Blotch Infection on Apple Current Shoot Leaves with Conidiospores of Diplocarpon mail 100

Ohara, T., Ueda, S., Ishikawa, Y. and Tsuda, M. : Control of Apple Blotch (Diplocarpon mali) by Applying Simeconazole WP during Flowering Period 105

Nekoduka, S., Ito, T., Sasaki, H. and Iwadate, Y. : Occurrence of Topworking Disease Caused by Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (type strain) on Apple Saplings with JM1 Rootstock and Sensitivity of JM Series Rootstocks to Causal Viruses of the Disease 109

Ogata, T. and Kanno, E. : Residual Effect of Pyraclostrobin Boscalid Mixture for Apple Ring Rot Caused by Botryosphaeria berengeriana 114

Kan, H., Ohtomo, R. and Suzuki, T. : Causal Factors of Picky Rice in Iwate Prefecture in 2005 118

Kimura, Y., Ichita, T. and Ishioka, M. : Seasonal Occurrence of Adults of Rice Leaf Bug Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera : Miridae) Caught by Synthetic Sex Pheromone Trap and Sweeping Method 122

Takita, M. : Effects of Trap Height and Position on Male Catches of Rice Leaf Bug Trigonotylus caelestialium in Sex Pheromone Trap 126

Niiyama, T. and Itoyama, K. : Control of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera : Miridae) by Application of Herbicide to their Source of Immigration 129

Kikuchi, A. and Kobayashi, T. : Effect of Some Factors on Flight Activity of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy) (Heteroptera:Miridae) III. Effect of Diet 134

Kikuchi, A. and Kobayashi, T. : Method of Italian Ryegrass Cultivation to Suppress Increases in Numbers of Rice-Ear Bugs 136

Kiriyama, N. : Control of Oriental Corn Borero, Ostrinia furnacalis Using Yellow High-Pressure Sodium Lamp in Foxtail Millet 141

Iwasaki, A., Miyake, N. and Takezawa, Y. : Seasonal Prevalence of Seed Corn Maggot Delia platura (Diptera : Anthomyiidae) in Hokkaido Inferred from Malaise Trap Catch and Ovarian Development 145

Ono, T., Oyama, J. and Kidokoro, T. : Control Effects of Foliar Spray Insecticides on Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Soybean 148

Sakakibara, M. and Yamamori, M. : Flower Visiting Insect Fauna of Canolas in Morioka City : Artificial Movement of Pollinators Should Be Considered in Evaluation of Gene Flow of GM Plants 151

Takashino, K. and Sakakibara, M. : Establishment of Two Diamondback Moth Strains Selected for Fast and Slow Developmental Speeds 158

Sasaki, M. and Nakamura, A. : Control of Greenhouse Whitefly, Trialeurodes uaporariorum Westwood and Effect on Parasitism of Encarsia formosa Gahan by Different Applications of Insecticides in Tomato Greenhouses 161

Masuda, T. and Miyata, M. : Effect of Insecticides on Whitefly, Trialeurodes uaporariorum 167

Masuda, T., Miyata, M. and Higuchi, T. : Effect of Pilot Formulation of Beauveria bassiana (NBL-2) on Control of Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae 171

Miyata, M. and Masuda, T. : Control of Tetranychus urticae on Strawberry by Neoseiulus californicus and Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate 174

Miyata, M. and Masuda, T. : Effects of Some Insecticides Blocking Spiracles of Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus kanzawai 177

Miyata, M. and Masuda, T. : Effects of Insecticides Blocking Spiracle for Aphids and Powdery Mildew on Strawberry 182

Sakurai, T. : Optimum Number of Repetitions of Petunia Leaf Disk Assay for Detecting Adult Frankliniella occidentalis That Transmits Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus 185

Shindo, J. : Occurrence of Pea Leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera : Agromyzidae) in 2005 in Aomori Prefecture and Effective Granular Insecticides for Control 188

Sasaki, H., Takeda, Y. and Wagatsuma, T. : Role of Tabanid Flies as Pollinators of Buckwheat in Hokkaido, Japan 192

Itoyama, K. and Niiyama, T. : Insect Fauna Associated with Kochia scoparia in Akita Prefecture 195

Kikuchi, O., Masuda, T. and Miyata, M. : Occurrence of Aphids on West Indian Cherry Malpighia emarginata in Miyagi Prefecture 198

Toyoshima, S. and Ishiguri, Y. : Fruit Injury of the Five Apple Cultivars by Peach Fruit Moth,Carposina sasakii 200

Ishiguri, Y. and Toyoshima, S. : Possibility of Presence of Carposina sasakii Larvae in 'Fuji' Apples during Harvest 203

Ishiguri, Y. and Toyoshima, S. : Larval Development of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii, in Wild Apples 205

Aihara, T., Arakawa, A., Toyoshima, S. and Mochizuki, F : Monitoring Method for Seasonal Prevalence of Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii, that Utilizes Improved Lure in Apple Orchards Treated with Sex Pheromone Mating Disruption 208

Shigehara, T., Takanashi, M., Toyoshima, S. and Arai, T. : Seasonal Abundance of Aphids (Homoptera : Aphididae) and Composition of their Parasitizing Wasps (Hymenoptera) in Apple Orchards 21

No.58 (2007)

Tashiro, N. : EBC (Evidence-based Control) is Necessary for Development of Plant Protection in the Future 1

Kobayashi, K., Sasaki, N., Tomita, R. and Munemura, I. : Improved PCR Primers for Efficient Gene Diagnosis of MBI-D Resistant Rice Blast Fungus 16

Sasaki, N., Iwadate, Y., Tominaga, T. and Nekoduka, S. : Omitting Chemical Application for Panicle Blast Control with Field Resistance in the Rice Cultivar 'Donpishari' Developed at Iwate Agricultural Research Center 20

Hatanaka, N., Hataya, M. and Sasahara, M. : Effect of "Bakanae" Disease Outbreak on Infected Rice Seed Ratio in Surrounding Paddy Fields 25

Ikeda, S., Shimizu, M. and Takenaka, S. : Biocontrol Activity of Pythium oligandrum against Black Scurf of Potato 30

Kuwata, H. and Iwaya, K. : Efficient Techniques for Isolation and Culture of Rhizobacter dauci, Causal Organism of Carrot Bacterial Gall 34

Shinmura, A. : Field Survey of Dry Rot of Carrot in Hokkaido 38

Shinmura, A. : Causative Factors of Dry Rot of Carrot Caused by Fusarium solani f sp. radicicola 42

Sekine, T., Aizawa, M., Nagano, T. and Takahashi, C. : Suppression of Gray Mold and Leaf Mold of Tomato by Ventilation Using Small Fans and Analysis of Mechanism 46

Sumino, A., Ikeda, M., Kakizaki, Y., Narimatsu, Y., Matsumoto, I. and Tanaka, M. : Occurrence of Strawberry Marginal Chlorosis in Hokkaido 54

Nagano, T., Sekine, T. and Takahashi, C. : Relationship between Density of Biocontrol Agent on Leaves of Strawberry and Control Efficacy of Powdery Mildew by Duct Dusting Method for Bacillus subtilis Wettable Powder 57

Sekine, T., Kano, H., Takano, I, Nagano, T. and Takahashi, C. : Disease Severity of New Strawberry Cultivar, Mouikko, for Powdery Mildew, Fusarium Wilt and Crown Rot 60

Misawa, T., Fukukawa, E. and Nakazumi H. : Resistance of Strawberry Cultivars to Phytophthora Rot Caused by Phytophthora cactorum 64

Yamamoto, H., Sato, G. and Fuji, S. : Reinfection by Viruses and Growth of Virus-Free Chinese Artichoke 69

Kanno, E. and Takita, S. : Residual and Curative Effects of Various Fungicides on Apple Blotch by Diplocarpon mali 71

Ono, T., Kashin, J. and Kidokoro, T. : Control of Sorghum Plant Bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera : Miridae), in Rice Paddy Field by Grass Mowing in Relation to Migration Source 75

Yoshimura, T., Ikeda, Y. and Takeda, T. : Relationships among Pecky Rice, Hull-Cracked Rice and Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera : Miridae) 80

Kawasaki, T., Watanabe, K., Domon, K., Ogata, M. and Yoshimura, T. : Relationship between Occurrence of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera : Miridae) and Meteorogical Conditions 84

Yokota, H. and Suzuki, T. : Effects of Heading Frequency of Gramineous Weeds on Population Density of Stenotus rubrovittatus in Footpath between Paddy Fields 88

Takita, M. : Comparison of Occurrence of Rice Leaf Bug Trigonotylus caelestialium in Italian Rye Grass and Centipedegrass Fields 92

Kobayashi, T. : Flight Velocity of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium and Sorghum Plant Bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Heteroptera: Miridae) 96

Ono, T. and Kidokoro, T. : Control of Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Soybean Using Living Mulch Barley as Banker Plant 99

