北日本病害虫研究会 --- The Society of Plant Protection of North Japan

北日本病害虫研究会報 目次
Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan: Contents


NARITA, T. : Ovularia pusilla(UNG.) SACC. et D. SACC. on Grasses in Hokkaido. 4

NARITA, T. : The Fungi Identified to Ascochyta phaseolorum SACC. in Hokkaido. III . 12

HAYAKAWA, H. : TAKAHASHI, H., KIKUCHI, T. and SHISHIDO, H. : Tabanid Fly Occurrences and Spraying Effects of a Repellent-insecticide on Grazing Beef Cattle in Nabeyashiki Pasture at Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station. 21

SHINDO, K. : Yearly Fluctuation in Occurrence of The Races of Rice Blast Fungus. 27 KATO, S., AMEMIYA, Y. and MISAWA, T. : the Biological Quantitative Assay of Cucumber Mosaic Virus with Cowpea. 31

KATSUBE, T. and CHELVATHRAI, M. : Potato Tuber Rot Caused by Late Blight in Sri Lanka. 36

KOBAYASHI, T., OKU, T. and CHIBA, T. : Local Variation and Prediction of Insect Injuries to Soybean Seeds in Iwate Prefecture. 41