北日本病害虫研究会 --- The Society of Plant Protection of North Japan

北日本病害虫研究会報 目次
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan: Contents

No. 28(1977)

OKAZAKI, K. : Parasitic Wasps of Rice Leaf Miner, Agromyza oryzae MUNAKATA. 3. Population Dynamics and Parasitic Rstes of the Chalcid Flies, (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) bred from the Lavae of Rice Leaf Miner, (Diptera : Agromyzidae) 10

FUNABASAMA, K., ITO, H., KOBAYASHI, T. and OKU, T. : Local Variation and Prediction of Insect Injuries to Soybean Seeds in Miyagi Prefecture 17

SASAKI, T. : Infection of fusarium moniliforme to Rice Spikelets Damaged by Sparrows 22

MIYAJIMA, K., AKITA, T., CHIBA, S., CHIBA, J. and TANAKA, T. : Bacterial Sheath Brown Rot of Rice Plant in Aomori and Yamagata Prefecture 26

KOBAYASHI, J. and KOYAMA, J. : Studies on the Sampling Method for the Survey of Rice Pests 30

CHIBA, S., CHIBA, J., SHIMADA., K., OTA, K. and KUWATA, H. : The Outbreak of Bacterial Sheath Brown Rot of Rice Plant in Aomori Prefecture and its Effects on Yield and Quality of Rice 38

KATSUBE, T. : Relationship between the Nursery Type and the Incidence of Downy Mildew in Paddy Rice 44

SASAKI, H., KAMEGAMORI, W., FUJII, I. and SAKAMOTO, Y. : Notes on the Muscids Associated with Cattle (Ecological studies of flies. 1) 49