Sakakibara, M., Takashino, K. and Sakurai, T. : Rearing of Apterae Viviparae of Foxglove Aphid for Successive Generations 106

Onodera, K. : Thiamethoxam Treatment of Soybean Seed for Control of Soybean Dwarf Virus (SbDV) and Influence of Seed Treatment on Seed Germination 111

Takashino, K. and Sakakibara, M. : Effect of Temperature on Development of Diadegma semiclausum during Cocoon Period 115

Kuwana, A., Takakura, S. and Horikoshi, N. : Insecticide Susceptibility and Occurrence of Bemisia tabaci in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 118

Kakizaki, M. : Protective Effects of Insect Net Againet Insect Pests on Turnips 121

Oikawa, K., Matsuda, M., Satoh, M. and Narita, O. : Control and Seasonal Occurrence of Adults of Red Carrot Fly Psila (Synaphopsila) nartshukae (Diptera: Psilidae) in Aomori Prefecture 126

Aoki, M. : Damage of Fourteen-Spotted Asparagus Beetle, Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) on Asparagus Mother Stalk Culture in Greenhouse and Effect of Larval Control 131

Aoki, M., Saito, M., Sasaki, T., Hirata, S. and Tanabe, H. : Effect of Entomogenous Nematode Steinernema glaseri on Control of Yellowish Elongate Chafer, Heptophylla picea (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) Larvae on Blueberried Honeysuckle, Lonicera caerulea L. var. emphyllocalyx 135

Iwasaki, A., Miyake, N. and takezawa, Y. : Long-Term Effects of Insect Growth Regulators On Cabbage Armyworm, Mamestra brassicae, in Sugar Beet 138

Suzuki, T. : Evaluation of Acaricides against Kanzawa Spider Mite, Tetranychus kanzawai, and Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae, from Gentian Field in Iwate Prefecture 141

Niiyama, T. and Itoyama, K. : Control of Predominant Pests on Water Shield by Insecticides 144

Itoyama, K., Yamamoto, H. and, Niiyama, T. : Control of Coleophora sp. on Kochia scoparia Using Bacillus thuringiensis 150

Sasaki, H. and Yamaoka, T. : Culicoides Biting Midges (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) Collected at the Central Part of Hokkaido, the Northernmost Island of Japan 153

Funayama, K. and Ohsumi, S. : Control Effect of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Apple Leaf Miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella (Lepidoptera : Gracillariidae) 156

Ueno, K. and Kaneko, K. : Sucking Injury of Japanese Pear Fruit by Alnus Ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus 159

Kushita, T., Yukita, K., Ookawa, I. and Masuda, Y. : Substantiation of Efficacy of Drift-Reducing Spray Programs Using Speed Sprayer in Commecial Apple Orchards 161

Ishiguri, Y. and Kushita, T. : Phenology of Larval Emergence from Hibernaculum in Pandemis heparana in Apple Orchard 166

Arai, T. : Occurrence of San Jose Scale Crawler, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, in Apple trees in Iwate Prefecture 1. Relationships between Seasonal Prevalence of Crawler Occurrence and Accumulated Temperature 170

Arai, T. : Occurrence of San Jose Scale Crawler, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, in Apple trees in Iwate Prefecture 2. Seasonal Prevalence of Adult Male Emergence and Accumulated Temperatures of Crawler Occurrence from Adult Male Emergence 174

Iwasaki, A., Miyake, N., Takezawa, Y., Kosaka, Y., Mizukoshi, T., Saito, M. and Shimizu R. : Insect Pests Injurious to Aronia, Aronia melanocarpa, in Hokkaido 178


Honda, K.: Recent Problems on Bemisia tabaci Biotypes and their Transmission of Plant Viruses 1

Fujii, N., Sato, G., Kato, M. and Fukaya, T.: Reduction in Fungicide Use for Rice Blast Control by Eliminating Infection Sources over a Wide Area 9

Sasahara, M., Monma, Y. and Kondo, M.: Case-Control Study about Infection Sources of False Smut Disease in Miyagi Prefecture 14

Sasahara, M., Mikami, A. and Hataya, M.: Analysis of Factors Affecting Out break of False Smut Disease in Miyagi Prefecture 18

Mizuno, H., Souma, J. and Kondo, N.: Trichothecene Chemotype and Species Composition of Fusarium graminearum Species Complex Isolated from Rice Plant Residue in Hokkaido 22

Kozawa, T., Yasuoka, S. and Shimizu M.: Evaluation of Foliar Application of Several Fungicides for Control of Wheat Scab Caused by Microdochium nivale 26

Iimura, S. and Iwadate Y.: Occurrence of Soybean Purple Stain Disease, Caused by Thiophanate-methyl Resistant Isolates, Cercospora kikuchii, in Iwate Prefecture 30

Komatsu, T.: Extending Application Time for Soil Reduction Disinfestation in Hokkaido. 33

Shimizu, M., Nakayama, T., Maoka, T., Tsuda, S., Fuwa, H., Hataya, T. and Mori, M.: Control Effect of Soil Application of Fungicide on Spraing Caused by Potato mop-top virus 38

Horita, H., Sasaki, J. and Takeuchi, T.: Occurrence of Mosaic in Sweet Pepper Caused by Potato Virus Y in Hokkaido 42

Misawa, T.: Optimum Conditions of Lesion Formation of Brown Oval Symptom and Yellow Mottle Symptom of Leaf Blight of Welsh Onion Caused by Stemphylium vesicarium 46

Misawa, T.: Seasonal Occurrence of Leaf Blight of Welsh Onionin Hokkaido 50

Misawa, T.: Field Survey of Leaf Blight of Welsh Onionin Hokkaido 56

Nishiwaki, Y. and Horita, H.: Occurrence of Powdery Mildew on Sweet Pepper and Its Yield Losses in Hokkaido 60

Nakayama, H.: Control Effect of Gray Mold and Leaf Mold Fungus of Tomato by Local Ventilation 63

Iwaya, K., Yamashita, K. and Iwama, T.: Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Tomato Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Race 3 in Aomori Prefecture 68

Saito, K., Domon, K., Honma, T., Kawasaki, T., Ogata, M. and Hori, Y.: Soil Reduction Disinfestation of Stock Wilt Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans race3 71

Chiba, K., Onoda, K., Abe, J., Iwadate, Y. and Takesawa, T.: Graft Transmission of Gentian Tumorous Symptoms‘Kobu-sho’ 74

Nakatani, F. and Harada, Y.: Occurrence of Gentian and Moor Grass Rust Caused by Puccinia moliniae, with Emphasis on Characteristic Outbreaks of the Rust in the Moor Where Gentian is not Growing 77

Sugawara, K., Matsudate, A. andIto, Y.: Occurrences of Gray Mold on Melampodium and Smoke Tree Caused by Botrytis cinerea 82

Sugiyama, S., Sato, T., Moriwaki J., Kageyama, K. and Chu, E.: First Report on Anthracnose of Sanguisorba officinalis Caused by Colletotrichum acutatum 86

Sato, T., Sugawara, K. and Kudo, N.: Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Safflower (Carthamustinctorius) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum 90

Yukita, K., Akahira, T., Yamamoto, S. and Fukushi, Y.: Survey of Apple Scabin Aomori Prefecture in 2007 and Efficacy of DMIs under Severe Infection Condition 94

Asari, M.: ASimple Model for Forecasting the Primary Discharge of Ascospores and Symptom Development of Apple Scab, Venturia inaequalis 99

Nekoduka, S. and Iwadate, Y.: Screening of Fungicide for Reducing Infection Density ofSooty Blotch (Gloeodes pomigena) on Apple Fruits and its Effective Application Period 103

Ogasawara, H.: Reddish-Brown Spot Symptom on Leaves and Fruits of Apricot and Japanese Apricot Caused by Monilinia fructicola 109

Yoshimura, T., Ochi, A. and Sato, T.: Effects of the Number of Split-Hull Paddies and Ripening Stage of the Rice Plant on Nymphal Survival and Growth of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) 113

Yokota, H. and Suzuki, T.: Most Effective Timing of Mowing on the Population Density of the Nymphs of the Overwintering Generation of Stenotus rubrovittatus in the Footpath between Paddy Fields 116

Hashimoto, Y. and Saito, M.: Residual Effects of Granular Insecticides on the Control of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Release Experiments 120

Hashimoto, Y. and Saito, M.: Effects of Granular Insecticides on the Control of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Paddy Field 123

Sakurai, T. and Sakakibara, M.: Effect of Exposure of Eggs Deposited on Wheat Seedlings to Low Temperature on Hatching in Stenotus rubrovittatus 126

Nakamura, T., Katou, M., Niiyama, T. and Takahashi, Y.: Occurrence of the Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis, in Soybean Fields of Akita Prefecture 129

Mitamura, T. and Matsuki, N.: The Overwintering Habit of the Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis (Lepidoptera,: Crambidae) in Fukushima Pref. Japan 133

Onodera, K. and Yamazaki, H.: Control of Soybean Dwarf Disease, Soybean Dwarf Virus (SbDV), by Resistant Line Treated with Insecticides 137

Miyake, N., Tanaka, Y., Hori, K., Takezawa, Y. and Iwasaki, A.: Growth Obstructive Effect of Common Cutworm-Resistant Soybean Against Cabbage Armyworm, Mamestra brassicae 142

Takashino, K., Sakakibara, M., Honda, K., Noda, T. and Okada, M.: Pheromone Trap Catch Date of the Diamondback Moth in Spring becomes earlier in Morioka City, North Japan 145

Misawa, T., Sato, K., Maisawa, S. and Niiyama, T.: Examination of application program to Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella (L.)) of Cabbage by Flubendiamide 149

Masuda, T. and Miyata, M.: Effects of Cover Cropping on Occurrence of Insect Pests in Cabbage Fields 153

Miyata, M. and Yamanaka, S.: Dispersion of the Predacious Mite Amblyseius swirskii on Eggplant 158

Miyata, M., Masuda, T., Yamanaka, S. and Momoshita, M.: Control of Thrips and Aphids by Combining and Using Physical Materials 161

Hashimoto, N.: Control of Flower Thrips, Frankliniella intonsa, on Sweet Pepper Grown in a Greenhouse using Orius strigicollis with Ultraviolet Absorbing Film 165

Suzuki, T., Hori, M., Matsuda, K. and Masuda, T.: Feeding and Oviposition Behaviors of the Pea Leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) to Various Crops 170

Shindo, J., Ishitani, M. and Kitano, N.: Effect of Insecticides against the Garden Pea Leafminer Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) 174

Aoki, M.: Control Effect of Chemical Application on Larvae of Fourteen Spotted Asparagus Beetle, Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) after Harvest Time of Asparagus Grown Outdoors in Hokkaido 179

Aoki, M.: Control Effect of Insecticides on Larvae of Fourteen Spotted Asparagus Beetle, Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) 182

Itoyama, K., Miyayama, S., Kikuchi, H. and Niiyama, T.: Search for Effective Pesticides against Tyrophagus similis Volgin 185

Mizutani, K. and Nakashima, Y.: Development and Morphological Characteristics of Immatures of Two Aphid Hyperparasitoids: Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) and Asaphes suspensus (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) 189

Kimura, Y.: Causes for Increase in the Incidence of San Jose Scale, Diaspidiotus perniciosus in Apple Orchards in Aomori Prefecture 195

Arai, T., Narita, O., Ihara, F., Takanashi, M. and Toyoshima, S.: Occurrence of San Jose Scale Crawler, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, in Apple Trees in Iwate Prefecture 3, Prediction of Crawler Occurrence from Accumulated Temperatures and Comparison of the Predicted Period to the Crawler Occurrence 199

Kushita, T. and Ishiguri, Y.: An Investigation in to the Risk of Oviposition on the Thinned Apple Fruits on the Ground by the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii 207

Ono, H., Tamura, H., Suzuki, T. and Nekoduka, S.: Chemical Spray Application for Drift-Reducing Nozzle in Dwarf Apple Orchards and Efficacy of Pesticides for Pest Control 210

Sugahara, S., Takabe, M. and Itou, S.: Pear Damage by Oriental Fruit Moth Grapholita molesta and Peach Fruit Moth Carposina sasakii in Yamagata Prefecture in 2007 217


Horie, H. : The Significance of Plant Disease Diagnosis and Preparation for Fosterage of "Plant Doctor" and Collaboration 1

Takahashi, N. and Nekoduka, S. : Rice Husk around Seedling House Could be the Infection Source of MBI-D Fungicide Resistant Isolates of Pyricularia oryzae 8

Kobayashi, T., Sasahara, M., Kanda, E., Kanematsu, S., Ishiguro, K. and Kanno, H. : Relationship Between Accumulated Temperature after Heading of Rice Plant and Susceptibility of Rice to Panicle Blast 12

Koizumi, S., Shiratsuchi, H., Kataoka, T. and Yamaguchi, M. : Blast Development and its Control with Reduced Chemical Cost in Rice Broadcast Direct Sowing Cultivation at High Plant Density in Flooded Paddy Field 16

Kito, H., Zenbayashi, K., Koizumi, S. and Nakajima, T. : Control Effects of the Field Resistance Gene Pi34 on Infection with Rice Blast Disease 25

Sayama, M. : Application of the Test Tube Culture Method for Sugar Beet Rhizomania to Wheat Yellow Mosaic 30

Kozawa, T., Souma, J., Miura, H. and Koike, M. : Evaluation of Several Foliar Fungicides for Controlling Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol Contamination in Wheat 35

Sasahara, M. : Effective Application of Chemical Controlling Soybean Purple Seed Stain Fugus Resistant to Thiophanate-Methyl 41

Sasahara, M. : Soybean Purple Seed Stain Control Using Resistant Cultivars in Miyagi Prefecture 45

Iketani-Saito, M., Ishikawa, T., Araki, H., Yamana, T., Shirai, K. and Furukawa, K. : Occurrence of Beet Western Yellows in Abashiri District of Hokkaido in 2008: Yield Loss and Infection Period 51

Misawa, T. : Species Composition of Causal Agent of Leaf Bright of Welsh Onion in Hokkaido 55

Misawa, T. : Evaluation of Foliar Application of Several Fungicides to Control Leaf Bright of Welsh Onion 58

Saito, T., Chiba, K., Abe, A., Iwadate, Y. and Akasaka, Y. : Occurrence of Leaf Blight of Welsh Onion Caused by Ciborinia allii in Iwate Prefecture 63

Iwadate, Y., Yoshida, S., Eguchi, T., Shoji, S., Takahashi, T., Akiyama, H. and Nekoduka, S. : Reduction of Application Dosage of Chloropicrin Tablets to Control Spinach Fusarium Wilt Using VIF 67

Sumino, A. and Shirai, K. : Occurrence of Celery Bacterial Rot Caused by Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis in Hokkaido 73

Sumino, A. and Shirai, K. : Effect of Fungicides on Celery Early Blight and Sensitivity of Cercospora apii to Thiophanate-Methyl 77

Sumino, A., Shinmura, A., Narimatsu, Y., Matsui, R. and Nishimura, S. : Occurrence of Strawberry Anthracnose Caused by Glomerella cingulata (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in Hokkaido 82

Kondo, M., Nagano, T., Takahashi, C. and Nakamura, S. : Sensitivity of Corynespora cassicola, the Causal Fungus of Corynespora Leaf Spot on Cucumber, to Several Fungicides in Miyagi Prefecture 88

Hara, Y., Aiuchi, D., Masuda, T., Sekine, T., Kozawa, T. and Koike, M. : Biological Control of Cucumber Powdery Mildew by Entomopathogenic Lecanicillium spp. 92

Yamaguchi, T. and Iwadate, Y. : Adaptability of Several Cucurbit Plants for Use as Rootstocks to Prevent Cucumber Black Root Rot Caused by Phomopsis sclerotioides 96

Kiguchi, T. : Effects of Agricultural Chemicals against Bacterial Fruit Blotch of Melon 102

Yamauchi, N., Miura, Y. and Shirakawa, T. : Damping-off of Broccoli Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HG-I 105

Horikoshi, N., Fujita, Y., Sonoda, T. and Tairako, K. : Occurrence of Phytophthora rot of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Caused by Phytophthora sp. in Fukushima Prefecture 108

Sugawara, K., Matsudate, A., Satou, M. and Namai, T. : Occurrences of Gray Mold, Sclerotinia Rot and Leaf Rot on Small Globe Thistle 112

Ochi, A. and Sugawara, K. : Occurrence of Alternaria Leaf Spot on Small Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro) Caused by Alternaria alternate 118

Takahashi, C., Yamamura, M. and Tsukiboshi, T. : Gray Mold, a New Disease of Chicory Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Japan 122

Akahira, T., Yamamoto, S. and Yukita, K. : Investigation of Damage to Apple Fruit Caused by Hail Occurring in September, 2008 in Aomori Prefecture 126

Nekoduka, S. : Residual Activity of Fungicides Applied at the End of August to Control Sooty Blotch (Gloeodes pomigena) on Apple Fruit 130

Ito, D. and Fujita, T. : Trials for Organic Apple Cultivation Using Substituted Control Materials 1. Disease Occurrence in Five Years after Transition 134

Honda, H. and Hirasawa, H. : Developing Common Spray Schedules for Pest Control with Combination of Pesticides and Fungicides under Mixed Conditions of Apple and Pear Orchards 1. Screening of Fungicides and Examining Efficacy of Spray Schedules for Control of Pear Ring Rot Caused by Botryosphaeria berengeriana 139

Kanno, E., Fujita, T. and Ogata, T. : Residual Effects of Various Fungicides on Phomopsis Rot Caused by Phomopsis sp. 144

Sato, Y., Sato, G. and Uemura, D. : Sensitivity of Nectria cinnabarina , Pathogen Causing Japanese Pear Coral Spot Isolated in Akita Prefecture, to Benomyl 148

Kan, H. and Saito, M. : Relationship between Abundance of Pecky Rice Bug and Pecky Rice Damag in Iwate Prefecture 151

Yokota, H., Terata, M., Chiba, K. and Suzuki, T. : Timing of Control of Sorghum Plant Bug Stenotus rubrovittatus by Regional Cooperative Control 155

Kashin, J. : Optimum Time for Chemical Control of Sorghum Plant Bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) in Scirpus juncoides Roxb. var. ohwianus -Infested Rice Fields 159

Kawasaki, T., Yoshimura, T. and Domon. K. : Occurrence of Sorghum Plant Bug Stenotus rubrovittatus in Recent Years in Yamagata Prefecture 163

Sakurai, T. and Sakakibara, M. : Effect of rice ripening stage on occurrence of white spots in rice grains caused by Trigonotylus caelestialium and Stenotus rubrovittatus 167

Yoshimura, T.and Ochi, A. : Occurrence of White Spots in Rice Caused by Rice Leaf Bug Trigonotylus caelestialium 170

Takahashi, Y. Kikuchi, H. and Niiyama, T. : Control Effect of Some Insecticides and Resistance to Fipronil in Rice Leaf Beetle Oulema oryzae in Akita Prefecture 174

Arakawa, A., Mitamura, T., Tairako, K. Matsuki N. and Nakamura, A. : Improvement of Underwater Light Traps for Biodiversity Investigation in Paddy Fields 177

Kimura, Y. and Ishitani, M. : Effective Control of Soybean Pod Borer Leguminivora glycinivorella Using Synthetic Pyrethroids 180

Ono, T. : Recent Occurrence of Soybean Seed Insect Pests in Northern Area of Miyagi Prefecture 186

Kashin, J., Hatanaka, N. and Ohba, A. : Seasonal Prevalence of Two-Striped Leaf Beetle Medythia nigrobilineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Seed Damage on Soybean in Miyagi Prefecture 189

Nakamura, T. and Niiyama, T. : Overwintering of Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis in Akita Prefecture 193

Mitamura, T. and Matsuki, N. : Pheromone Trap Catches of Bean Webworm Pleuroptya ruralis (Lepidoptera,: Crambidae) in Soybean Fields and Colonies of Boehmeria silvestri 196

Todai, T. : Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 1 by Application of Oxamyl to Susceptible Soybean Cultivar or Resistant Soybean Cultivar from "Gedenshirazu" 199

Takezawa, Y. and Iwasaki, A. : Residual Activities and Optimal Timing of Application of Several Insect Growth Regulators on Cabbage Armyworm Mamestra brassicae in Sugar Beet 204

Masuda, T. : Effects of Living Mulch on Oviposition of Small White Pieris rapae crurcivora and Occurrence of Insect Pests in Cabbage Field 208

Yamada, K., Aiuchi, D., Masuda, T. Yamanaka, S. and Koike, M. : Pathogenicity of Hybrid Strains of Entomopathogenic Fungi Lecanicillium spp. against Diamondback Moth 212

Hashimoto, N. : Effect of Insecticides Against Adults of Phyllotreta striolata (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) on Brassica rapa var. chinensis 216

Matsuda, M., Shindo, J. and Kitano, N. : Occurrence of Onion Thrips Thrips tabaci in Welsh-Onion Fields in East of Aomori Prefecture 220

Miyake, N., Yoshida, S. and Nakao, H. : Occurrence of Beet Webworm Margaritia sticticalis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) in Hokkaido Prefecture in 2008, with Special Reference to Crop Damage and Observed Localities 223

Miyata, M. : Efficient Use of Reflective Materials to Control Thrips and Aphids on Greenhouse Strawberry 227

Hashimoto, Y. : Examination of Timing of Control of Tetranychus kanzawai on Melon in Greenhouse Using Neoseiulus californicus with Monitoring Plant 231

Sakuma, H., Satou, M., Nakamura, A. and Arakawa, A. : Control Effect of Vacuum Treatment on Cotton Aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover) on Strawberry Nursery Plants 235

Arai, T., Takanashi, M., Ihara, F. and Mochizuki, F. : Emergence of Adult Male Grapholita dimorpha and Periods of Infestation of Apple Orchards in Central Iwate Prefecture, Japan 238

Arai, T., Takanashi, M. and Ihara, F. : Prediction of Oviposition Period of Fruit-Damaging Grapholita dimorpha in Central Iwate Prefecture, Japan 245

Takanashi, M., Haji, T., Adachi, Y., Arai, T., Ihara, F. and Mochizuki, F. : Occurrence and Host Plants of Grapholita dimorpha (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Central Areas of Iwate Prefecture 253

Arai, T., Ihara, F., Toyoshima, S. and Yaginuma, K. : Oviposition of Carposina sasakii on Four Types of Napped Paper 259

Ishiguri, Y. : Verification of Efficacy of Petroleum Oil Application at Tight Cluster Stage of Apple against European Red Mite Panonychus ulmi 262

Ito, D. : Trials of Organic Apple Cultivation Using Substituted Control Materials 2. Pest Occurrence in Five Years after Transition 266

Kimura, Y. and Kushita, T. : Effect of Buprofezin on San Jose Scale Diaspidiotus perniciosus at Prebloom Stage of Apple Trees 270

Takanashi, M., Toyoshima, S., Ono, H., Tamura, H. Ohta, T. and Kanamitsu, M. : Influence of Weeding Using Burner around Trunks on the Population Density of Two-spotted Spider Mite Tetranychus urticae on the Apple Trees 274

Sugahara, S., Hirasawa, H., Takabe, M., Abe, A. and Itou, S. : Occurrence of Cossus insularis (Staudinger) in Apple Orchards in Yamagata Prefecture 277


TOJO, S. : Presence of Various Variations and Possibility of Migration Overseas in the Common Cutworm, Spodoptera litura 1

TAKAHASHI, N., TOMINAGA, T. FUJISAWA, Y and IWADATE Y : Analysis of Factors for Occurrence and Predominance of Dehydratase Inhibitors in Melanin Biosynthesis(MBI-D)Fungicide Resistant Isolates of Pyricularia oryzae in Iwate Prefecture 9

FUJII, N. and FUKAYA, T. : Efficacy of Fipronil Orysastrobin Probenazole Seedling Box Granule against Leaf Blast in Seedling and Paddy Field 14

YAMADA, M. and MINAKAWA, H. : Occurrence of Leaf blast on Rice Plant Transplanted in Low Density 18

SUZUKI, Y., YAMADA, M., ARAI, M. and NEMOTO, F. : Correlation between Severity of Panicle Blast and the Seedling Box Treatment in Paddy Field 22

HONKURA, R., SUGAI, T., KIMURA, Y., ITO, T. and OGURO, H. : Succession of the Symptoms of Bakanae Diseased Rice Plants in Paddy fields 26

YAMANA, T., ASHIKAGA, N., KOBAYASHI, S. and YOSHIMURA, Y. : Selection of Wheat Check Variety against Fusarium Head Blight by Point Inoculation Method in Hokkaido 30

KOZAWA, T., SHIMIZU, M., MIURA, H. and KOIKE, M. : Spray Timing of Kresoxim-methyl for Effective Control to Wheat Scab Caused by Microdochium nivale 35

SAYAMA M : Comparison of Infection Rates of Polymyxa graminis among Wheat Plants Grown at Different pH Levels in Sand Culture 40

SHIMIZU, M. and KODAMA, F. : Effect of Low Temperature on Severity of Damping-Off of Soybean 43

NAKAMURA, S., SEO, N., TAKESAWA, T., ARAKAWA, K. and SATO, H. : The Primary Source of Clover yellow vein virus Infection to Broad Bean. 47

NAKAYAMA, T., MAOKA, T., TSUDA, S., SHIMIZU, M., FUWA, H., HATAYA, T. and MORI, M. : Difference in resistance to spraing caused by Potato mop-top virus among major potato cultivars in Japan and ist relationship with resistance to powdery acab 52

TANAKA, F., SHIMIZU, M., SUMI, K., OHGAMI, D., OGASAWARA, M., FUWA, H. and KODAMA, F. : Efficacy of Maleic Acid as a Cutting Knife Disinfectant for Control of Potato Tuber-Borne Bacterial Pathogens 57

FUWA, H., OSONO, M., SUMI, K., SHIMIZU, M. and TANAKA, F. : Control Effect of Maleic Acid on Transmission of Potato virus X by Cutting Knife 61

MAOKA, T. : Detection of 12 Potato Viruses from Potato Samples Collected between 2005 and 2009. 66

KADOTA, I., YOSHIDA, Y., MATAHIRA, Y. and HANADA, K. : Control Effect of Bacterial Spot and Bacterial Canker of Tomato by Foliar Application of the Materials Including Low Molecular Chitin 71

KONDO, M. : Control Effect of Several Fungicides to Thiophanate-Methyl, Boscalid, Strobilurin-Resistant Isolates of Cucumber Corynespora Leaf Spot Fungus 76

MISAWA, T. and SINMURA, A. : Control Effectiveness of Biological Soil Disinfestation and Some Fungicides against Phytophthora Rot of Strawberry Caused by Phytophthora cactorum and Its Duration 80

MISAWA, T. : Control Effectiveness of Foliar Application of Several Chemical and Biological Control Agents against Leaf Blight of Chinese Chive Caused by Botrytis squamosa and Its Duration 85

CHU, E. and YUKITA, K. : Outbreak of Disease to Spike of Grape on ‘Campbell Early’ by Gray Mold in Aomori Prefecture, 2009 90

MATSUKI, N. and MITAMURA, T. : Depression Effect of Physical Control on Invasion into a Paddy Field of Postwintering Rice Water Weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) 95

SAITO, M., OHTOMO, R. and FUJISAWA, Y. : Management System of Gramineous Weeds in Paddy Levee to Decrease Abundance of Pecky Rice with Herbicide 99

HASHIMOTO, Y. and SAITO, M. : Effects of the Number of Split-Hull Paddies of the Rice Plant on Nymphal Survival and Development of the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium(Heteroptera: Miridae)in Hokkaido Prefecture 103

KIKUCHI, A. and KOBAYASHI, T. : Effect of Vegetation Difference on the Abundance of Trigonotylus caelestialium (Heteroptera: Miridae) 107

KOBAYASHI, T. and KIKUCHI, A. : Annual Changes of Proportion of Stenotus rubrovittatus to Trigonotylus caelestialium : The Fixed-Point Field Surveys in Italian Ryegrass Fields. 111

TAKAHASHI, Y. and KIKUCHI, K. : Control of Rice Leaf Bugs, Trigonotylus caelestialium and Stenotus rubrovittatus, with the Management of Levee 116

YOSHIMURA, T. and OCHI, A : Resistance to Fenitrothion and Fenthion in the Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium in Yamagata Prefecture 121

OHTOMO, R., SAITOH, M. and IWADATE, Y. : Analysis of Factors Affecting Occurrence of the Spotted Rice Caused by Stenotus rubrovittatus(Matsumura) 125

YOKOTA, H., SUZUKI, T. and YOSHIDA, S. : Control Timing and Control Effect of the First Generation of Oriental Corn Borer, Ostrinia furnacalis Using Bacillus thuringiensis on Sweetcorn in Iwate Prefecture 129

KASHIN, J., KITSUNEZUKA, K., TSUJI, H., HATANAKA, A., ABE, T., ANDO, S., MACHI, N. and SAEKI, K. : Monitoring of Soybean Pod Borer Leguminivora glycinivorella(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)Using Pheromone Trap in Soybean Fields 133

DOMON, K., KAWASAKI, T., WATANABE, K., NAKASHIMA, T. and UENO, K. : Seasonal Prevalence and a Possibility of Second Generation Occurrence of Leguminivora glycinivorella in Yamagata Prefecture 137

SHINDO, J.,KITANO, N. and ISHITANI, M. : Effect of Soil Application of Granular Insecticides against the Foxglove Aphid Aulacorthum solani(Kaltenbach)(Homoptera: Aphididae) 141

KUSHIDA, A. : Effect of Non-host Plant Cultivation on Density of Soybean Cyst Nematode 146

KUSHIDA, A., TSUJI, M. and ITOU, N. : Relationship between Population Density of Soybean Cyst Nematode and Yields of Susceptible Soybean Cultivar “Kitamusume” 150

MIZUKOSHI, T., TSUJI, M., DEGUCHI, H. and NIWA, S. : Possibility of Adult Hibernation of the Garden Pea Leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola(Goureau)(Diptera; Agromyzidae),and the Air Mass Back-Trajectory Patterns on the Peaks in the Daily Catch using a Yellow Water Pan Trap in Southwestern Hokkaido 154

MIZUKOSHI, T., TSUJI, M., DEGUCHI, H. and NIWA, S. : Seasonal Prevalence of Occurrence of the Garden Pea Leafminer, Chromatomyia horticola(Goureau)(Diptera; Agromyzidae),Caught in Yellow Sticky Traps in Southwestern Hokkaido 161

HADA, H. and SATO, M. : Occurrence of the Pea Leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis(Blanchard)and the Vegetable Leafminer, Liriomyza sativae Blanchard in Iwate Prefecture 165

HADA, H. and SATO, M. : Insecticide Susceptibility of Liriomyza huidobrensis(Blanchard)in Iwate Prefecture 168

MATSUDA. M. : Susceptibility to Synthetic-Pyrethroid Insecticide in Onion Thrips Thrips tabaci Inhabiting Welsh-Onion Fields in East of Aomori Prefecture 170

MATSUDA. M. : Effect of Insecticides against Onion Thrips Thrips tabaci Inhabiting Welsh-Onion Fields in East of Aomori Prefecture 174

MIYAYAMA, S. and ITOYAMA, K. : Insecticidal Activity of MEP against Tyrophagus similes 180

ITOYAMA, K. and MIYAYAMA, S. : Search for Effective Pesticides against Tyrophagus similis, Second Report 183

MASUDA, T. : Movement of Tyrophagus similis Volgin from Soil to Host Plant 186

MASUDA, T. : Some Fertilizers of Animal Matter as Food for Tyrophagus similis Volgin 189

SAITO, M. and TAKAKU, G. : Survey of Indigenous Predatory Mites(Acari: Mesostigmata)of Tyrophagus similis in Spinach Fields in Hokkaido 192

ONODERA, K., TABERI, K. and TORIKOSHI, M. : Seasonal Change of Aphids Participating in Infection for Chinese yam necrotic mosaic virus(CYNMV),and Its Infection Period in Hokkaido Tokachi District 197

SAKURAI, T. : A Method for Rearing Frankliniella occidentalis by Using Bee Pollen Pellets of Camellia sinensis 201

SATOU, M., SAKUMA, H., OKAZAKI, K., ARAKAWA, A. and KATOU, Y. : Control Effect of Vacuum Treatment on Cotton Aphids(Aphis gossypii)and Two-spotted Spider Mite(Tetranychus urticae)on Strawberry Nursery Plants 204

TOYOSHIMA, S., ARAI, T., YAGINUMA, K. and TAKANASHI, M. : Possible Dispersion of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii, onto the Grassland around the Apple Orchards 207

ISHIGURI, Y. and KUSHITA, T. : Effect of Cold Treatment on Larval Survival of the Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii, in Apple Fruits 210

ITOU, S. : Control Effect of Stalkborer, Cossus insularis(Staudinger),by Application of the Entomopathogenic Nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, on Apple Trees 215

ARAI, T., YAGINUMA, K., TOYOSHIMA, S., ITO, T. and TAKANASHI, M. : Damage of Lymantria dispar and Lymantria mathura aurora in Apple Orchards 220

ARAI, T., TAKANASHI, M., IHARA, F., YAGINUMA, K., and MOCHIZUKI, F. : Emergence of Adult Male Pandemis heparana and Period of Fruit Infestation of Apple Orchards in Iwate Prefecture, Japan 225

FUJITA, T., SANPE, N., OGATA, T., KANNO, E. and SHIMURA, H. : Relationship Between Chemical Adhesion with Water-Sensitive Papers and Control Effect for Peach Brown Rot Caused by Monilinia fructicola and Kanzawa Spider Mite Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida 232

FUNAYAMA, K. : Influence of Fungicides Sprays on Populations of the Natural Predacious Mite, Typhlodromus vulgaris(Acari: Phytoseiidae), in Apple Orchard 236

SATO, R. : Spider Mites and Phytoseiid Mites on Deciduous Fruit Trees in Fukushima City 239

MURAI, T., NARITA, O. and YUKITA, K. : The First Occurrence of Currant Clearwing Moth, Synanthedon tipuliformis(Sesiidae)in Honshu Island, Japan 243

KOMATSU, M. : Occurrence of Toleria romanovi and Damage to Grape in Akita Prefecture 247

AOKI, M., MIYAKE, N., KIMATA, S. and SATOMI, K. : Pasture Damages by Chafers in Hidaka District of Hokkaido in Recent Years 250

MIYAKE, N.,AOKI, M.,KIMATA, S. and SATOMI, K. : Effect of Pesticide for Control of Adult Shiny Chafer, Anomala lucens 253

TORIKURA, T. : The Adult Eclosion Season and the Head Width of Final Molting Larva in Agriotes fuscicollis(Coleoptera: Elateridae) 256


AMEMIYA Y. : Control of soil-borne plant diseases by compost amendments 1

ENDO T. : Disease Occurrence of Several Crops Cultivated in Brazil, Morocco and China 6

HONKURA R. and KIKUCHI S. : Potentiality of Diseased Rice Straws Overwintered on Rack Drying to Become Infection Source of Rice Leaf Blast in Middle Area of Miyagi Prefecture 11

OGURA R., MINO K. and SHIRAI K. : An Effective Method of Controlling Seed-Borne Diseases in Rice Is to Add Vinegar to Biopesticide and Hot-Water Treatment During the Germination Process 18

KOZAWA T., MATSUBARA A., YASUOKA S., IKEDA S., NAGAHAMA O., MIURA H. and KOIKE M. : Outbreak of Wheat Scab Caused by Microdochium nivale on Winter Wheat in Tokachi, Hokkaido in 2010 26

OHBA A., SAITO Y., NAKASHIO O. and TATEISHI H. : Comparison of Control Techniques for Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat and Possibility of Decreased-Volume Pesticide Application. 30

OHBA A., TAIRA T., ITO T., SAITO Y., NAKASHIO O. and TATEISHI H. : Adaptability of Hanging Nozzle with Boom Sprayer for Control of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat 37

HORITA H., SASAKI J. : First Report of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus on Wheat in Hokkaido 43

HORITA H., TAKEUCHI T., SASAKI J., SUZUKI T. and KIGUCHI T. : Distribution of Wheat Yellow Mosaic Disease in Hokkaido 47

MISAWA T. and KOMATSU T. : Occurrence of Rhizoctonia Root Rot of Soybean Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2W and Adzuki Bean Caused by R. solani AG-1TB in Commercial Fields of Hokkaido 50

KADOTA I., IWAMA T. and SHISHIDO K. : Experiment to Analyze Correctness in Diagnosis of Bacterial Canker of Tomato Caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis using Cmm ImmunoStrip Test. 55

IWADATE Y. and YOSHIDA M. : Control Effect of Several Fungicides on Cucumber Scab and Sensitivity of Cladosporium cucumerinum to Thiophanate-Methyl 59

IWADATE Y. : Control of Black Root Rot of Cucumber by Soil Fumigation to Deep Layer with Chloropicrin 65

NAGASAKA A. : Influence of Inoculum Depth on Root Infection and Wilt of Cucumber Caused by Phomopsis sclerotioides, Incitant of Black Root Rot. 70

KOMATSU T., KIMURA F. and SHIMIZU R. : Effect of Soil Temperature Control with Colored Mulching Films on Root Rot of Melon in Hokkaido. 75

MISAWA T. : Control Effectiveness of Several Fungicides Available in Organic Cropping against Powdery Mildew of Pea and Its Duration 79

MISAWA T. and KUROKAWA T. : Damping-off of Japanese Hornwort Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2VB 85

IWADATE Y., CHIBA K., TAKESAWA T., AKASAKA S., KAWAMURA H., TADA K. and NEKODUKA S. : Shut off of Gentian Tumorous Symptoms ‘‘Kobu-sho’’ by Isolation of a Cultivated Field from a Ridge 89

AKAHIRA T. and YAMAMOTO S. : Infection Time and Effect of Fungicides on Wart Bark in Apple Tree Caused by Botryosphaeria berengeriana in Aomori Prefecture 93

AKAHIRA T. and YAMAMOTO S. : Occurrence of Stem-End Rot during Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Apple Fruit Caused by Botrytis cinerea 96

SANPEI N., FUJITA T., OGATA T., KANNO E. and TAKITA S. : Developing Common Spray Schedules for Disease Control with Combination of Fungicides under Mixed Conditions of Apple and Peach Orchards : 1. Examining Efficacy for Controlling Main Diseases of Common Spray Schedules 100

TAKAHASHI Y. and KIKUCHI H. : Control of Pecky Rice Caused by Rice Leaf Bugs, Trigonotylus caelestialium and Stenotus rubrovittatus, with Levee Managements in Small and Medium Sized Paddy Fields 106

KOYAMA J., FUJIMURA T. and ITO S. : Forecasting of Oriental Armyworm, Mythimna separata, by Molasses Trap Method in Aomori and Akita Prefectures, Japan 112

ABE A. and SUZUKI T. : Main Diseases and Insect Pests of Miscellaneous Grains in Iwate Prefecture 119

IWASAKI A. : Dispersal of an Introduced Pest, Liriomyza huidobrensis(Blanchard)(Diptera: Agromyzidae)During First Ten Years After Discovery of the Pest in Hokkaido 123

ONODERA K. : Duration of Effect of Thiamethoxam Seed Treatment for Control of Foxglove Aphid, Aulacorthum solani, in Soybean 127

TAKAHASHI Y., KIKUCHI H. and NAKAMURA T. : Control Threshold of Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis, in Soybean Fields of Akita Prefecture 130

YOKOTA H. : Seasonal Variations in Occurrence of Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis, on Boehmeria tricuspis and Soybean in Central Iwate, Northeastern Japan 134

SAKURAI T., KATSUYAMA N., NAKAO S., TSUTSUMI T., HINOMOTO N., INOUE H. and TSUDA S. : Relationship between Release Number of Haplothrips brevitubus as Booster of Orius strigicollis and Its Effect on Control of Pest Thrips on a Variety of Green Pepper Grown in Greenhouse 140

KITANO N. and YAMASHITA K. : Effect of Soil Fumigant on Damage of Garlic Caused by Ditylenchus destructor 144

MATSUDA M. and SHINDO J. : Effect of Two Insect-Growth Regulators against Onion Thrips, Thrips tabaci, Inhabiting Welsh-Onion Field 148

MATSUDA M. : Control of Pyrethroid-Resistant Onion Thrips, Thrips tabaci, in Welsh-Onion Field 153

MIZUKOSHI T., YAMADA N., KONNO T. and ONODERA K. : Life history and Damage of Dactylispa masonii(Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae)on Japanese Butterbur(Popular Name: “Rawan-buki”)in the Tokachi district of Hokkaido 158

SHINDO J., YAMASHITA K., KITANO N., ARAI S. and ISHITANI M. : Seasonal Prevalence of Major Disease and Pest in Early Planting Culture of Chinese Yam Dioscorea batatas in Southeast Area of Aomori Prefecture 164

AOKI M., TANAKA M. and NARIMATSU Y. : Pentastiridius apicalis as Probable Vector of Strawberry Marginal Chlorosis and Its Life Cycle in Hokkaido 169

ARAI T., TAKANASHI M., TOYOSHIMA S., IHARA F. and NARITA O. : Effect of Four Insecticides on Survival of First Instar Nymphs of San Jose Scale, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, in Apple Trees 174

ARAI T., TAKANASHI M., YAGINUMA K., IHARA F., ITO T., NARITA O. and TOYOSHIMA S. : Annual Fluctuations in Number of First Instar Nymphs of San Jose Scale, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, in Non-Insecticide-Sprayed Apple Orchard 179

ARAI T., TAKANASHI M., YAGINUMA K., IHARA F., ITO T., NARITA O. and TOYOSHIMA S. : Relationship between Number of First Instar Nymphs of San Jose Scale, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, Caught on Tape Traps and Adult Male Pheromone Trap Catch in Non-Insecticide-Sprayed Apple Orchard 182

ITOU S. : Effect of Agricultural Chemicals against Treeborer, Toleria romanovi(Leech),of Grape Trees 186

KOMATSU M. : Period of Infestation of Grapes by Larvae of Toleria romanovi in Akita Prefecture 191

IWASAKI A., AOKI M. and SENOO Y. : Mass Outbreak of Beet Webworm, Spoladea recurvalis, in Sugar Beet in 2010 in Hokkaido and Chemical Control of the Pest 194

OTSUKI K., SUZUKI T., KASHIN J. and ONO T. : Oviposition and Seasonal Prevalence of Sorghum Plant Bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus Matsumura(Hemiptera:Miridae),in Festulolium 199


KIDOKORO T.: What Rice Insect Pests Tell Us about Regional Differences in Ecological Traits and Long-Term Population Dynamics in the Cool Areas of Japan 1

YAMADA, M., SUZUKI, Y., OKAZAKI, K. and KOIZUMI, S.: A Simple Method of Estimating Severity of Rice Panicle Blast 17

KOBAYASHI, T., KANEMATSU, S. and SEKIYA, H.: Control Effect of Rice Blast Disease with Silicon Materials That Can Be Used by Organic Agriculture 22

YAMANA, T.: Reassesment of High-Ridge Cultivation Method Predisposing Winter Wheat to Sclerotinia Snow Mold 27

TODAI, T.: Yield Loss by Bacterial Stem Rot of Azuki Bean 32

FUJINE, O.: Studies of the Experimental Conditions for Testing Fungicides Effect on the Potato Tuber Rot Caused by Phytophthora infestans 37

SHIMIZU, M.: Thermal Death Time of Potato Powdery Scab Pathogen, Spongospora subterranea 42

NAKAYAMA, T. and MURAI, M.: Effect of Silage Fermentation on Survival of Spongospora subterranea Contaminated in Potato Grounds 46

NISHIWAKI, Y.: Control of Corky Root and Influence on Growth of Tomato Using Root Stock in Hokkaido 52

KONDO, M.: Residual Activity of Several Fungicides to Thiophanate-Methyl, Boscalid, Strobilurin-Resistant Isolates of Cucumber Corynespora Leaf Spot Fungus 57

IWADATE, Y.: Monosporascus Root Rot of Summer-Autumn Harvest Cucumber on Open Field Caused by Monosporascus cannonballus 60

SHISHIDO, K., SUZUKI, Y., KIMURA, Y. and NAGASAKA, A.: Effects of Species and Temperature Conditions on the Bioassay for Black Root of Cucurbits 65

KONDO, T.: Occurrence of Mosaic Disease in Melon Caused by Lagenaria Strain of Cucumber mosaic virus in Aomori Prefecture 70

ONODERA, K., TABERI, K. and TORIKOSHI, M.: Relationship between Seed Tuber Production System of Chinese Yam and Incidence Rate of Chinese yam necrotic mosaic virus(CYNMV)in Hokkaido Tokachi District 74

TAKAHASHI, C. and TSUKIBOSHI, T.: Southern Blight, a New Disease of Water Dropwort Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Japan 78

TAKAHASHI, C. and INAO, E.: Control Effectiveness against Soil-Borne Diseases and Weed Seeds and Propagules in Conversed Field of Water Dropwort by Soil Steaming 82

MISAWA, T. and IZUMI, S.: Leaf Blight and Damping-Off of Potherb Mustard(Brassica rapa subsp. lancinitolia)and Komatsuna(Brassica rapa var. perviridis)Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-1 87

MISAWA, T., NISHIKAWA, J. and KAYAMORI, M.: Occurrence of Black Leaf Spot in Strawberry Cultivar ‘HS-138’ and Morphological Characteristics of Causal Fungus 92

IWADATE, Y.: Varietal Differences in Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Three Main Cultivars of Everbearing Strawberries in Iwate Prefecture 97

SUZUKI, Y., SHISHIDO, K., YAMADA, M. and OKAZAKI, K.: Influence of Soil pH Amendment with Converter Furnace Slag on Incidence of Fusarium Wilt of Strawberry 100

YAMAMOTO, H., KIKUCHI, H. and SENDA, M.: Viruses Occurring in Gentian in Akita Prefecture, Japan 104

YAMAMOTO, H.: Detection of Broad bean wilt virus 2, Clover yellow vein virus, Cucumber mosaic virus and Gentian mosaic virus in Gentian by Multiplex RT-PCR 107

AKAHIRA, T., YAMAMOTO, S. and NAKAMURA, H.: First Report on Leaf-Roll Dwarf in Apple Caused by Geniculosporium sp. in Aomori Prefecture 110

ITO, D., KAMIHARAKO, T., FUTATSUMORI, Y. and IZUMI, S.: Disease Occurrence in Organic Culture of Apple Sprayed with Brewed Vinegar and Electrolyzed Acid Water 115

CHU, E. and NAITOH, M.: Analysis of Cause of Outbreak of Disease in Spike of ‘Campbell Early’ Grape by Gray Mold in Aomori Prefecture in 2009 According to Recreation of Weather of That Year 121

TAKAHASHI, Y. and KIKUCHI, E.: Search for Effective Pesticides against Rice Stem Maggot, Chlorops oryzae 124

HASHIMOTO, T.: Effects of the Number of Split-Hull Paddies of Rice Plant on Nymphal Growth and Fecundity of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium(Heteroptera: Miridae)in Hokkaido Prefecture 127

IWASAKI, A. and HASHIMOTO, Y.: Estimation of Major Injury Period of Rice Leaf Bug, Trigonotylus caelestialium(Kirkaldy)(Heteroptera: Miridae)in Hokkaido 132

YOKOTA, Y., MURAKAMI, T. and OHTOMO, R.: Effect of High Temperature from July to August on the Population Density of Stenotus rubrovittatus in Paddy Fields 136

MURAKAMI, T., OHTOMO, R. and YOKOTA, H.: Efficiency of Forecasting Infestation Infestation by Stenotus rubrovittatus Using Pheromone Trap 141

YOKOYAMA, K., NAKASHIMA, T., SATO, T. and YANASE, M.: Estimation of Period of Occurrence of Green Rice Caterpillar, Naranga aenescens, Using Mesh Temperature Data 145

MITAMURA, T., ARAKAWA, A., KISHI, M., YAMADA, M. and OKAZAKI, K.: Survey of Aquatic Insects in Paddy Fields Using Underwater Light Traps 150

ITOU, K. and NARABU, T.: Suppressive Effect of Short-Term Cultivation of Solanum sisymbriifolium on Potato Cyst Nematode Population 157

TAKASHINO, K., ITO, M. and KONISHI, K.: Carabid Beetles in Potato Fields with and without Wild Oats(Avena fatua cv. Hay-Oats)Living Mulch. 160

KITSUNEZUKA, K., KASHIN, J. and HATANAKA, A.: Overwintering of the Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis, and its Occurrence in Soybean Fields in Miyagi Prefecture 165

IWASAKI, A., TAKABAYASHI, T., ONUMA, C. and Miyake, N.: Confirmation of Field Oviposition of Bean Weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus, on Phaseolus vulgaris and Estimation of Overwintering Place of the Pest in Hokkaido, Japan 171

SAKURAI, T., KATSUYAMA, N. and TSUDA, S.: The Effective Number of Haplothrips brevitubus Adults Released to Control Frankliniella occidentalis on a Variety of Green Pepper Grown in Greenhouse. 177

MIYATA, M., MIYAMOTO,T. and YAMANAKA, S.: Control of Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, by Granular Formulation of Entomopathogenic Fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, in Eggplant Field 181

TAKEZAWA, Y.: Monitoring of Synthetic-Pyrethroid –Insecticide– Resistant Thrips tabaci Using Genetic Diagnosis in Sorachi and Kamikawa Districts of Hokkaido 184

MASUDA, T.: First report of the Detailed Biology of Depressaria petronoma Meyrick(Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Depressariinae)on Cultivated Water Dropwort, Oenanthe javanica(Blume)DC, in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan 189

ARAI, T., TAKANASHI, M., IHARA, F. and YAGINUMA, K.: Occurrence of Fruit Damage and Optical Timing of Insecticide Applications for Control Period of Fruit-Infesting Lepidopterous Pests in Mating-Disruptor-Treated Apple Orchards 193

ARAI, T., TAKANASHI, M., IHARA, F. and YAGINUMA, K.: Occurrence and Supplementary Control of Carposina sasakii in Mating-Disruptor-Treated Apple Orchards 199

ISHIGURI, Y.: Mating Frequency and Reproductive Performance of Female Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii 205

ISHIGURI, Y.: Effects of Chlorantraniliprole, an Anthranilic Diamide Insecticide, on Reproductive Success of Peach Fruit Moth, Carposina sasakii 209

HADA, H.: Monitoring Survey of Predatory Mite Living in Apple Orchard in Iwate Prefecture 215

TAGUCHI, S.: Control Effectiveness of Stalkborer, Cossus insularis(Staudinger),by Improved Pouring Processing Method in Trunk Tree of Entomopathogenic Nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, on Japanese Pear Trees 218

MURAI, T. and NARITA, O.: Identification of Species and Monitoring Adult with Synthetic Sex Pheromone of Fruit- Boring Lepidopteran Pests in Plum Prunus salicina Orchards in Nanbu Region of Aomori Prefecture 223

WATANABE, K., YOSHITAKE, H. and HORI, Y.: Occurrence of Atrachya menetriesi(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)Injurious to Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius) 227

HADA, H.: Control Effectiveness of Several Types of Insecticide against Gynnidomorpha rubricana 230

SHIRAISHI, A.: Annual Trend of Number of Horse Flies Captured by Using Boxtraps in Grazing Land in Iwate-Cho, Iwate 233


late NAMAI, T.: Ecological Studies on Pyricularia sp. 1

NAKAMURA, T., WATANABE, K., NIIYAMA, T., KUDO, M. and FUKUDA, H.: Seasonal Occurrence of Rice Sheath Blight Disease in Recent Years in Akita Prefecture 7

FUJII, N. and SAYAMA, A.: Efficacy of Reduced Application Rate of Tricyclazole Drench and Seedling Box Granule against Leaf Blast in Seedling 11

FUKUDA, H., WATANABE, K., NIIYAMA, T., KUDO, M and NAKAMURA, T.: A Simple Method to Investigate the Beginning of General Epidemic of Rice Leaf Blast 15

FUJINE, O., OGURA, R. and NAGAHAMA, M.: Control System for Rice Blast in ‘Kitakurin(Ku-iku172gou)’, a New Rice Cultivar with High Field Resistance to Rice Blast 21

SATO, N., SUZUKI, T. and MIYANO, N.: Occurrence of Some Rice Diseases in the Rice Cultivar “Tsuyahime” in one of the Areas of Miyagi Prefecture 25

OCHI, A., NODA, T., HIDAKA, Y., IYOTA, H. and NAKAMURA, T.: Effects of Seed Disinfection Using Superheated Steam on Rice Blast and “Bakanae” Disease 29

SHIRAI, K. and MISAWA, T.: Occurrence of Symptoms of Potato Early Blight in Stored Tuber in Japan and the Difference in Disease Severity between Potato Cultivars 35

NAKAYAMA, T., KATO, K., MAOKA, T., TAKIZAWA, H., SASAKI, H. and INOUE, T.: Change in Population Density of Potato Common Scab Pathogen, Streptomyces turgidiscabies in Wastewater of Potato-Starch-Producing Factory during Treatment Using Multi-stage Hybrid Wetland System 40

OCHI, S., SAITO, T., ANAZAWA, T., NIHEI, N., ENDO, A., ANAZAWA, T., NAKAGAWA, A., KATO, M. and ARAI, Y.: Validation of Effect of the Combination of Late Sowing and Winter Flooding on Red Crown Rot of Soybean 46

SAYAMA, M. and NAKAYAMA, T.: Effect of Interval of Spraying or Volume of Fungicides Used on Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugarbeet 52

KAYAMORI, M. and HORITA, H.: First Report of Leaf Spot of Komatsuna(Brassica rapa var. perviridis)Caused by Pseudocercosporella capsellae 57

MISAWA, T., YAMAZAKI, K. and TAKADA, K.: Damping-off of Broccoli Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-1 60

HORITA, H.: Effects of Powdery Mildew on Fruit Weight and Dry Weight Percentage of Squash 65

KONDO, M., NAGANO, T., ONODERA, Y. and TSUJI, H.: Continuous Effects of Reductive Soil Disinfection on Black Root Rot of Cucumber 68

IWADATE, Y.: Difference in Susceptibility Observed among Cucumber Cultivars to Scab Caused by Cladosporium cucumerinum 72

MISAWA, T., KOMATSU, T. and TSUJI, H.: Damping-off of Carrot Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IC 76

HORITA, H., SASAKI, J. and NISHIWAKI, Y.: Broad bean wilt virus 2 and Cucumber mosaic virus Isolated from Stock in Hokkaido 81

SATOU, M., KAYAMORI, M., MATSUI, R., CHIKUO, Y., and MATSUSHITA, Y.: First Report on Gray Mold on Dusty Miller Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Japan 86

KONDO, T. and SATOU, M.: Fungi Isolated from Rotten Roots of Russell Prairie Gentian in Aomori Prefecture 89

GOTO, S, HONDA, H., ABE, A., AZEGAMI, K., INOUE, Y. and HIRASAWA, H.: Occurrence of Bacterial Spot of Akebia spp. in Yamagata Prefecture, and Pathogenicity of the Causal Bacteria, Acidovorax valerianellae to Several Crops 93

MISAWA, T. and SATO, T.: Symptoms of Diseases Caused by Colletotrichum spp. Found in Various Fruit Crops in Hokkaido, Japan from 2008 to 2010 and Characters of Isolated Fungi 99

NAKATANI, F.: Seasonal Prevalence of Monilia Leaf Blight and Blossom Blight of Apple in Recent Years and Effects of Timing of Fungicide Spraying for Disease Control 109

SATO, Y.: First Detection of Kresoxim-Methyl-Rresistant Isolates of Alternaria alternata Apple Pathotype in Akita Prefecture 118

AKAHIRA, T. and HANAOKA, T.: Susceptibility to Apple Ring Rot Infection of Apple Branches of Different Ages and Preventive Effect of Fungicides on Wart Bark Formation 121

TAKAHASHI, T. and KIKUCHI, H.: Effect of Echinochloa spp. Heading after August in Paddy Fields on Occurrence of Pecky Rice Caused by Stenotus rubrovittatus 126

TABUCHI, K., SAKAKIBARA, M., YASUDA, T. and MOCHIZUKI, F.: Effects of Ratio of Blend Components of Pheromone Lures on Seasonal Trap Catch of the Sorghum Plant Bug Stenotus rubrovittatus(Matsumura)(Heteroptera: Miridae)in Paddy Fields and Pastures 130

OGINO, R. and HASHIMOTO, Y.: Optimum Timing for Applying Insecticides against the Rice Leaf Bug Trigonotylus caelestialium Kirkaldy(Heteroptera: Miridae)in Hokkaido 136

HASHIMOTO, Y.: Effect of Feeding on Hulled Rice during Rice Ripening Period on Egg Diapause in the Rice Leaf Bug Trigonotylus caelestialium(Heteroptera: Miridae) 140

AIHANA, E., OTSUKI, K., KASHIN, J. and SATO, N.: Control of Green Rice Caterpillar, Naranga aenescens, by Insecticidal Nursery Box Application 143

KIMURA, Y.: Effect of Insecticides and Timing of Control on Larvae of Helicoverpa armigera in Sweet Corn 147

ONODERA, K.: Relationship Between Seed Size of Different Soybean Varieties and Seed Damage Rate of Soybean Pod Borer, Leguminivora glycinivorella 153

OTSUKII, K., KASHIN, J. and KITSUNEZUKA, K.: Monitoring of Bean Webworm Pleuroptya ruralis(Lepidoptera: Crambidae)Using Pheromone Trap in Soybean Fields and Forecasting of Optimum Timing for Control Using the Effective Accumulated Temperature 157

MITAMURA, T. and KISHI, M.: Parasitoid Composition of the Bean Webworm, Pleuroptya ruralis(Scopoli)(Lepidoptera: Crambidae),in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 162

HASEGAWA, K., ABE, A. and ARAKI, M.: Occurrence of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Yamagata Prefecture 167

IWASAKI, A., OGINO, R. and ONODERA, K.: Field Oviposition of Adzuki Bean Weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis, on Adzuki Bean, Vigna angularis, and Estimation of Its Oviposition Period in Hokkaido, Japan 171

YOSHIDA, M. and KATOU, S.: Seasonal Occurrence of Helicoverpa armigera in Iwate Prefecture in 2011 and 2012 176

KIKUCHI, Y., YARA, K., KRAIKRATHOK, C. and SHIMODA, T.: Effect of Insecticides on the Survival of the Diamondback Moth Plutella xylostella(L.)and the Native Parasitoid Cotesia vestalis(Halliday) 182

NONAKA, K., KIKUCHI, K., TAKAHASHI, Y. and ITOYAMA, K.: Interpopulation Variation in Insecticide Susceptibility of the Onion Thrips Thrips tabaci in Akita Prefecture 186

KUSHIDA, A.: Distribution and Reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans, and Its Damage in Carrots in Organic Farms in Tokachi Area of Hokkaido 191

ARAI, T., YAGINUMA, K. ITO, T., TAKANASHI, M. and IHARA, F.: Monitoring of Pearleaf Worm Larvae, Illiberis pruni(Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae),Captured on Double-Sided Adhesive Tape Trap in Unsprayed Apple Orchard 196

HADA, H.: Effectiveness of Permethrin Aerosol Treatment in Control of Stalkborer Cossus insularis(Staudinger)Mature Larvae after Boring into the Heartwood of Apple Trees 200

ABE, A., SASAKI, Y. and ITO, S.: Identification of Species of Fruit-Boring Lepidopteran Pests Observed in the Peaches and Japanese Plums in Mixed-Cropping Orchards 203

ASARI, M.: Effectiveness of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Control of Peach Leafminer, Lyonetia clerkella(Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) 207

SASAKI, M., TAKITA, K. and HOSHI, H.: Forecasting Oriental Fruit Moth, Grapholita molesta(Busck),Emergence Time by Methods Other Than the Pheromone Trap Method in Peach Orchards near Orchards as Mating-Disruptor-Treated Orchards 1. Band Trap 210

SASAKI, M., TAKITA, K. and HOSHI, H.: Forecasting Oriental Fruit Moth, Grapholita molesta(Busck),Emergence Time by Methods Other Than the Pheromone Trap Method in Peach Orchards near Orchards as Mating-Disruptor-Treated Orchards 2. Occurrence of Current Peach Shoots Injured by Larvae 214

KOMATSU, M. and OSUMI, S.: Effect of Flubendiamid on Control of Glossosphecia romanovi(Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)in Vineyards in Northern Japan 218

ITO, S. and KANEDA, N.: Detailed Biology of Treeborer, Glossosphecia romanovi(Leech),in Grape Trees in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan 222

IWASAKI, A., OGINO, R. and SENOO, Y.: Seasonal Prevalence of Peach Green Aphid, Myzus persicae, on Sugar Beet and Occurrence of Beet Western Yellows in Central Hokkaido 227